-Caveat Lector-

>From Trufax.org (Leading Edge International)

Court Removes Gag Order from Swiss Scientist on Microwaved Food
Hans Hertel is the first scientist to conceive of and carry out a quality
study on the effects of microwaved nutrients on the blood and physiology of
human beings. This small but well-controlled study pointed the firm finger at
a degenerative force of microwave ovens and the food produced in them. The
conclusion was clear: microwave cooking changed the nutrients so that changes
took place in the participants' blood; these were not healthy changes but were
changes that could cause deterioration in the human systems. Working with
Bernard H. Blanc of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology and the
University Institute for Biochemistry, Hertel not only conceived of the study
and carried it out, he was one of eight participants. In 1991 Hans Ulrich
Hertel and a Lausanne University professor published a research paper
indicating that food cooked in microwave ovens could pose a greater risk to
health than food cooked by conventional means.

Significant changes were discovered in the blood of the volunteers who
consumed foods cooked in the microwave oven. These changes included a decrease
in all haemoglobin values and cholesterol values, especially the HDL (good
cholesterol) and LDL (bad cholesterol) values and ratio. Lymphocytes (white
blood cells) showed a more distinct short-term decrease following the intake
of microwaved food than after the intake of all the other variants. Each of
these indicators point in a direction away from robust health and toward
degeneration. Additionally, there was a highly significant association between
the amount of microwave energy in the test foods and the luminous power of
luminescent bacteria exposed to serum from test persons who ate that food.
This led Hertel to the conclusion that such technically derived energies may,
indeed, be passed along to man inductively via consumption of microwaved food.

An article appeared in issue number 19 of the Journal Franz Weber in which it
was stated that the consumption of food cooked in microwave ovens had cancer-
type effects on the blood. The article was followed by the research paper

On 7 August 1992 the Swiss Association of Manufacturers and Suppliers of
Household Appliances brought an action against the applicant in the Canton of
Berne Commercial Court. It produced an expert report by a professor at Zürich
Federal Institute of Technology from which it appeared that the applicant’s
research was worthless and his findings untenable.

As soon as Hertel and Blanc announced their results, the hammer of authority
slammed down on them. A powerful trade organisation, the Swiss Association of
Dealers for Electroapparatuses for Households and Industry, known simply as
FEA, struck swiftly. They forced the President of the Court of Seftigen,
Kanton Bern, to issue a 'gag order' against Hertel and Blanc. The attack was
so ferocious that Blanc quickly recanted his support-but it was too late. He
had already put into writing his views on the validity of the studies where he
concurred with the opinion that microwaved food caused the blood
abnormalities. Hertel stood his ground, and today is steadfastly demanding his
rights to a trial. Preliminary hearings on the matter have been appealed to
higher courts, and it's quite obvious the powers that be do not want a 'show
trial' to erupt on this issue.

In March 1993, the court handed down this decision based upon the complaint of
the FEA: "Consideration. 1. Request from the plaintiff (FEA) to prohibit the
defendant (Dr Ing. Hans Hertel) from declaring that food prepared in the
microwave oven shall be dangerous to health and lead to changes in the blood
of consumers, giving reference to pathologic troubles as also indicative for
the beginning of a cancerous process. The defendant shall be prohibited from
repeating such a statement in publications and in public talks by punishment
laid down in the law.death in connection with microwave ovens.

However, in 1998 that decision was reversed. In a judgment delivered at
Strasbourg on 25 August 1998 in the case of Hertel v. Switzerland, the
European Court of Human Rights held that there had been a violation of
Hertel's rights in the 1993 decision . Under Article 50 of the Convention, the
Court awarded the applicant a specified sum for legal costs and expenses.

The European Court of Human Rights decided that the "gag order" issued by the
Swiss courts against the Bernese scientist prohibiting him from declaring that
microwave ovens are dangerous to health was contrary to the right to freedom
of expression. In addition, Switzerland was sentenced to pay compensation of F
40,000. This decision is to put an end to judicial censorship of persons
drawing attention to the health hazards of certain products.

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