-Caveat Lector-

from alt.politics.org.cia
As always, Caveat Lector.  Test case for 'our' 'own' 'velveeta' 'revolution'?
<A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.politics.org.cia:40490">Descent into Madness</A>
Subject: Descent into Madness
From: "Charles R. Mauro" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wed, Dec 2, 1998 12:56 PM
Message-id: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


DECEMBER 7, 1998 VOL. 152 NO. 22

Descent into Madness
Riven by ethnic and religious hatred,
Indonesia is slipping out of control

When Jimmy Siahae hit the ground, that was the
end. The Muslim mob never let him up again. Their
weapons were dull--bamboo staves, kitchen
knives, metal spikes--but their hatred was sharp.
Siahae was 45, a Christian from the eastern
Indonesian island of Ambon, suspected of
attacking their mosque. As the terrible retribution
began, Siahae didn't have a prayer.

They started on his head, beating and kicking. One
man hacked at his left hand, nearly severing it at
the wrist. Knives plunged into his flesh. They had
stripped him to the waist so they could see the
wounds they were inflicting. They were in no hurry
to kill him. At one point a youth--he could not have
been 18--leaned over and quite deliberately stuck
an ice pick between two ribs deep into Siahae's
right lung. He pulled it out again and looked at the
blood on the steel with satisfaction. Siahae was
face down on the concrete now, heaving for breath,
too battered to cry out, barely conscious. His back
was scored with stab wounds. The youth was

The mob turned its victim over and stomped on his
face. It was already beaten beyond recognition.
One eyeball was out of its socket. Another of his
tormentors sliced his ear with a blade. "Let him die
slowly," someone said, and the mob laughed.

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DECEMBER 7, 1998 VOL. 152 NO. 22

The head of the local mosque, Hakim Hasbulla, 48,
tried to hold the mob back, and a TIME
correspondent attempted to plead for the man, but
the two dozen attackers were beyond reason.
Everyone wanted to get in a kick or a cut; it was a
badge of pride to have taken part. "I don't agree
with this," said Hasbulla immediately afterward, still

Within earshot of Siahae's killing, another
Christian, Tahan Manahan Simatupang, 22, was
being interrogated by his Muslim captors. He
stood on the porch of a house belonging to a
community leader of the subdivision called
Pembangunan I, in northern Jakarta. Tahan's
hands were tied behind his back. Blood dripped
from his beaten face. He said he was one of 150
Christian security guards who had been paid $5
and trucked in to the area the previous night "to stir
up the masses" after a minor dispute over an
illegal gambling center. He was not sure who was
in ultimate command of the security guards. When
they broke a window of the local mosque, the
Muslim neighborhood armed itself and began
hunting down Christians.

Tahan was taunted by the crowd as the afternoon
stretched into evening. When asked whether he
would be handed over to the police, the crowd
replied loudly that he would not. "We don't trust the
police," shouted one man. "We're going to make
him into grilled meat," said another. Though
several hundred soldiers and policemen were
deployed on a road barely 90 m away, they said
they had no orders to intervene. Tahan was
stabbed to death at about 6 p.m.

There was no stopping the Muslims of
Pembangunan I on Sunday Nov. 22. By the end of
the day, six Christians had been hunted down, and
the alleyways of the subdivision were spattered
with blood. Jimmy Siahae had a fractured skull,
lungs punctured in three places and more than 30
open wounds on his body in what Dr. Zulhasmar
Syamsul, who did the autopsy, described as a
"vicious and sadistic attack."

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DECEMBER 7, 1998 VOL. 152 NO. 22

Indonesia is sliding into darkness. The Nov. 22
killings were a first for Jakarta, but in the past few
months there have been more than 250 lynchings
across the archipelago. The killings seem to be a
product of fear, economic frustration and a
breakdown of law and order as security forces are
withdrawn from the provinces to cover
demonstrations in the cities. In Sumatra recently a
man was beaten and burned alive because he
couldn't tell suspicious residents the precise
address of a relative he was visiting. "The reality
principle is breaking down," says Professor Sarlito
Wirawan Sarwono of the University of Indonesia.
"The more people see that they can murder without
facing any consequences, the more it becomes
part of the culture."

It is a culture for which Suharto, Indonesia's dictator
of 32 years, bears much responsibility. Six months
ago Suharto was ousted, leaving behind a weak
successor as President--B.J. Habibie--a paralyzed
economy, a military discredited for killing student
demonstrators and a nation struggling to find some
vision of its future. As the lynchings increase, many
suspect that some in the military and political
establishment are promoting a politics of chaos to
turn the clock back, away from the students'
demands for greater democracy and a reduction in
the power of the army. There is a precedent, and it
is horrific: General Suharto came to power in 1966
as a man who reasserted order--but only after 18
months of anarchy and slaughter that left 500,000
Indonesians dead.

President Habibie has further inflamed matters by
courting Muslim extremists in an attempt to boost
his power for the elections promised for next June.
Muslims make up 87% of Indonesia's population of
210 million. Kept in check under Suharto's rule, a
number of Muslim groups have now emerged to lay
claim to political and economic power. Early last
month Muslim youth vigilantes armed with
sharpened bamboo spears were positioned
around Jakarta to harass pro-democracy student
demonstrators. Last week pictures of the former
Iranian revolutionary leader Ayatullah Khomeini
began to appear in street demonstrations. Though
there have always been attacks against
Indonesia's small but powerful Chinese community,
the new attacks are taking on a dangerous
religious character. "It's the most dangerous
thing--the abuse of religion for political ends," says
Enoch Markum, president of the Indonesian
Psychologists Association. "Once people have
moved into this irrational territory, it is difficult to
bring them back to rationality."

It may have already gone too far. In the bloody
alleyways of Pembangunan I, the way back to
rationality seemed all but lost.

With reporting by David Liebhold/Jakarta

Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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