-Caveat Lector-

from alt.politics.org.cia
As always, Caveat Lector.
<A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.politics.org.cia:40521">Millionaire Suharto: I'm
Just a Good Saver</A>
Subject: Millionaire Suharto: I'm Just a Good Saver
From: "Charles R. Mauro" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Fri, Dec 4, 1998 3:14 PM
Message-id: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Millionaire Suharto: I'm Just a Good Saver

8.47 a.m. ET (1347 GMT) December 4, 1998

JAKARTA Former Indonesian President Suharto,
under investigation over claims he corruptly built up a
private fortune, defended his wealth on Friday and
portrayed himself as a money-wise saver and landlord.

Suharto has told the Dharmais magazine, run by a charity
he used to own, that $3 million found in his local bank
accounts was savings from his presidential salary and
rent from two houses.

The houses, bought before he became president, were
leased to foreigners who paid the rent in U.S. dollars, he
said in the article, a copy of which was released by the
magazine ahead of publication.

"That money I collected and deposited in the banks, and
every month it increased until it reached this amount of
about 22 billion rupiah ($3 billion)," he was quoted as

Suharto's presidential salary is not known, but cabinet
ministers currently earn four million rupiah a month

Some analysts estimate Suharto and his family amassed a
fortune worth $40 billion during his autocratic 32-year
reign that ended in disgrace in May amid an economic
meltdown and civil chaos that sprang out of
pro-democracy demonstrations.

They say much of the money has been parked overseas.

Pressed by daily protests demanding Suharto be tried for
corruption and human rights abuses, his hand-picked
successor, President B.J. Habibie, on Thursday ordered
the attorney-general to speed up his investigation of
Suharto's wealth.

Government investigators disclosed last month they had
found about 22 billion rupiah in Suharto's local accounts,
but said they had so far found nothing overseas.

Suharto last week gave the government seven charities he
owned including the Dharmais charity, worth a total
$500 million.

The forestry department says the 77-year-old former
general, his family and friends own or control at least
nine million hectares (22.5 million acres) of rainforest
almost the size of the main island of Java.

Suharto said he has disclosed all his wealth to
Attorney-General Andi Ghalib and denied stashing
money abroad.

He told the magazine that he had given Ghalib a legally
binding letter giving the government permission to
confiscate any money it found overseas.

Suharto said he was not afraid of any investigation,
adding that even a former president could not be above
the law.

"I will not challenge (any investigation) because I'm
aware that no citizen of indonesia can be above the law,"
he said.

"But it must be known that this country is a country of
law. Every citizen is also entitled to the protection of the

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