Russia - The Kremlin
Russia has begun to deploy the mobile SS-27 TOPOL-M ballistic
missile.  The first of ten mobile ICBMs rolled into active
service for the Russian Strategic Rocket Forces, replacing older
SS-18 SATAN missiles.  The SS-27 is carried on a multi-wheeled
all-terrain vehicle that is designed to travel the vast Russian
country-side.  The new missiles are reported to be deployed in
the Saratov region 450 miles southeast of Moscow.

Russia - Ministry of Atomics (MINATOM) The SS-27 carries a
single 550 Kiloton nuclear warhead developed by the Russian
Ministry of Atomics (MINATOM) Arzamas-16 site using U.S. made
super-computers.  IBM and Silicon Graphics sold several
super-computers directly to the Russian nuclear weapons maker
starting in 1996.

Russian Atomic energy officials (MINATOM) admitted in early 1997
that an IBM super-computer was purchased from Europe by MINATOM
in late 1996 for $7 million.  The IBM super-computer was
transferred directly to the nuclear weapons center in
Arzamas-16.  In addition, MINATOM officials admitted that that
Silicon Graphics, Inc., sold four computers to Chelyabinsk-70,
another Russian weapons facility, in the fall of 1996 for
$650,000 each.

Washington - General Accounting Office The transfer of export
control over super-computers from the Defense Department to the
Commerce Department was ordered by President Clinton in 1996.
Since 1996 the Commerce Department has allowed over 60
super-computers to be exported to Russian and Chinese military
weapons labs.

In 1998 the GAO, acting on behalf of Congressional requests,
studied the Clinton export policy and provided written
testimony.  According to the GAO testimony, "Except for nuclear
weapons, the executive branch has not completed an assessment of
the national security risks of exporting HPCs (High Performance
Computer Systems) to tier 3 countries, and the nuclear weapons
assessment was completed by the Department of Energy (DOE) in
June 1998, more than 2 years after the export control policies
for HPCS (High Performance Computer Systems) were revised."

Iraq -
U.S. air power scored a direct hit on an Iraqi mobile air
defense missile site using 500 pound laser guided bombs.  The
500 pound bombs were delivered by a USAF F-15 Strike Eagle.
According to the Eagle pilots, camera video clearly shows the
Iraqi defense site taking direct hits.  The bombing was in
retaliation for two Iraqi SAMs (Surface to Air Missiles) fired
at U.S. planes patrolling the northern "no-fly" zone.

American pilots were not aware they were being targeted and
their first indication was a visual sighting of two modified
SA-2 "Guideline" SAM missiles as they lifted off.

The Iraqi air defense network (Nato codename "TIGER-SONG") is a
Chinese built fiber-optic communications system.  The Tiger Song
network consists of American and French fiber optic hardware and
software exported to China.  U.S. EA-6B Prowlers and F-16
Falcons fired Shrike anti-radar missiles at nearby suspected
"Tiger Song" sites and Iraqi Anti-Aircraft guns.

U.S. missile maker Raytheon has scored big by selling the Greek
government on the Patriot anti-missile system.  The Patriot sale
has a double whammy - It has canceled the Russian SA-10C Grumble
missile sales to the Greek half of Cyprus and won a big gain for
Raytheon in the stock market.  Raytheon is grinding out Patriots
for export to a number of U.S. allies including Israel and South

Cyprus - Nicosia
The Greek purchase of U.S. made Patriots has canceled the sale
of Russian SA-10C Grumble missiles to the Greek Cypriot
government.  The President of Cyprus, Glafcos Clerides,
announced the cancellation of the Russian SA-10 deal December
29, 1998.  Clerides stated that he would take sole
responsibility for the decision to kill the SA-10 purchase.

The Russian missiles were scheduled to be installed in August
1998 at a new airbase on the Greek half of Cyprus.  Diplomatic
efforts and military pressure from Turkey delayed the

Israel - Tel Aviv
American Army Patriot units were deployed to Israel and served
along side the new Israeli Arrow defense missile.  The sudden
move of U.S. Patriots to Israel and the un-expected activation
of the Arrow system were leading intelligence indicators for the
U.S./U.K. DESERT FOX strike at Iraq.

Russia - The Kremlin
The Russian Zvezda-Strela State Scientific-Industrial Center is
still hoping to win a U.S. Navy missile target drone contract
despite Russian Defense ministry opposition.  The Russian
missile maker claimed in November 1998 it had won the U.S. Navy
contract for a super-sonic target drone using its Kh-31 ramjet
missile.  The claim embarrassed American Navy officials because
the contract Request For Proposal (RFP) is not scheduled to be
issued until May 1999.

In December 1998, the Kremlin announced it opposed the deal
because the U.S. could learn too much about Russian missiles.
The Russian Generals, however, are willing to forsake national
security concerns if the U.S. Navy commits to a large number of
Kh-31 missiles.  According to Moscow, the Russian Generals get
28 percent of any sale.

The Kh-31 maker, Russian design bureau Zvezda, announced it
intends to use the profits from the U.S. Navy sales to improve
the Kh-31 for export to client states.  So far - none but China
have shown much interest in the titanium Kh-31.

Russia - Moscow
Russian missile maker Zvezda is staging a "RED" light fire sale
in order to remain in business.  Zvezda announced the sale of
advanced Kh-35 anti-ship missiles to Algeria (NATO codename
SS-N-25 Switchblade).  According to Zvezda, the Kh-35 is covered
with RAM (Radar Absorbent Materials) that soak up enemy radar
waves, making it a "stealth" cruise missile.

The Algerian purchase of the sea-skimming cruise missiles is
only the third such sale by Zvezda in 1998.  The Algerian
missile export follows Zvezda Kh-35 sales to former Soviet
client states India and Vietnam.

The Kh-35 missile is better known in the west as the
"Harpoonsky" because it is similar in design and performance to
the U.S. made Harpoon anti-ship missile.  The Kh-35 has a
solid-fuel booster and a turbojet cruise engine.   The sub-sonic
Kh-35 weights about 1600 pounds at launch and has a 330 pound
warhead.  The missile has a range of up to 80 miles.

Mischief Reef - Philippines
Representative Dana Rohrbacher (R - CA) announced that President
Clinton is ignoring Red Chinese military moves in the far east.

Rohrbacher has just returned from the Philippines where he
witnessed Chinese Naval activity around the contested Spratly
islands.  Chinese military listening posts were established in
1996 on the Spratly islands, violating Philippine sovereignty.
According to Rohrbacher, the Chinese ELINT base is now being
guarded by three PLN missile frigates.

In his report to the chairman of the U.S. House International
Relations committee, Rep. Dana Rohrabacher said the Chinese navy
has been engaged in a "de facto encirclement of Spratly islands"
by constructing military posts such as those discovered in a
Philippine-claimed reef in November.

Rohrbacher accused China of "bullying" the Philippines by
expanding military-type structures on Mischief Reef and
stationing three missile frigates in the area.

1 if by land, 2 if by sea.  Paul Revere - encryption 1775
Charles R. Smith
Pcyphered SIGNATURE:
SOFTWAR EMAIL NEWSLETTER                            12/30/1998
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