Isn't "World Vision" a CIA front?

Subject: Archduke Karl involved in a scandal!
Date: Tue, Dec 22, 1998 13:15 EST
Message-id: <75onjl$m2t$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Austrian politicians yesterday called on Archduke Karl, grandson of the last
Austro-Hungarian emperor, to resign from the European Parliament over
allegations that charitable donations were funneled into his electoral

Archduke Karl, a member of the conservative People's Party, is also one of the
directors of the disgraced charity, World Vision Austria.  Two of his closest
associates were arrested recently for allegedly misappropriating 15 million
schillings ($1.3 million) meant to help children in developing countries.
Archduke Karl is not suspected of any wrongdoing and is not suspected of any
involvement in the fraud.

He has denied that he knew where the money came from and has offered to pay
for an audit to say to what extent his recent election campaign was supported
by charity money.

Arturo Beeche
Publisher of The European Royal History Journal
Bookseller at

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