Capitol Hill -
The papers are now filled with new stories linking CIA
operatives passing information to Hughes.  Capitol Hill insiders
say the source for the CIA leaks is the White House.  The word
being circulated through the halls of Congress is that Clinton
is miffed at CIA Director Tenet for opposing the export of
Johnathan Pollard (crypto spy) to Israel.

Tenet reportedly threatened to walk if the Israeli spy is
released in a U.S. deal for the West Bank.  White House insiders
are said to be leaking the new information to embarrass the CIA
Director into a possible resignation.

Meanwhile, Congress is offering Hughes engineers immunity if
they tell all about their deals with the Chinese Army.  General
Reno is concerned that Congressional immunity will spoil her
plans to prosecute underlings and scapegoats in order to avoid
the big fish in the White House.

The White House -
President Clinton personally engaged his pen to help Hughes,
Loral and Motorola export advanced military technology to China.
Motorola, Hughes and Loral engaged their pens to donate big
bucks to Bill Clinton and the DNC.

Clinton also used executive orders (fiat) to transfer oversight
for military technology away from the State Department and
Defense Department to his buddies at the Commerce Department.

In 1998, Congress over-rode Clinton with a veto proof vote.

Now Clinton plans to employ his crayon AGAIN to transfer
communication satellite export authority back to the Commerce
Department.  This comes only weeks after he signed the 1998
Defense bill that returned satellite authority to the State
Department and Defense Department.

Congress overwhelmingly passed the provisions placing such
oversight with the diplomats and Pentagon brass hats.  Clinton
claims he supports a "balanced" policy.  However, Clinton wants
his cronies at Commerce to continue their extortion export
policy.  The power transfer to Commerce is Clinton's way of
trying to "balance" VP Bore's 2000 campaign bank account.

The Commerce Department -
One Clinton Commerce crony making noise lately is BXA head Bill
Reinsch.  Reinsch is now appearing on the cover of Space News.
Reinsch is reported to have made new comments on why he deserves
to be trusted again with space exports to China.  Reinsch
personally contributed to the LORAL China ("missing crypto
board") export fiasco and has since tried to cover it up.

Reinsch wants to re-apply his vast technical expertise to
oversee more military exports such as satellites.  However,
Reinsch, according to his own bio, HAS NO technical expertise in
military technology.  His only business experience is in running
housing for the elderly in southern Maryland.

Beijing China -
China continues to crack down on dissidents.  The People's Armed
Police (PAP) announced they have executed a computer executive
and an office worker for selling unauthorized imported Personal
Computers, phones and pagers.  The executions follow the arrest
of businessman Lin Hai who is charged with threatening Chinese
State security.  Lin is alleged to have given the email
addresses of some 30,000 Chinese citizens to a email newsletter
in the United States.  Lin is facing up to life in prison.

Washington, D.C. -
The Clinton administration continues to ignore the human rights
violations by communist China while picking on smaller, less
threatening, nations in the far east.  Last month's remarks by
Vice President Al Bore during the Asia Pacific Economic
Conference (APEC) miffed his hosts.  Gore was quick to lick the
boots of the red Communists, ignoring the recent arrests and
executions, while being critical against small (non-nuclear)
pacific states for kicking dissident butt.

Stanford, CALIF. -
Neither big hearted Bill Clinton nor Al Bore have made a single
comment on the arrest of defector Hua Di by communist China.
Hua Di defected to America and became close friends with Clinton
buddies, Stanford Professor John Lewis and former DoD Secretary
William Perry.  Hua's Clinton friends, in turn, enabled him and
his Communist buddy, Lt. General Huai Guomo, to purchase a
secure, nuclear hardened, fiber optic communication system for
the People's Army.

Hua returned to the homeland in January, 1998, under a PLA
promise that all was forgiven.  Hua has reportedly been charged
with passing Chinese State secrets to America and now faces the
death penalty.  Hua's Stanford friends have appealed to Beijing
to release him but the White House remains silent, hoping
Beijing WON'T release the so-called "dissident".

U.S. intelligence officials are concerned because of Hua's
successful penetration of the White House for the fiber optic
system export.  Intell insiders are giving even money that Hua
Di was another spy for Chinese mastermind General Ding.  Hua's
PLA friend, Lt. General Huai Guomo, who set up the fiber optic
deal with the Chinese Army, also works for General Ding at the
Chinese Commission of Science, Technology, and Industry for
National Defense (COSTIND).

1 if by land, 2 if by sea.  Paul Revere - encryption 1775
Charles R. Smith
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SOFTWAR EMAIL NEWSLETTER                            12/07/1998
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