-Caveat Lector-

Thank you for posting this detailed article. I would like to clip it down
to just a few points and comment on the implications which I think are
enormous. Now if you want to put it in the context of this list,
"Conspiracy Theories" I'll just say that you can see all kinds of
possible conspiracies in this. I think some of those conspiracies are
really happening. The entire political system is conspiring against both
the Citizens at large to keep binding, citizen-initiated referenda on
these treaties out of the hands of British Columbians and Canadians and
they are conspiring against the Indians to keep them from asserting their
claims to REAL Sovereignty whereby they could take a place in the UN
General Assembly. The "front men" for the conspirators are the NDP
Government and the Liberal Official Opposition. The NDP have just a few
more seats in the 75 seat Victoria Parliament than the Liberals. Thus
both have considerable power but they use it to practice the "lies" which
are stock-in-trade of the corrupt political system. And that word "lies"
was put in circulation by the Liberals against the NDP.

On Sun, 20 Dec 1998 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> The Laissez Faire City Times
> December 21, 1998 - Volume 2, Issue 43
> Editor & Chief: Emile Zola
> -----
> The Nisga'a: Native Lands Under Political Siege
> by Peter Topolewski
> For the Nisga'a, efforts to reclaim a portion of their traditional land
> are, after many years of negotiating, finally coming to a head in the
> form of a treaty. The champion of the treaty is BC's premier, Glen
> Clark. And although the breadth of power granted to the Nisga'a is
> unprecedented and the treaty is loaded with many unanswered questions of
> law, jurisdiction, and cost. Clark plans, with an almost fatalistic
> determinism, to see it implemented, warts and all, a treaty for a
> treaty's sake. Debate has deteriorated to parties on each side of the
> provincial legislature accusing the other of turning the treaty into a
> political issue. It has become that, with all the usual staged events,
> obfuscation, and name calling.

The biggest issue on jurisdiction is that BC and Canadian Governments
have NO jurisdication over First Nations here. That position is clearly
stated in the "Comprehensive Treaty Framework" of the Union of BC Indian
Chiefs and it was stated in a near full-page ad in the Province daily
newspaper by the Okanagan Nation in 1992. It is valid but neither
Liberal Opposition nor NDP Government want it brought up. Please
understand how astounding this situation is. The British Crown has
affirmed the sovereignty of First Nations here. It has never denied it.
There were no "Indian Wars" no wars of conquest. Only waves of settlers,
squatters who now number almost 4,000,000 on a territory double the area
of Japan. Indians number about 4% of population. The non-Indians HAVE NO
matter before the Provincial Ombudsman. Let's see how they try to weasle
out of it. But there is also the matter of the INTERNATIONAL community.
My expectation is that if one of the dozen or so First Nations here like
Nisga'a, Nuxalk, Okanagan, Haida, Sto:Lo, Kwakiutl etc. applied to enter
the UN General Assembly they would be warmly welcomed. Perhaps even a
sub-group of one of the First Nations of which there are several dozen
would also be welcomed. The sub-groups are analagous to Irish or Scottish
vs. English in the British Isles.

> When the British made way to establish de facto rule over the natives in
> what became Canada, the legal ownership of the land did not, by
> Britain's own law, become the Crown's until the natives were
> compensated, however inadequately. In most of Canada final compensation
> took form in treaties. While today several treaties and the levels of
> compensation are in dispute, at the time the legality of Britain's claim
> on the land was settled with the signatures on the treaties. This,
> however, was not the case in British Columbia.

Now there's the crux of the matter as I stated above.

> Outside of the Douglas treaties that cover a small area on the southern
> tip of Vancouver Island, none were signed with the natives of British
> Columbia. As a result 1,634 of the 2,323 reserves across Canada are
> located in BC. For the last one hundred years native groups -- whose
> cultures are, according to University of Victoria anthropologist Richard
> Ingliss, more diverse than those of Western Europe -- have been given a
> reserve system to replace the land taken by the government and
> distributed to the citizens and governments of BC and Canada.

Part of the big lie is the designation of over 95% of BC land as "Crown"
Land. The crown never seized it. I repeat: The crown never seized it. It
is INDIAN LAND. That is not a "radical" position. It is law. And Premier
Clark is such a clever crook, pretending to be the great friend of the
Indians while stealing their birthright from them!

> treaty will be ratified, and if ratified, then with the approval of the
> non-native people of British Columbia. The fight over the Nisga'a treaty
> is not a clear yes versus no argument. It is a complicated war of wills,
> hopes, morals, and politics, one which is perhaps best introduced by
> saying that while a majority of British Columbians support signing a
> treaty, they do not support this Nisga'a treaty.

This is where the second tier of big liars do their thing...Gordon
Campbell and his Liberal Official Opposition. They keep calling for a
"referendum" on these treaties. But what they mean is a referendum under
the Referendum Act which is at the discretion of the government (or
perhaps a court order) and not according to the 1996 Recall and
Initiative Act which puts such powers in the hands of the common
Citizenry. The reasons why the 1996 Act can be used in lieu of the
Referendum Act are too detailed for this discussion. We deal with them on
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Suffice it to say that "He who pays the piper
calls the tune" and the recall power is an AWESOME power. If the Liberals
were sincere about having the common Citizenry decide on the matter they
could easily use the 1996 Act for that purpose. The electronic
infrastructure (public internet-access kiosks with voting machines) could
be put in place by NDP Government, Liberal Opposition...or even Federal
Reformers who hold most seats in BC. But all are involved in the biggest
conspiracy of all, the conspiracy to thwart, frustrate and delay a
"democratic society" (exact wording from the Canadian Constitution). Any
one of these groups could pick up the phone tomorrow and call in a
computer company to bid on that electronic infrastructure. Do you see
them doing it?

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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