I can't confirm this stuff, but if it's true, we're all in trouble.  The
police state is here.  Prudy

Before reading, please remember two things 1) almost all testing all new
technology, mass psychological projects has begun at UCLA, and 2) whatever
is tested and works at UCLA is implemented around the U.S.A.  Please read
very carefully.  I consider all of you very important people, and want to
protect you by giving you the following information.


DATE:     (1) December 23, 1998 starting at approximately 5:30 PM
     (2) December 29, 1998 starting at approximately 10:50 AM

PERSONNEL:     Initially, a single Campus Security Officer (this division
claims to be the same as LAPD, and wears the same style of black uniforms
and drives a similar "black & white" with the "University of California -
Los Angeles" stenciled on the side of the vehicle), however, Lt. Garza
explained to me that they are employed by the UC system and similar to
Highway Patrol.  Later, Sgt. Sanchez, Watch Commander, and several officers
 - one a short, skinny, blood female.  Total of three patrol cars involved.

VICTIM:   Kathy Kasten, very tired state employee leaving campus to return
home after working overtime.  It is a long story, but I can assure you,
worth your while.

EVENT:    After crossing the street (Le Conte, going south on Westwood)
legally.  Two cars attempting to make a left hand turn into traffic drove
into the pedestrian zone - insisting by their movements that I needed to
hurry and get out of their way because traffic was now coming at them.  In
other words, they were about to be hit, and I was just soft sided
pedestrian.  It was the third time that week that this had happened.  I
suddenly was overcome with "road rage" pedestrian-style.  There was no
vehicle traffic either north or south on Westwood, but the light was still
green.  To express my anger, I crossed against the light.  There was no
traffic coming, please remember that.  Yes, I was jay-walking.  Maybe for
the third time in my life.  A UCLA squad turned on its lights while crossing
Le Conte going south - against the light.  The officer got out and asked me
for some I.D.  I did not have any.  I had taken the bus to work (therefore,
I do not usually carry my driver's license), and my I.D. badge was in my
desk drawer in my office - a block from where I was standing.  The officer
asked my once again to produce some I.D.  I stated that I was homeless (I
live in an RV on the streets of Los Angeles, the people I work for know
this, it is no problem - I am clean, dress nicely, and do my job).  I also
stated that I had no I.D.  Whereupon, he made a statement - which I could
not hear - into the receiver around his neck.  Within a minute, we were
surrounded by patrol cars.  The Watch Commander jumped out, and ordered me
to spread eagle and bend over.  My purse and brief case was already sitting
next to the first patrol car where I had been ordered to place them.  From
almost the beginning, I had been calling attention to passer-by on the
street that I was homeless without I.D. and that was the reason I was being
held.  At one point, after the female officer had hand cuffed me and was
doing a physical search - i.e., this is no exaggeration, shoving her fist up
my crouch three times - no, NOT just running her hand over my body; plus,
pinching my breasts in circular motions - also three times.  Finally, I
asked the officer next to me why I was being arrested.  He stated "because
you have a big mouth."  I repeated this statement to anyone who was passing
by.  I was being arrested for having a big mouth.  Whereupon, the officer
stated he was going to pepper spray me and throw me in jail with gang
members.  I was in fact crammed into the first officer's squad and driven to
a cell in the Campus Police Station.  Even though, on the very short drive
to it, I remembered that I in fact had my driver's license because I had
brought my credit cards with the intention of getting some cash out of the
ATM on the way home, to tide me over the long 4 day weekend - Christmas!  No
matter.  I would still need to be put in a jail cell, provide fingerprints
and photo (of a very tired lady with unkempt hair - who knew).  Yes, I was
given a ticket.  There was some confusion on the part of the first officer
on the scene.  He did not know what to law to cite on the ticket.  I had
been arrested, not for jay-walking.  No, I am going to court because I was
unable to identify myself.  I wish this was the end of the story, and it
would have no importance for you.  But, it does not.

December 29, 1998 at 10:30 AM, I walked over the Campus Police Station to
get a complaint form.  I was made to wait 20 minutes with two different
excuses.  1) the Watch Commander was on the telephone with another citizen;
2) the Watch Commander was out in the field and would be returning.
 Finally, at 10:50 AM, Lt. Manny Garza walked in and threw a red "visitors"
badge on the counter.  I told him I just wanted a Complaint Form that I
could fill out away from the station, as I was sure that the officers
involved in the event would see me there filling out the form.  Lt. Garza
said I would be fine, and he was there to convince me that the Campus Police
were good officers.  We walked back to an interview room, and sat down.
 During the course of that interview I was compared to armed robbers,
murderers.  I kept reminding Lt. Garza that I had been jay-walking, and did
not like his comparisons; did not think he understood my perception that his
officers had over reacted; that I was NOT a robber, was not on the street
after just committing a robbery.  Lt. Garza questioned "how were my men to
know that."  Next, I described how I had been "searched" for weapons.  And,
how I felt more like I had been raped for the amusement of the other
officers.  I stated I knew they were amused because they were laughing while
the female officer shoved her fist into my crouch.  Lt. Garza got up and
demonstrated how the search is done.  His motions did not resemble his
female officers'.  I tried telling him that.  I kept insisting that his
officers over-reacted, but that it was useless to continue the interview.
 He would only continue to defend their actions.  At one point he did ask me
what I wanted him to do.  Can you believe it?  Lt. Garza had no idea how to
handle the situation.  I suggested that at least one of the officer should
have maintained a saner approach, and remembered that he was just dealing
with a jay-walker with no identification.

What Do We All Learn From This:  DO NOT EVER be without identification or
you will be arrested under the VC 4032.  Yes, listen to me.  You will be
arrested.  You will go to jail if you cannot prove who you are, even if you
only jay-walked.  I am not kidding.  These guys were serious.  Lt. Garza
also stated that a "F1" card is filed with the Department of Justice.  Yes,
the DOJ.  This simply because you cannot identify yourself.  Attached to the
F1 card will be your fingerprints and photograph.  Yes, yes, yes.  Listen to
me.  You can no longer go anywhere without some identification or you will
be arrested.  What does this sound like?  Nazi Germany?  Russia?  In thick
German accent:  "You have no papers?  What no papers?  Arrest that person.
 Photograph them!  Get their fingerprints!  Send the information to the
National Headquarters.

Just remember it all started with jay-walking and not having a way to
identify myself.  However, Lt. Garza said that all I had to do was give my
name.  Which I did, at the beginning.  It was Lt. Garza statement that the
computer could have been checked using my name, and my address asked for -
without me looking at the computer screen - just to see if I was who I said
I was.  BUT, that was not done.

So, what was going on here?  Everybody was having a bad day.  It was the end
of the shift (6:30PM) and the officers wanted to have some fun at the
public's expense?  Crime levels in L.A. are back to 1973 levels, and there
are more officers with up-to-date technology getting bored?

What do you think?

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