-Caveat Lector-

From: http://www.konformist.com/jonbenet.htm

 Daddy's Little Princess:

JonBenét Ramsey & The Air In Colorado

"Evil on this scale is impossible to comprehend. To know who murdered
JonBenét Ramsey is to know what world we live in, where we are."

James R. Gaines, former managing editor, Time Magazine, January 20, 1997

December 25, 1996 seems, in retrospect, a perfect day for a ritual occult
slaying. Among the scholars who believe that Jesus was a real figure, the
year of his birth is most commonly believed as being in 4 B.C., making the
date the 2,000th Xmas celebration since his coming. And indeed there were
celebrations on 4 B.C.: the holiday is older than the Christian myth. To
quote Acharya S.:

Many of the world's crucified godmen have their traditional birthday on
December 25th. This is because the ancients recognized that (from an
earthcentric perspective) the sun makes an annual descent southward until
December 21st or 22nd, the winter solstice, when it stops moving southerly
for three days and then starts to move northward again. During this time,
the ancients declared that "God's sun" had "died" for three days and was
"born again" on December 25th. The ancients realized quite abundantly that
they needed the sun to return every day and that they would be in big
trouble if the sun continued to move southward and did not stop and reverse
its direction. Thus, these many different cultures celebrated the "sun of
God's" birthday on December 25th.

What we have in Yuletide, then, is a resurrection myth celebration, a day of
recognizing a moment of a new age. We still see this myth in an updated form
in the modern "Baby New Year" mythology, who comes on January 1, which was
day seven of the Feast of Fools - and now curiously of Kwanzaa, the
African-American holiday.

(Incidentally, among the religious cults which celebrated such a holy day
was the Mithra sun god cult that Roman Emperor Constantine was part of.
Along with holding December 25th sacred, Sunday - the day of the sun - was
their holy day of the week. Coincidentally, at around the time of
Constantine's reign, the Christian cult leaders made December 25th the
celebration of Jesus' birthday and Sunday their Sabbath. Although this was
considered an act of blasphemy by other Judaic cults, Constantine issued the
Edict of Milan soon after, officially granting tolerance of Christianity in
the Roman Empire.)

And so, the morning after this metaphorically significant day, a phone call
was placed in Boulder, Colorado at 5:52 A.M. The receiver of the call was a
911 dispatcher for the Boulder Police Department. The sender of the call was
an ex-beauty queen named Patsy Ramsey. The message? "Send help. Send help."

Help was indeed sent. As Officer Richard French arrived less than seven
minutes later, Patsy was in hysterics. She showed Officer French a three
page handwritten note. As she wept, her husband John appeared cool and
collected, although he appeared to pace quite a bit.

The note began simply enough: "Mr. Ramsey," it stated. "Listen carefully! We
are a group of individuals that represent a small foreign faction. We
respect your business but not the country that it serves. At this time we
have your daughter in our possession."

Written in block letters with a black felt-tip pen, the note had some major
oddities. The author knew of John's business activities and a recent huge
bonus he had received. The amount demanded for ransom was $118,000, the
identical amount to his bonus. The money, the note said, was to be in
$100,000 in $100 bills and the rest in $20 bills, placed in "an adequate
size attaché case" (the note had an accent mark on the e for attaché, just
as there is on the second e of JonBenét.) The note had details of Mr.
Ramsey's career in the Navy, describing a year he spent in the Philippines
at Subic Bay, called in the note the SBTC, as though the writer referred to
the place often by those initials. It also had phrases such as "The delivery
will be exhausting," "Any deviation of my instructions will result in the
immediate execution of your daughter," and "we are familiar with law
enforcement countermeasures and tactics," the kind of jargon popular in
military memos. Finally, the note referred to him as "John" 3 times in the
last paragraph, but only as Mr. Ramsey in the formal opening. Based on this
evidence, it was clear that the writer of the note was a sophisticated
person with a military background and intimate knowledge of John Ramsey's

Seven hours later, JonBenét, their lovely six-year-old daughter and a
regular child-beauty pageant champion, was found, dead. Her body was
sprawled on the cement floor of a windowless little room in the basement.
Dressed in a white knit shirt and long underwear, there was duct tape over
her mouth and a garrote made from a white cord around her throat. Another
cord was around her right wrist. The body was covered with a white blanket,
and her red pageant nightgown was laid beside her. She had a red-ink drawing
of a heart on her left palm.

John Ramsey had found the body himself, after his wife had said, "I want you
to search this house. From top to bottom." He immediately bolted to the
basement, stopping at a small broken window on the north side of the house,
which caused Fleet White, Mr. Ramsey's best friend, to notice the anomaly.
Of course, only a midget or child could fit through the window, not likely
candidates as big time kidnappers. There were a lot of rooms and corridors
in the basement, but John went directly to the one where JonBenét was found.

He immediately yanked the tape from her mouth and carried her upstairs,
laying her on the upstairs living room floor. As a Vanity Fair source
reports, "What was interesting was when Ramsey brought the body upstairs he
never cried. But when he laid her down, he started to moan, while peering
around to see who was looking at him." Patsy then collapsed on top of
JonBenét and began praying to Jesus. The net affect of their actions was to
hinder the investigation by messing up the crime scene.

Despite the lack of the crime scene, one thing is immediately apparent: the
"kidnapping" story is thoroughly implausible. Kidnappers don't make a habit
of killing their ransoms, and if they do, they certainly don't leave the
booty behind. Even if JonBenét was murdered in an accident, they would've
dragged her corpse along and continued their extortion ploy. Furthermore,
there was no sign of a forced entry, no footprints in the melting snow
around the house, and, though the Ramsey's would later insist they didn't
set their alarm system at night, there was no way for the "kidnappers" to
know that.

Further facts began to be revealed: a "practice" ransom note was discovered,
on the same legal paper as the final note. A practice note would not be
carried to the premises, so that means both notes were written there,
meaning that the "kidnapping" tale was a last-minute created fantasy, likely
to cover up an "accidental" slaying.

As Vanity Fair reported, the autopsy revealed more, with phrases like
"chronic inflammation" and "epithelial erosion" among the highlights of the
redacted report. Dr. Richard Krugman, a child abuse specialist, noted a
vaginal abrasion which "is a sign of trauma, [but] it's not a sign of sexual
abuse necessarily." Dr. Robert Kirschner of the University of Chicago's
pathology department went even further, pointing out that her vaginal
opening was twice the normal size for six-year-olds. He stated, "The genital
injuries indicate penetration, but probably not by a penis, and are evidence
of molestation that night as well as previous molestation."

There was also blood and urine stains on JonBenét's underpants, a cleaned-up
crime scene and body, and evidence that the child had been "re-dressed"
after the murders, with the cords around her neck and wrist loose as though
it was staged.

Right now, it may be a good time to stand back and state what is rather
apparent: either the Ramsey's were the killers or assistants in the murder,
or they have been the victims of some rather hi-tech silent midgets with no

Dr. Cyril Wecht, the forensic pathologist better known for his criticism of
the JFK autopsy, has no doubt about molestation or who the guilty party is.
"This to me is evidence of sexual abuse," he said in a newspaper interview.
"I think any forensic gynecologist and forensic pathologist would agree with
that." He would also state, point blank, "If she had been taken to a
hospital emergency room, and doctors had seen the genital evidence, her
father would have been arrested."

Of course, whenever someone has pointed any finger of guilt in this case,
the "legitimate" arm of the korporate media has long condemned it as a "rush
to judgement", as though the Cliff Notes evidence just detailed isn't
compelling enough. Instead, the korporate press has long bent over backwards
in this case. Newsweek would report early on that Ramseys' experts concluded
neither John nor Patty wrote the notes, as though the Ramsey experts were
not biased. (In fact, an investigator of the ransom note testing states,
"Out of the 74 names submitted for testing, Patsy's handwriting was the only
one that set off alarm bells," and handwriting analyst Sheila Lowe has found
the note and Mr. Ramsey's known writing "very similar".) Newsweek's cover
story report on the subject in January 1997 not once suggested that the
Ramseys were involved (though such beliefs were already circulating), and
took the whole case as a "mystery" and presenting the kidnapping tale as
plausible. If any blame was placed on the parents, it involved their usage
of JonBenét in beauty pageants, a predictably pious condemnation while they
tried to find some sort of "meaning" behind the Boulder slaying, thus
allowing them to discuss the subject while avoiding the facts. If only there
was such "fairness" in the reporting of Timothy McVeigh or the alleged

Compare this also to the treatment of Louise Woodward, the British au pair
who was tried (and found guilty) on murder charges of nine-month old Matthew
Eappen. The official story is that Woodward must be the guilty party, as she
was with Matthew when he died, but the evidence was indicative that the
killing injury could have happened days before the death. Presumably, if
Woodward is the only one who could have caused the injury, that would mean
that Matthew's parents were incredibly cold and remote to their own child.
Despite these facts, the state wasted little time declaring the 19 year-old
girl a killer rather than investigating the Eappens (who, incidentally, were
fairly wealthy), and the pundits predictably followed suit. Shrill
right-wing ideologue and Dick Riordan suckup Jill Stewart (writing for the
allegedly progressive L. A. New Times) declared Woodward a baby murderer
before the trial had been finished, and Ellen Goodman stated as fact that
Woodward "is still a killer who acted in anger as well as frustration." With
all this hysteria surrounding the Au Pair Trial, you can't help but wonder
if maybe it was an attempt to distract us from the more blatant and
disturbing facts swirling from Boulder.

Eventually, though, even much of the mainstream press has cracked in the
JonBenét tale, as the previously mentioned October 1997 Vanity Fair article
seems little doubt whom the author finds the guilty party. And naturally, in
their attempts to atone for their dishonest coverage, the reports always
predictably bring up the specter of O. J. Simpson. But in fact, besides
involving murder, sex, and wealthy men, the Simpson and Ramsey cases widely
differ. There has been no demonization of John Ramsey as an icon of evil, no
usage of his name as a code word to incite anger in masses. There has been
no Dominick Dunne to feign their moral outrage about the incredible
injustice to civilization involved in the JonBenét death.

Within 24 hours of the Brentwood slayings, there was an onrush of media
declaration that Simpson was guilty. Even now, the Ramsey's are given the
benefit of the doubt in their search for "the real killers." In the middle
of October, the Associated Press began reporting as legitimate the
possibility of another "suspect" in the Boulder case, a 54 year-old man who
lived six blocks away. The reason for suspecting him? 32 years before, he
was convicted of misdemeanor indecent exposure (mooning someone would
qualify as that), a conviction that earned him the label of "a child abuser"
in the AP report. Meanwhile, serial killer Glen Rogers was working within
blocks of the Nicole Brown Simpson's condo at the time of the slayings, and
has been known to brag about his involvement in the murders, providing such
juicy details as the color underwear she wore (according to Rogers, it was
yellow.) The LAPD hasn't investigated it, insisting that Rogers has an
airtight alibi.

Perhaps there is a better case to link to the JonBenét case: the sad story
of Susan Smith and her two children. At first, Mrs. Smith proclaimed she was
a victim of a vicious carjacking who kidnapped her two children, and
described in gory detail a suspect that was little more than a crude
caricature of a 70's black jive-talkin' sitcom character. The story sounded
utterly outlandish, and yet, soon afterward, there was a frenzy to find the
suspect, with the usual civil rights violations of minorities. Eventually,
Susan broke, and confessed to murdering her children herself, and it soon
was revealed that she was a victim of molestation by her father, a
born-again fundamentalist "Christian". Susan Smith was given life in prison,
although if her non-existent monstrous black carjacker had ever been
captured, he certainly would've been given the death sentence and demonized
as a far worse icon of evil than Susan ever was for slaying her own
children. Susan's father, despite admitting to his crimes, was mysteriously
never charged for his own activities.

The JonBenét Ramsey (and Susan Smith) case reveals a pattern of
trivialization of child molestation evidence. This is not some modern
phenomenon concocted in the 20th century, but rather, a secret that has a
dark, ugly history. Freud came face to face with it, when he abandoned his
own seduction theory (his belief that most of the psychological problems his
upper-class female patients had were due to molestation by their fathers)
when it was viciously attacked, due mainly to the nasty implications of it.
But even today, it is at the center of many stories that often grab
headlines. Most of the focus in Woody Allen and Mia Farrow's divorce case
has been on his romance with Soon-yi Previn, Mia's adopted step-daughter.
The korporate media is more often than not silent of the more disturbing
charge, that he molested Dylan, their adopted seven-year-old daughter.
Whenever such charges are briefly mentioned in korporate pieces, it is
quickly added that "the charges are unsubstantiated." What they fail to
mention is that Connecticut state authorities, based on the testimony of
Dylan and others, have stated that they do believe Woody did molest her, but
decided not prosecute anyway, under the excuse of "wanting to spare the
children further suffering." Woody's film career has continued without
pause. Then there is the case of the Menendez brothers, who, after admitting
to murdering their parents, painfully revealed that they were ruthlessly
abused and molested by them over the years, and the twin emotions of fear
and revenge drove their slayings. Rather than investigating the Menendez
claims, they too were viciously demonized for trying to escape the murder
charges and accused of making up their abuse. (Leading the charge,
unsurprisingly, was our good friend from Vanity Fair Dominick Dunne.) And of
course, there is the wild tale of Wacko Jacko, which, even though the
accusations against him are widely believed to be true, are merely passed
off with a laugh among other smirking monologue jokes on Jay Leno. The King
of Pop was last seen fondling "his" baby on the cover of Life magazine, and
the accompanying story forgot to mention the serious charges against him.

(Curiously, the one case where child molestation has been magnified rather
than minimized in the mass media is the charges against David Koresh,
charges which somehow are to justify the mass murder that followed in Waco.)

And so, perhaps JonBenét's death has been relegated to the tabloids for any
real investigation because it is so tawdry and so doomed to wallow in
sensationalism due to the dirty laundry it uncovers. Perhaps. But perhaps
the dirty laundry goes much deeper, and it is these darker truths which are
intentionally being submerged in the Ramsey case.

"There is a killer on the loose! I don't know who it is, I don't know if
it's a he or a she, but if I were a resident of Boulder, I would tell my
friends to keep... to keep your babies close to you. There's someone out

Patsy Ramsey on CNN

In all the trees that have been slaughtered covering the JonBenét story,
precious little has been written about John Ramsey's business dealings,
besides that he's rather successful. If it is mentioned, it usually is
inserted as an afterthought, briefly brought up and then almost immediately
discarded as unimportant. If Mr. Ramsey is considered to be a murder
suspect, however, what he is and what he is involved in should remain
central to the investigation.

Who is John Ramsey? A former Navy officer, he moved to Atlanta in the early
seventies. John combined his knowledge of electronics engineering and
marketing to form a computer firm, Advanced Products Group. The firm would
merge with two other firms in 1988 to form Access Graphics, and he and Patsy
moved to the new headquarters in Colorado. The company would later have a
major change of fortune: it was bought up by Lockheed Martin, and soon
became a company with one billion dollars a year in sales.

Lockheed Martin is the "new and improved" version of Lockheed after buying
up Martin Marietta, combining two of what were among the nation's (and
world's) biggest defense contractors. Lockheed in the 70's, as described by
Jonathan Vankin in The Big Book of Scandal, was a "a company that sold
billions of dollars in weapons every year, while covertly functioning as one
of the world's largest organized crime syndicates." As Tom Jones (chair of
smaller rival Northrop Corp, not the Las Vegas lounge singer) admitted,
"Sure, we bribed people. We were just following Lockheed's business model."
Lockheed chairman Dan Haughton replied, "We prefer to call them

Among the fine agents (or, in Lockheed's code, "locust") for Lockheed was
their Middle Eastern representative, Syrian arms merchant and CIA asset
Adnan Khashoggi, chum of Ollie North, major player in the Iran-Contra
scandal, and cousin of Dodi Fayed, soon-to-be husband of Lady Diana before
their little "car accident". Officially, Khashoggi earned $106 million in
Lockheed "commissions" for his work, though knowing the arms business, that
may be an understatement.

Lockheed's locust for Japan was Yoshio Kodama, a right-wing nationalist with
strong ties to the Yakuza. Rather than being tried for war-crimes, the CIA
got him off - and back into the corridor's of power.

Allegedly, Khashoggi funneled $1 million of his funds into Trickie Dick's
re-election campaign. (As for Lockheed, officially, they were the only major
corporation not shaken down for cash by Nixon's CREEP committee.) On
September 1, 1972, Nixon met in private with Japan's Prime Minister, Kakuei
Tanaka. Three days later, Japan began buying $1 billion in anti-submarine
planes, and soon after All-Nippon Airways ordered $400 million in Lockheed
Tristar Passenger Jets. Kodama began receiving crates of yen.

In the mid-70's, a congressional committee led by Frank Church began
investigating Lockheed's shady practices. When the committee subpoenaed
Lockheed Treasurer Robert Waters, he "committed suicide". Kodama, meanwhile,
suffered a stroke, and while bedridden, ultra-nationalist Mitsuyasu Maeno
commandeered a plane and crashed kamikaze style in his home. Maeno's
motivation was alleged outrage that his hero had shamed the nation. (No word
if Maeno was clutching Catcher in the Rye.)

Despite even admittance of criminal activity, Lockheed walked. And walked
profitably, winning the Stealth Fighter contract, the most expensive plane
at the time, in the 80's. And yet, despite evading any punishment for their
blatant crimes, we are supposed to chalk this up as history, that Lockheed,
shamed by their illegal activities, stopped them all by their lonesome

Uh huh. Sure.

Bribery has a not-too-distant cousin, blackmail. And where you see one, you
almost always see the other. As Number Two would say to the Prisoner, "By
hook or by crook." Carrots work great, but sometimes sticks work even

The "carrot and stick" strategy was used in Operation Gladio, a successful
attempt by the CIA to control politics in Italy, an operation that soon
covered all European nations. Supposedly fearing governmental takeovers by
communists or socialists, the CIA began backing and controlling candidates
that it deemed preferable, fascists who often were Nazi collaborators and
drug-dealers. The CIA pumped funds in campaigns for their personal picks,
and financed propaganda units posing as objective news reporters. (Among the
"journalists" involved in this scheme include Walter Pincus, writer of the
Washington Post's Gary Webb hit piece, and future Ms. Magazine editor Gloria
Steinem.) Using the bait of sex and drugs, they would lure politicians in
compromising positions as well, having them in their pocket for life or be
destroyed by scandal.

Just how low did Gladio blackmail go? A recent sex scandal in Belgium gives
a clue. In the summer of '96, Belgian police arrested Marc Dutroux, who was
accused of kidnapping young girls, sexually abusing them, and killing them.
Two teenage girls were found chained and starving in his basement, and there
were dead bodies on his property. All quite Silence of the Lambs stuff, but
it soon was revealed that the police had long suspected Dutroux was a
pedophile killer. They had let him be. Dutroux, meanwhile, a working stiff
on welfare, became wealthy.

Though Belgian officials have done their best to hinder the investigation,
the reason Dutroux got away with it for so long was that he and his friends
were using the girls for sex parties involving the elite in business,
military, and politics. A judge who attempted to get to the bottom of the
matter was soon dismissed by his superiors in the Ministry of Justice.

To think that Dutroux masterminded this blackmail operation all by his lone
nut self would be utterly absurd. To suggest that it was a modern
manifestation of Gladio at work would be quite logical. In any case, even
Time Magazine, in one of the rare mentions they've had on this apparently
unimportant scandal, described shadowy links from this operation to
mobsters, and mentioned the usage of "underground tunnels."

Ah, yes, underground tunnels. The same kind of tunnels described by the kids
at McMartin preschool, who also claimed they were the victims of Satanic
ritual abuse, claims which were utterly mocked in the mass media. In fact,
they still are mocked in the mass media - despite the evidence to the
contrary, including wide-spread sexually transmitted diseases among the
kids. People Magazine is not particularly noted for its investigative
journalism, yet had a reporter "investigate" the McMartin pre-school story.
After interviewing Dr. E. Gary Stickel, the UCLA archaeologist commissioned
to excavate the McMartin site, the reporter wrote back to headquarters that
no tunnels had been uncovered. When Dr. Stickel heard this, he was
surprised, as he told the reporter the exact opposite, which his 185 page
Report of the Archaeological Excavation of the McMartin Preschool Site duly
notes. "I told her the children said there were tunnels and we found
tunnels. It was as simple as that." After alerting People of the apparent
failure to communicate, People began researching his evidence - and then the
story was bumped. People, incidentally, is owned by the Time Warner, the
people that bring us both Time and Life magazine.

Why the cover-up in McMartin? As reported by Alex Constantine and Ted
Gunderson, among others, McMartin was a front for CIA brainwashing of
children. (The elder McMartin, who was involved in the building of the
preschool in 1966 -when the tunnels were built as well - worked for noted
CIA front Hughes Aircraft.) It is hardly a solitary case: the usage of
children in brainwashing experiments (often using Satanism and pedophilia)
is a well documented phenomenon.

Among the other noted cases besides McMartin:

* Franklin, Nebraska. A well-connected black right-wing businessman named
Larry King - not the talk show host - sang the national anthem at the GOP
convention in 1984 and 1988. He also headed the crooked Franklin Credit
Union, which was closed after it was uncovered King had swindled $39
million. Investigation soon found the predictable links to CIA-Mafia cocaine
money laundering... and then began uncovering that King was the head of a
Satanic pedophilia ring, which led to high powered politicians in our
nation's capital. Soon after, the investigation was sandbagged. A
documentary uncovering the scandal, Conspiracy of Silence, was set to appear
on The Discovery Channel on May 3, 1994, but was pulled from the air the
last minute, despite having been cleared by channel lawyers. They have
shelved it ever since.

* The Presidio Army Base in San Francisco. A huge sexual abuse scandal first
broke out in the early eighties at the Orwellian named Presidio Child
Development Center. At the center of the day care center scandal was
Lieutenant Colonel Michael Aquino, head of the Satanic Cult Temple of Set.
He was also an army intelligence expert in psychological warfare with a top
secret clearance. Despite the children giving a bulls-eye description of
Aquino's bedroom, Aquino was never charged with any crime, and the
children's abuse was dismissed as another hysteria.

* The Finders. Though not as well-known, the Finders is nonetheless an
astounding case. Six seriously abused children were found in Tallahassee,
Florida with two members of the cult. A raid of a Finders' warehouse in
Washington, D.C. found loads of graphic child pornography. Investigators
checked with the State Department on a passport that was found, and were
told to "terminate further investigation".

They soon discovered that the Finders was a CIA front that supposedly had
"gone bad", and that the leader of the cult, Marion David Petite, had a wife
who was a "former" CIA agent and a son who worked for Air America. The case
against the Finders was quickly dropped.

Perhaps the most shocking claims are made by Cathy O'Brien, who writes about
her own alleged Satanic abuse as a CIA sex slave from early childhood in her
book Trance Formation In Amerika. Her husband, a "former" CIA agent named
Mark Phillips, rescued her and has since supposedly helped her recover her
memories. There are many who believe he is little help to her. Many of her
memories and claims have been provably false, and yet there are many claims
that have been repeated elsewhere by others independently. Among her more
interesting (and many state more verified) report are that George Bush
molested her and her daughter while strung out on heroin (curiously, Mr.
Bush was a regular at many of Larry King's parties in Franklin), and that
she was gang-banged by the Bennett Brothers, William (finger-wagging Book of
Virtues writer and former commander of our phony drug war) and Robert
(current White House counsel to Bill Klinton in his tame by comparison
Peckergate scandals involving Paula Jones and Monica Lewinsky.) Cathy
O'Brien claims she was drawn into this web of horror at early childhood,
recruited because of her fresh good looks and her family connections in the
occult underworld. The name of the program she was involved in is claimed to
be called Monarch.

In retrospect, the Monarch operation may go even deeper than anyone has
alleged. Scratch the surface of many juicy tabloid tales, and they seem to
flow from the same CIA-Mafia-Satanic well that no korporate journalist dares
to drink from. The richer victims in the Manson slayings were reputed (by
sources of Ultimate Evil author Maury Terry) to have been involved in
trafficking kiddie porn as well as LSD. Michael Jackson has strong ties to
the Mafia, which is said to be behind his infatuation with Italians. The
Menendez parents also have been linked to Mafia, which may explain the
not-so-irrational fear of their sons. (Oddly, Mr. Moral Outrage Dominick
Dunne, who has apparently patterned himself after Truman Capote and comes
from a wealthy Eastern establishment family, never found time or interest to
cover the Jacko case or the McMartin Trial, and apparently is entirely
uninterested in the Ramsey affair. One of his daughters was murdered by her
boyfriend, who then received a stunningly light sentence, and one of his
sons was "kidnapped" during the Simpson trial which required him to
temporarily leave the trial, a story that never has been fully explained.)

But of course, the korporate media has conveniently ignored the
possibilities in these cases, often going out of the way to denounce the
more blatantly disturbing ones. There is, for the example, the Remembering
Satan story, which Lawrence Wright wrote in 1993 for the New Yorker. Despite
a confession from a Washington state county sherriff and Republican Party
leader, Paul Ingram, of being involved in Satanic ritual abuse of his
daughter and others, Wright presented the theory of the False Memory
Syndrome Foundation (a "foundation" loaded with CIA agents) that the stories
were imagined fantasies of guilt, supposedly brought on by his being a
deeply fundamentalist Christian. Certainly it couldn't be that his
"Christianity" was a cover for the same things done by high-ranking
Republicans in Franklin. (Interestingly, Susan Smith's father also was a
high-ranking GOP man and a self-proclaimed "born-again Christian", perhaps
explaining why he was never charged for his admitted crimes - and which
suggests there's even more to that case.)

In the end, all these tales prove one thing: that the place to find the
truth is in Hollywood fantasy. After all, wasn't it Raymond Shaw's mother in
The Manchurian Candidate who, kissing his lips passionately, reveals herself
to be not just his kontrol agent but secret lover? In the master Jack
Nicholson vehicle Chinatown, wasn't the big plot twist that the big and
powerful running Los Angeles were involved in molesting their own kids? (The
director of the movie, Roman Polanski, was incidentally also the director of
Rosemary's Baby and the father of Manson victim Sharon Tate's never-born
child.) Wasn't the movie Angel Heart about the lords of Louisiana being
dedicated to multi-generational Satanism? And, when it was finally uncovered
who killed Laura Palmer in Twin Peaks, didn't it turn out to be her father,
who appeared to be "possessed" by demons, thus indicating that in his
bizarre tale of strange happenings, David Lynch was really exposing the
bleak machinations behind black magick occultism hidden in Middle Amerika?

All of which leads us full circle back to Colorado and Jon-Benét. The
Ramseys certainly fit the same bill. Which is perhaps why one investigator
of this stuff put it to me, "Cathy O'Brien is a Jon-Benét Ramsey that

To label John Ramsey and Access Graphics as a stick in CIA stick and carrot
affairs may seem a outrageous allegation. And perhaps it would be
irresponsible journalism. Almost as irresponsible as noting that Mr. Ramsey,
a well-connected military fellow, resided in Atlanta when a string of over
30 child murders happened in the black community between 1979 and 1981.
There are urban legends that the FBI and CIA were actually behind them, that
the young bodies were used for some bizarre experiments. (It is interesting
to note that the Center for Disease Control has it's headquarters in
Atlanta, and that these murders struck in the early days of the AIDS
epidemic which has targeted blacks and homosexuals. Preceding the epidemic,
homosexuals were recruited into "experimental hepatitis-B vaccination
programs" run by the CDC in ads specifically targeting them.) Other tales
say it was members of white upper crust families getting their rocks off.
The Feds would later pin the blame on Wayne Williams, a black male, over
dubious fiber evidence that they proclaimed proved he was the lone madman
killer. Even by official claims, however, he was only behind up to 23 of the
slayings, leaving over a half-dozen officially unsolved, but beings these
were minority children, it was swept away with the "Case Closed"

I suppose it would also be irresponsible to note that Patsy Ramsey was born
and raised in Parkersburg, West Virginia, a city better known for the
Federal Bureau of Public Debt Building, a project located there at the heavy
insistence of West Virginia's longtime Senator (and longtime Appropriations
Chairman) Robert Byrd. Byrd, it should be noted, is fingered by Cathy
O'Brien as one of her main oppressors. He has also been alleged (by an
article in a fundamentalist Christian magazine) to be one of the main people
behind the formation of Michael Aquino's Temple of Set. Do two rumors equal
a truth? No, but in any case, Senator Byrd is a "former" member of the KKK.

Adding to the irresponsibility, it turns out Patsy Ramsey's father, Don
Paugh, was an engineer for Union Carbide, the fine folks who brought us
korporate murder in Bhopal and whose former mining camp in Guyana provided
the spot for Jim Jones little Utopian community. Early on, Don was asked to
help out John Ramsey's then struggling business, and became vice president
in charge of operations. According to Jeff Merrick, a former John Ramsey
associate, "The word is that John was going broke and Don bailed him out
financially." How he did that on his middle-class income is questionable.
The Paughs may have instead used their impressive connections via the Miss
America Pageant circuit, which both Patsy and her younger sister Pam had
been contestants in after both being crowned Miss West Virginia. Due to her
programmed, controlled manner, famed-sportswriter and 1977 Miss America
judge Frank Deford wrote in his notes that Patsy was "a little automoton."
JonBenét was particularly noticed for her ability to freeze all motion and
hold a pose, an incredible feat considering she was only six years old.

A "little automoton" in training?

Like mother, like daughter.

Yes, all this is irresponsible perhaps, but very illuminating. And perhaps
as illuminating as an alleged claim in the Star that a large amount of
kiddie porn had been downloaded on Access Graphics computers. The article
also noted that AG did a lot of work in Amsterdam's red light district. Of
course, in the tale of JonBenét, the tabloids have been the lone korporate
media sources to proclaim shamelessly that the Ramseys are indeed the
culprits. However, this report in particular is a blockbuster, as it hints
at JonBenét being only part of a pattern. While the Star seemed to point the
finger solely at Mr. Ramsey, the fact remains Access Graphics is part of
Lockheed Martin, and thus any child pornography on their computers indicates
a major scandal.

As pointed out in Grossed-Out Surgeon Vomits Inside Patient! An Insider's
Look At Supermarket Tabloids, by Jim Hogshire, a study by Deborah Gruenfeld
revealed that headlines tend to influence people's beliefs to a degree which
makes the articles nearly worthless in value. Further, tabloids only trail
marginally behind mainstream journalism in terms of believability (which,
considering the equally disgusting level of deceit in both, is quite
understandable.) Thus, the best way to influence public opinion is not
through well-reasoned and well-written articles, but by having headlines
with sensational - and thus attention-getting - claims shoved in the face of
the most number of people. Like, say, at the checkout counter of a

The founder of the model for supermarket tabloid publishing was a man named
Generoso Pope. In 1951, as Mr. Pope would readily admit in his own "Who's
Who" Biography, he worked for the CIA in their psychological warfare
division. In 1952, he bought the Hearst-owned New York Enquirer (he changed
the name to The National Enquirer) and started his media empire, supposedly
independent of his lone one year stint (or so he claims) in league with
Langely. Pope financed the purchase via a loan for twenty grand from mobster
Frank Costello, who also happened to be godfather of Pope's children.
According to Pope, the loan was at "zero interest." Thus, the beginnings of
tabloid journalism have the predictable intelligence/Mafia fingerprints all
over the place.

In retrospect, it all makes sense. At the time, the CIA plot known as
Operation MOCKINGBIRD was in full effect, an attempt to put it's bloody
tentacles over the entire korporate media apparatus, an attempt that has
clearly succeeded. But as any expert of Machiavellian plots will tell you,
to truly kontrol something, you also must kontrol the alternatives. It
should then be no surprise that suddenly the supermarket tabloid popped up,
to give the masses a false option of "choice". By being an option that is so
easily discredited, it somehow manages to reinforce the "legitimacy" and
"integrity" of mainstream korporate journalism. The tabloid also serves for
middle America as another kontrol mechanism, the pages filled with a
reactionary ideology that is disgustingly racist and sexist, which explains
why tabloids regularly have been propaganda mills for the ruling klass. And
finally, the tabloids are the perfect place to throw a legitimate story that
the elites desire to discredit.

Which leads us back to the front page report by the Star linking Access
Graphics to kiddie porn. So far, neither John Ramsey or Lockheed Martin have
sued. In fact, they have not even bothered to comment. Which is odd,
considering the disturbing claims that the Star made. So the question is why
have they not commented, and why did the Star publish it in the first place.
I'll let you make up your own minds of the meaning of it, but if anyone has
a better explanation than that it was released by the Star to discredit the
report, I'd like to hear it.


Bizarre phrase with Masonic designs inlaid in the floor of the Denver
International Airport.

In any case, the usual suspects have all lined up in the predictable ways.

How big is Haddon, Morgan & Foreman, the law firm representing the Ramseys?
As Denver Post columnist Chuck Green put it, "Take a look at their offices
here in Denver. Then take a walk over to the Governor's Mansion a few blocks
away and tell me which is bigger, and I'll tell you which one is more
powerful." Among the firm's clients are Gary Hart, Governor Roy Romer,
former Governor Richard Lamm, and, curiously, Hunter S. Thompson. Alex
Hunter, Boulder's district attorney, is a political ally of the firm, which
may explain why rather than investigating the Ramseys, the D.A.'s office has
often seemed more like collaborating with them, sharing evidence with the
legal team of the unindicted and uncharged Ramseys. Thanks to arrangements
made by their lawyers, the Ramseys were provided with copies of their
original statements and police reports if they would agree to talk with the
police. The Hunter office has taken as plausible the "lone nut intruder"
theory first promoted by the Ramseys, who have pointed the finger of
suspicion at any person close to them that seemed to doubt their silly tale.
By April 1997, the Boulder police decided they could no longer trust the
D.A.'s office, and decided to stop sharing information. Soon after, their
computer system was hacked into.

There was fluid found on and near JonBenét's body. Rather than be checked
immediately for DNA, it was held, and then later sent to Cellmark
Laboratories, the wonderful lab whose supposed impeccable DNA testing
"proved" that O. J. Simpson was the real killer. There is no disputing that
biological material had been recovered from the JonBenét crime scene, yet
soon it was reported that no semen had been found at the crime scene. You
would think that by now, those fabulous sleuths at Cellmark would've
uncovered something, semen or not, but so far it has been nil. Cellmark, of
course, is located in Maryland, right near the Pentagon and the heart of the
Military Industrial Komplex.

Soon after hiring their law firm, the Ramseys hired Patrick Korten to be
their spokesman, a job Korten held for the Department of Justice under Ed
Meese. Korten's firm, Rowan & Blewitt, is a PR firm that boasts of being
specialist in "crisis management", a nice term for "spin doctors," which Mr.
Korten had a lot of practice during the corrupt reign of Meese in the DOJ.
During the Meese years, there was the scandal behind the bilking of Inslaw
over its Inslaw software, which ultimately led to the death of journalist
Danny Casolaro. Curiously, Casolaro was in Martinsburg, Virginia for a
planned interview with members of the staff of good old Senator Byrd on the
night of August 9, 1991. Casolaro had mentioned to others that one chapter
of his planned expose on government corruption would be about Byrd, and he
believed the secrets that would crack the Inslaw case resided with Byrd
staff members. What happened in that meeting, or if it indeed happened, is
an open question, for the night of August 9 was the last time he was seen
alive. He was found dead in his hotel room the next day, officially labeled
a suicide though clearly not. Incidentally, August 9-10, 1991 coincided with
the 22nd anniversary of the Tate-LaBianca slayings (22 being the year cycles
in a the Crowley-inspired Thelemic Calender to match the number of trumps in
a Tarot deck.)

And so, the creepy occult fingerprints appear once again. Perhaps it is but
a coincidence that the lone Ramsey press conference, which some have
compared to a Ramsey infomercial, was on May 1, coinciding with the occult
holiday of May Day or Beltain. Or maybe other events swirling in the air of
Colorado can provide some clues.

In nearby Denver, the DIA (Denver International Airport) opened in February
1995, 16 months later than planned and way over budget. It was a scandal all
by itself, a mystery where all the money disappeared, labeled as government
"bungling" and "incompetence". But to some, there is a far greater scandal
hidden in the answer as to where the money actually went.

The airport is loaded with secret society symbology. The capstone for the
DIA is a Masonic symbol, located at the part of the terminal called The
Great Hall, which is the Masonic name for their meeting hall. On the Masonic
Capstone is inscribed "NEW WORLD AIRPORT COMMISSION", a group that,
strangely, is not officially known to exist. There are many murals at the
airport with apocalyptic themes. Some believe these murals represent a
blueprint for the plans of the elites. One of the murals depicts 3 caskets
containing dead women, each representing groups the elites may label
expendable. One is an African or African-American woman, the other is
Jewish, and the third is a Native American. In the same mural is shown the
destruction of city and forest, a little girl holding a Mayan Tablet that
predicts destruction of Civilization. Another mural depicts a green giant
"Darth Vader" like figure wearing a gas mask destroying a city. In this
mural women can be seen carrying dead babies. Another mural depicts a boy
collecting weapons from all the other children of the world. The boy has a
huge iron fist and is pounding all the weapons into plowshares on an anvil.
The boy appears to be German.

Perhaps you can dismiss this as mere artistic license, a public arts program
gone amuck, a Piss Christ or Karen Finley smearing herself in chocolate.
However, artists who made the DIA pieces first claimed in an interview that
guidelines WERE provided for their work. Their story later changed on this

Disturbing art is but the beginning of explaining the budgetary black hole
of DIA. A man named Phil Schneider claimed during the last year of
construction that the underground airport system was being connected to a
deep underground base. The base is at least 8 levels deep, with a 4.5 square
mile underground city and an 88.5 square mile base underneath the airport.
Alex Christopher, Author of Pandora's Box and Pandora's Box II - an expose
of the British instigation through Washington D.C. over the last 200 years -
adds, "It is very unusual that they would allot a 50 square-mile area on the
surface at which to locate an airport in the middle of nowhere unless they
really planned to use it for something very unusual later. There is a
10-mile, 4-line highway out to this airport, and there is nothing out there
in between the airport and Denver. Not even a service station, at least in
September 1995."

So why is an author of anti-British smears talking about the DIA? It turns
out that, according to Christopher, the Queen of England has been buying up
a lot of property in Colorado under a pseudonym. Along with the Crown, the
CIA has a naturally great interest in the area. Rodney Stitch, author of
Defrauding America, claims to have a copy of a tape of a CIA agent paying
off the mayor of Denver to get the airport built, to the tune of $1.5
million. Nazis have an interest in the area as well, as much of the DIA's
symbology refers cryptically to the Black Sun, some sort of Nazi secret
occult worship. (Colorado had long been a strong center for the neo-Nazi
movement, most notably through the June 1984 assassination of radio
talk-show host Alan Berg.)

If the Brits, Nazis, and the CIA plotting together over an airport with a
huge underground base is too weird for you, then the tales of Lizard Aliens
being involved may be too much to swallow. And yet, that is what some
informants of the DIA precisely state. Some allege that evil Reptilians and
Alien Greys are the true masters of the underground bases (they are also
reputedly the true masters of the Pentagon, but that's another story) and
are using human slave labor in these deep underground bases, much of this
slave labor being children. Supposedly, when the children reach the point
that they are unable to work any more, they are slaughtered on the spot and
consumed as snacks by the alien lords. (Apparently, the aliens like human
children for their veal-like taste.)

Perhaps this explains why, according to some studies, over 200,000 children
each year just "disappear". With the alien connection to all this, it should
be no surprise that the previously named Phil Schneider also worked and
reported on other government underground facilities, such as Area 51 and in
Dulce, New Mexico. Schneider has since "committed suicide," supposedly
hanging himself.

Are the tales of aliens true or fantasy? That is open to debate. There are
some who believe that reports of alien beings involved in black budget
operations is a deliberate leak, an attempted smokescreen to discredit any
legitimate research in the nefarious work of the Secret Government. There
are others who insist that they are the truth. In either case, the only
place where alien sightings are reported in the korporate media is in the
tabloids, which means it is either being marginalized, being used as
propaganda, or (perhaps) both.

Aliens or no, there are some claims that seem to have some validity. On
November 15, 1997, a man performing maintenance on a plane at DIA saw there
were over 120 children on the flight. When he questioned a woman that was on
the flight with the children, she replied, "Social Services, now get out of
here" as she flashed a badge. Checking the flight plan records, he
discovered the plane was headed for Paris, the same destination as TWA 800.

What is the whole purpose of all this Rocky Mountain weirdness? As the New
World inscription at the DIA indicates, the rumor is that the Colorado area
is where the establishment of the Western sector of the New World Order will
be in the United States. Denver is of a high altitude and ideal for
underground buildings. Curiously, according to these same sources, Atlanta
is supposed to be the control center for the Eastern Sector, home of the
1996 Olympics (which required a lot of building and construction) and
previous stomping grounds of John Ramsey himself.

Is all this rumor just hysterical rambling? Or is there some (if not
complete) truth to it all? Is it just a coincidence, or an ominous warning,
that the trials of the Oklahoma City Bombing - which many view as a
Reichstag-like government-staged act of terrorism to promote a more
totalitarian government all to help "protect" us - were held in Denver? Is
there something more to the A-10 that flew to Colorado and disappeared
somewhere around the area of Vail and Eagle and Aspen, Colorado? Is there
more to the "fireballs" that first began being reported January 11, 1998, a
mysterious object that lit up the night sky up and down, then startled
witnesses with a deafening explosion? (The official explanation is meteors
caused by the ultimate konspiracy komet Hale Bopp, but the explanation
doesn't seem to explain why the meteors all seem to focus on the Denver

Maybe this is too much dot-connecting for some. After all, there should be
some sort of bizarre, astronomically unlikely event with huge hidden
occult/Masonic messages to signify that, yes, indeed, the New World Order is
here, and Denver is where it is being run at. A clue that would repeatedly
use important occult numbers such as 3 (for trinity), 7 (for perfection),
and 13 (for bad luck.)

On January 25, 1998, the Denver Broncos won Super Bowl XXXII (which precedes
number XXXIII or 33, the highest degree of Freemasonry, and 32 itself is the
freezing point on the Fahrenheit scale.) The Broncos victory over 3-time
winning Green Bay Packers ended a streak of 13 consecutive years where the
AFC representative had lost. The Broncos won by 7 points, scoring 31 (13
backwards.) Their quarterback, the lucky number 7 John Elway, had previously
endured 3 humiliating defeats in the Super Bowl during his first 7 seasons,
then managed to be shut out from the big game for 7 straight seasons. In his
15th season (or the 3rd set of 7's) he hit paydirt. The games Most Valuable
Player, Terrell Davis, scored 3 touchdowns to pave the way to victory.

Of course, the numbers 3, 7, and 13 pop up quite regularly in football, due
to the structure of the scoring system (a system that has important occult
meaning, much like the Fahrenheit scale.) And indeed, that may explain most
of these coincidences. But let's face it: is there anything, short of Susan
Lucci winning a daytime Emmy, as unlikely as the Denver Broncos actually
winning a Super Bowl?

I may add that January 25, 1998 is exactly 13 months after the death of
JonBenét Ramsey.

All that is needed to start the new era is a ritual sacrifice. And one must
wonder if, whether the killer or killers were aware of it, that is precisely
what JonBenét's slaying really was: a butchering of innocence to start a new

So, the question must be asked: is JonBenét Ramsey's death, far from being a
pointlessly tawdry tale, one of the most significant event in the history of
mankind? Is it part of some nefarious plot, the work of occult-worshipping
Freemasons, joining forces with the British Monarchy, Nazis and the CIA,
hell-bent on leading us to a destructive New World Order? Is it even
possible that the Ramsey's are actually patsies, framed in many people's
minds for a crime they didn't commit? Can it be that the hi-tech silent
midgets with no footprints I openly mocked before are, in fact, evil Alien
Greys, and that JonBenét's death is an alien abduction gone haywire?

Unlikely? Yes. Absurd? Definitely. Outrageously silly? Certainly.

But at least it has an even remote sense of plausibility. Which is more than
can be said for the tales that the Ramseys and their mouthpieces have spun.


Thanks to Donald Freed, whose question and suggestion really started this
whole piece.

A debt to Alex Constantine, author of Psychic Dictatorship in the USA and
Virtual Government, is so obvious, it almost is unnecessary to mention, but
thanks again, Alex.

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