-Caveat Lector-

>The structure I
am speaking of is the nature of the design of the currency system. That
is why I now have large files titled "nature of currency". I never refer
to it as money because that is too laden with emotion. I do not have my
head in the past- favoring a return to gold. I incline toward Hayek's
basket of commodities to establish a value coupled with Bernard
>Lietaer's (Gessel first) demurrage currency.

Lloyd Responds:  Basket of commodities requires central authority or
at least a large, powerful private bank.  Gold
or some other commodity can evolve from individual
decentralized choices and patterns of barter.  Hayek
too often accepted the need for central authorities.

>    I have tried to ask questions like does the centralization of
currency creation lead to centralization of power?

Lloyd Responds:  Yes, of course!  Once centralized it can be created
out of nothing, allowing an elite to "capitalize" itself at little or no

>Is currency
permission slips so if the banker says he is short of money (paper with
>inked numbers), is he really just denying permission?

Lloyd Responds:  Banker is saying he won't create more currency out of
"Permission" concept doesn't add much, methinks.

>If money is a
measure why do we run out - I never run short of meters or kilograms?

Lloyd Responds:  "We" don't run-out...the central authority can create
more money out of nothing if they wish. Only for themselves, though, not

>When we have a project with groups of people who want to see it done,
men available to do the work, and materials also available why does it
>always stall for the lack of paper and ink?

Lloyd Responds:  You need something in trade to get those people to forego
their other projects and work on your project or the common project.  If you
had enough goods to barter or sell you would not founder for want of printed
moneyl  You have to have a store of value of some kind in order to proceed.
Otherwise, how would those people eat while doing "capital investment" work?

>Why are farmers in bankrupcy
>because of low prices brought on by overproduction while others starve?

Lloyd Responds:  Simple!  Why would starving people with nothing to trade
be of any value to a particular farmer looking for customers?  The starving
would have to trade their labor for something they could trade for food.
Quite possibly, government or labor unions or both working in unison have
prevented people from finding useful employment.  Minimum wage laws,
restrictive licensing, union enforced wage & working condition standards,
etc. etc.

Lloyd Miller, Research Director for A-albionic Research (POB 20273,
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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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