-Caveat Lector-

   "Laws that forbid the carrying of arms...disarm only those who
    are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes...Such
    laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the
    assailants; they serve rather to encourage than prevent
    homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater
    confidence then an armed man." --- Thomas Jefferson

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: Postings by Paul - The Day of Treason & Terror!
Date: 7 Dec 98 09:34:32 PST
From: American Patriot Friends Network <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

This message has been post to APFN MESSAGE BOARD:

               Dec  7  Japan bombs Pearl Harbor, 1941

Re: Postings by Paul - The Day of Treason & Terror! December 7, 1941
By Kenneth L. Vardon

Don't forget that President Roosevelt discussed the attack on Pearl Harbor
months ahead with Winston Churchill. That has been played on short wave. In a
taped telephone Conversation, Churchill makes the statement "it's the only way
 you are going get the American people in the war", Roosevelt replies, "I
guess  your right". I may not have the exact words, but it is close because I
told  myself, "this I have to remember". When I find a copy of that tape it
will be  played on APFN WEB PAGE. That tape may be on the web now? Roosevelt
is also well  know for the statement, "Nothing in government happens by
accident!" Do you  think they had planned to murder the children at Mt. Carmel
in advance? That  would make me about as mad as I am about the bombing of
Pearl Harbor, December  7, 1941. Hartford Van Dyke wrote a book called
"Skeleton in your Closet" which  is about the cover up of the advance
knowledge of the attack. I have heard him  on talk radio on the subject. I
wish someone would contact him and publish that information on the internet.
Hartford, lives in Battle Mountain, Oregon. I haven't talked with him in a
long time. Hartford is also the father of the "Lien  Process on Public
Officials" and the ghost author of "Silent Weapons for Quit  Wars" --- Sure
fooled Bill Cooper! I can also tell you that the "Gulf of Tolkin"  was a set
up to get us into the "Police Action" of Viet Nam. Yes, I am a little up set
on this day of TREASON and TERROR (horror)! May God bless those souls who
parished on that sad day. May God serve justice to those murders.
A sad day indeed. Just think about it, "THEY KNOW".

    "What mankind will do for "POWER" and "MONEY"? One must be like the
     other, you have either too much or too little of one or the other!

               Oh, oooop's I forgot!---I am out of time!

Just in from a APFN NETWORKER - FM ICQ: 12719737

Remember whatever dialog goes on here whether you agree with it or not was
made possible by our soldiers past and present just think if Germany had
won WW2 or worse if after the war we hadn't stood up to the communists  the
internet probably would not even exist.....
nitehunter [EMAIL PROTECTED]  --- APFN ICQ: 10811517

No copyright - Free to Copy - Forward - Fax - Trash - Respond!

 (No subject)
 Sunday, 06-Dec-98 21:59:05 Message: writes:

     News on socialists in our House of Representatives.

You can go to get information on socialists in our House of Representatives.

When there, click on "organization" and read about the DSA, especially the
first two sentences!  Then, go "back" to homepage. When there, click on
progressive challenge".

When there, click on "Progressive Caucus Members". Here, you will find a
list of  58 members of the House of Representatives who are members of the
"Congressional Progressive Caucus" which is an entity affiliated with the
Democratic Socialists  of America.

The CPC Executive Chair is held by Bernard Sanders, VT-at large. Mr.
Sanders has been said to be the only openly socialist Representative in
our House.

There are 57 other members of the CPC, and several of them you will
recognize as some of the chief apologists for the President. Henry Waxman,
John Conyers, Maxin Waters, Barney Frank, David Bonior, Jerrold Nadler,
Chaka Fattah, et al.

Would think they would be up front on their CPC membership before
apologizing  for the President?

     Check it out.

     Keep the Faith, Paul

 Click here to reply


 (No subject)
 Sunday, 06-Dec-98 21:41:33  Message: writes:

     Check out the reply by Paul to the Global Governance New World Order
     statement by Jan.


 Click here to reply


     [EMAIL PROTECTED]:  Re:  Posting by Paul... (07-Dec-98 06:42:49)
Re: Posting by Paul...Monday, 07-Dec-98 06:42:49 writes:

Paul: Please don't leave us in the dark. Please post the message and the
information or don't POST, send an email. Thanks to all for the wonderful
information posted to this message board. Keep it coming. Please stay on

     "Without justice, there is JUST_US!"
     "The Rule of Law" v. "Laws that Rule"

Any or/all subjects seeking, truth, justice & freedom.
Any or/ all abuse of;  "Oath of Office" by any public servant.
Any networking or web pages that will assist others in learning about
abuse of power.
Any or/all suggestions on enforcing; "Truth in Elite Media"

I hope everybody is building a email/fax network of family and friends.

APFN is not about race, unless it's the human race. I read last night a
Book  supplied awhile ago, "Un-Common - Common Sense" from the,
"Faith, Family, Justice and Freedom Foundation"

I think we as PATRIOTS and lovers of God, Family and country we can share in
this truth. I've been doing this for over five years. When I woke up after
reading this; I more then ever know that what has keep me driving is "in fact"
not "fiction". If ever America needed PATRIOTS it's now!

This next week history in Law will be written. Either we are a nation of "The
Rule of Law". The U.S. House [EMAIL PROTECTED] supports the fact that
you can not lie under "Oath". Any congressperson that does not support that
"Truth in Law" is in fact an offender of their, "Oath of Office" and should be
dealt with accordingly. You do not have to be a lawyer to be a lover of LAW
[TRUTH]! You do not need to be a lawyer to understand "The Rule of Law", you
do not have to be a lawyer to understand "Laws that Rule". Just don't smoke in
a bar in California! Don't ware your seat belt! Don't mine gold! Don't spank
your children! Don't!, Don't!, and oh yes, don't object to giving your SSN to
anyone that asks. Your SSN is also coveted to your drivers lic. number and
don't drive without that insurance! Get ready to stand  n line for your SSN
implant so you can shop faster. Oh, yes, our parents were told that the SSN
would never be used in any manner or form of identification. Ha! Now when a
baby is born he/she is assigned their SSN. I assume you all know how to boil
a frog. I wonder what they are telling us as parents that our children will
inherit. Humm! Giving up the first and second Amendments is something to
Then it could be hate of one form or another. The media likes to make sure we
are a divided people with some form of hate about something or someone ...
Isn't that swell!.. It's hard to get through the day without some sort of hate
being pushed at us. It won't work in the long run, humans by nature are a
loving caring being. Anger and hate are not art of the true nature of the
(human) being. It is a learned trite that has to be nourished constantly or
true human nature of caring and love prevail. (That's a mouth full). Those
teaching this hate are the enemy. Leave me to my home, my family, to love and
cherish. I'll leave you to yours. "If I have not committed a victim I have not
committed a crime"! If I commit a crime and am convicted I expect "The Rule of
Law" to be applied to the letter, without exception. If I break a "RULE" ---
I'll stand in the Connor until I agree to that RULE! I guess! Now I am having
fun! I don't know all the answers but, "It's not what I know, it's what I don't

Please read and follow APFN postings in this series: "The Rule of Law" V.
"Laws that Rule", next posting will be #10. A corrections to these postings
from Lawyers. You do not have to be a member of the ABA to be a lawyer. You do
have to be a member of the STATE BAR to charge for lawyer services. I would
wonder if my Lawyer Advisers would do a little research.

Just for a fact, how many of the 545 are;
2)members of the ABA
3)were elected out of a law office
4)study David Douge's research on the 13th Amendment and post debates
5)admit that "Laws that Rule" is a form of population control

       "All laws repugnant to the Constitution are null and void." -
       United States Supreme Court Marbury v. Madison, 5 US 137, 1803
7) defend -

    "We, the People, are the rightful masters of both the Congress and the
    Courts. Not to overthrow the Constitution, but to overthrow the men
    who have perverted it."  -- Amraham Lincoin

I hope everybody that reads this, sends it to at least 5 lawyer friends. I
look forward to the replies. I sure wish Congressmen Conyers form my hometown
would access this and reply. He sure backed down to Janet Reno in the hearings
on Waco. That whole side of the committee acted in the same manner as they are
on these impeachment hearings. What was strange to me about the Waco hearings
is that it had nothing to do with an offence of "Oath of Office" it had to
duewith government abuse in the murders of citizens that had not committed a
crime. In the trials the Davidians were acquitted of any charges of being the
first to fire" The jury ruled they had the right to defend themselves. I
interviewed the jury foreperson, Sahra Bain on the radio. She clearly stated
that the Davidians were not rpt now responsible for the firefight. Then if not
the Davidians, WHO?

Please read the current postings, "Why Waco? Patriots Respond!" and
replies  Posted on this message board. ---
                             "....and the truth shall set you FREE....!

The publisher of the above book "Un-Common - Common Sense" has a web page;

      WARNING...The Fight for Freedom and Common Sense:.... WARNING

 Regardless of political party affiliation, if you are a liberal, a
socialist, a  statist, a communist, a nazi (all symptoms of the disease of
tyranny), a color/quota bigot, anyone who believes they are "entitled" to
the success of  others; if you believe that the Constitution is "living"
and defined by  Supreme Court penumbra instead of the clear intent of the
Founding Fathers  (For the educationally challenged, this means determine
if a law is  specifically allowed by the Constitution - "YES!" - or make
law as they see  fit - "NO!".); if you hate freedom, hate America and the
American ideal or,  if you believe that emotions are more important than
 (On the other hand, I really don't care.)


               Only the "Truth" and nothing but the
               "Truth" will be and always has been
                       "The Rule of God".

A humble servant. A proud American and a free soul.

Kenneth Vardon, Founder (APFN)
American Patriot (Friends & Fax) Network
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Subject:  Re: Why Waco? Patriots Respond!
        Date: Mon, 07 Dec 1998 09:50:09 -0700
       From:  Mike Crawford <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 Organization:The Cyber Recycler
          To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  References: 1

Real-To:  Mike Crawford <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>Passing around fruitcakes part of your holiday ritual? <g>
Mike Crawford
The Cyber Recycler
Somebody must be reading the message board!

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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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