-Caveat Lector-

S O M E T H I N G   S T R A N G E   I S   H A P P E N I N G


Quotes of the Year

In an extended year-end quote collection, this edition of the ParaScope
Dispatch offers a tiny sampling of how some of the TV's most highly paid
psychics (often called "political commentators") were less accurate than a
Magic 8-Ball during 1998.

"If he's not telling the truth...his presidency is numbered in days. This
thing is not going to drag out....If he's not telling the trutch and the
evidence shows that, [he] will resign, perhaps this week."

--Longtime critic of wasteful federal spending and recipient of government
subsidies for his New Mexico ranch, ABC's Sam Donaldson on President Bill
Clinton's future, Jan. 25, 1998


"There is, ladies and gentlemen, absolutely no possibility that a so-called
'semen-stained dress' exists."

--Former Ku Klux Klan chair-catcher and discoverer of Al Capone's empty vault,
now CNBC's not-ready-for-NBC-primetime gabmeister Geraldo Rivera, a self-
admitted "friend" and Clinton-booster, July 8, 1998.


"There will be no impeachment hearings before January 1999."

--Bombastic prognosticator and General Electric (owner of NBC) corporate
lapdog, John "WRONG!" McLaughlin, July 31, 1998.


"It's going to be Custer's Last Stand for the Democrats in November. They will
be absolutely obliterated."

Former Clinton pollster, political advisor and prostitute aficionado turned TV
whore and political commentator Dick Morris, Sept. 14, 1998.


Rant of the Week: “Just Do It”

Every week we pick the wackiest, scariest, nastiest or funniest rant from the
hundreds of letters received by us here at ParaScope headquarters, and present
it to you as our Rant of the Week. This week, “Pogel” points out that actions
speak louder than words, as evidenced by Hitler, the Jews, and the grass, or
the roots, or the grassroots. Or something like that. Enjoy.

"Hallo ! people been writing for 2,000 years,not many did something about it.
the last one was HITLER and look what the goveernments did. all because they
were under jewish control,so they commited all the crimes. working for jews
,they brought genocite to the german people and the decline of the west,and we
are so stupit and pay for it. if the upper classes are not willing to do
anything,then who will??? the grass root?they dont have any leader ship. so
stop writing and do it over throw the government,that is the only way. good


All rants are printed “as is,” with spelling and grammar goofs left
uncorrected. Some rants may be edited for brevity or clarity, to the extent
such a thing is possible. If you’ve got a rant you’d like to share, send it to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] with “possible rant” in the subject line of your letter.


Coming Up This Week!

Catch a number of great stories this week on the ParaScope web and AOL sites,
including daily updates to our Conspiracy Newsline and Daily Dose features.
Among the articles you'll want to check out:

Fortean Slips: "Deep Space Slips" Special Edition!

Outer Space Underwear Overload: The greatest danger facing astronauts isn't G-
forces or malfunctioning oxygen tanks -- it's their dirty underwear.

In the Oily Days of Evolution: What does the geological origin of petroleum
have to do with the biological origin of life on Earth? And is it possible
that oil will prove that extraterrestrial life exists?

Stonehenge's Asteroid Defense Initiative: An astronomer claims to have
discovered the true purpose of Stonehenge -- to serve as an early-warning
system for asteroids and meteors on a collision course with Earth!


Subliminal CIA?

In 1958, the American public faced a frightening question: could subliminal
messages be used to influence the unsuspecting? The anecdotal evidence seemed
to confirm the Big Brotherish power of subliminals. Naturally, the CIA checked
it out. Dossier revisits the dawn of the mind wars, with an updated special
report -- complete with documentation -- that unveils the secret story of the
agency's investigation of hidden persuasion.


Kidding Gullible Believers: The Truth Behind the "KGB UFO Files"

Hollywood loves sequels, so it shouldn't be surprising, after the high-ratings
hoopla surrounding the Ray Santilli "alien autopsy" footage a couple of years
ago, that a new UFOlogical blockbuster was recently unleashed. On September
13, cable network TNT broadcast "The Secret KGB UFO Files," a slick and
entertaining  program hosted by Roger Moore. And while this program featured
some interesting Soviet Air Force gun camera footage, the bulk of it was spent
in an excruciating examination of yet another "UFO crash/alien autopsy" farce.
J. Antonio Huneeus, who was interviewed for the program, shares his authentic
views of this bogus footage, and explains how his on-camera comments were
edited to give the appearance that he believed the footage was real, when he
in fact told interviewers that he had no basis for making such a determination
one way or the other.


UFO Cautionary Tales #6:
The Horror of the Heights

It's become commonplace to claim that Hollywood science fiction films and TV
shows about aliens are all part of an enormous sub-rosa plot to gradually
indoctrinate the world to the coming of extraterrestrials. Does Steven
Spielberg need the MJ-12 to give him story ideas? Was Gene Roddenberry in the
pay of the MIB? Such speculation is entertaining, but science fiction writers
are perfectly capable of creatively exploring fictional alien worlds without
the help of government psywar experts. As a special holiday gift to our
readers, ParaScope presents Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's "The Horror of the
Heights," a fantastic science fiction thriller about an "aerial jungle" above
30,000 feet inhabited by gigantic, menacing creatures. Doyle's fictional
vision presaged early UFO theories which asserted that the unknown objects
populating our skies were actually ultra-high altitude (or outer space)
animals, lured down to the "depths" of the atmosphere by our noisy warfare and
atomic explosions. Paul B. Thompson's introduction sets the backdrop for this
classic tale.


Conspiracy Newsline

All I want for Christmas is a New World Order! New York City police
commissioner wants DNA sample seized with every arrest, claiming "the innocent
have nothing to fear"; Monsanto Co. wants to seize farmer's crops for growing
genetically-altered canola without a license; farmers in India burn illegally-
grown genetically-altered crops to protest Monsanto's efforts to take control
of their agricultural markets; lots more news.


UFO Roundup

Ski lodge camera records daylight disc flyby in Pacific Northwest; glowing
fireball seen by hundreds in Georgia; flap of sightings reported in
Pennsylvania; Mars climate orbiter heads for deep space; lots more news &
sighting reports.

...All this, and much, much more!


Jane, Stop This Crazy Thing!

Thought you were tough enough to handle the Dispatch and now you realize
you're not? Starting to think you've made a wrong turn off the info highway?
Well, we're only going to go over this once, so listen up!

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That's all there is to it!

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1) Send e-mail to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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