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Talking about the Univ. Declaration of Human Rights ...

[This comes on top of their present ability to tap all non-mobile
phones, doesn't it ?]


Revealed: secret plan to tap all mobile phones

By Duncan Campbell

Observer (London) Sunday December 6, 1998

Plans for an international network of centres able to tap mobile
phones anywhere in Europe have been prepared by European law
enforcement agencies.

Confidential European Union documents leaked in Germany and obtained
by The Observer outline plans for instant-access centres across
Europe, equipped to tap every type of communications system, including
mobile phones, the Internet, fax machines, pagers and interactive
cable television services.

Under the plan, Enfopol 98, European telecommunications companies will
be required to build tapping connections into their systems. Each EU
country's 'interception interface' must be capable of allowing member
states to tap communications throughout the EU.

The US, Canada and Australia are likely to participate in the network,
giving the FBI and other non-European security agencies access to
communications in Europe.

Enfopol 98 will be put into operation as part of the new European
Convention on Mutual Legal Assistance, which Ministers - including
Home Secretary Jack Straw and Home Office Minister Kate Hoey -
discussed at the EU Justice and Home Affairs Council in Brussels last

=46inal details of the convention are likely to be agreed by the council
early next year. By 2000, member states' parliaments would have to
ratify it as part of national law.

The leaked document was published last week by Telepolis, a German
Internet magazine.

A draft resolution to be sent to Ministers after the convention is in
force specifies 54 requirements for interception laws. When the
resolution reaches the council many technical details will have been
hidden. According to the latest leaked Enfopol 98 document,
distributed last month, they will appear in a 'technical handbook' on
interception and in 'accompanying papers'.

By making new laws in this way, Ministers have evaded public scrutiny
and even awareness of their plans. "National parliaments, as well as
the European Parliament and its citizens, are being excluded from the
development of legislation that has the most profound implications for
civil liberties," said Tony Bunyan, director of the European civil
liberties monitoring organisation, Statewatch.

Under the Enfopol plan, interception interfaces in telephone exchanges
and Internet centres must provide 'real time, full-time' access.
Security regulations say 'interception interfaces' must be located in
'barrier areas with controlled access'. Staff would need security
clearances and have to comply with 'national security regulations', it
being illegal to reveal how many people were tapped or how monitoring
was done.

Several tapping centres could listen in at once: 'network operators
(should) make provision for implementing a number of simultaneous

Communications services are increasingly using cryptography (codes) to
protect the privacy of communications. If they do, Enfopol says the
codes must be broken and information supplied in audible or legible
form. 'The downloading of cryptographic key material should be
immediate,' it says, so that 'an efficient, economic and current
operation is guaranteed'.

To make the new tapping system simple and fast to operate, a secret
expert group has been developing a 'tag' system that can identify
individuals wherever they are.

Called the 'International User Requirements for Interception' (IUR),
the data to be passed from country to country include not only names,
addresses and -hone numbers, but credit card numbers, PIN codes,
e-mail addresses, and computer log-on identities and passwords.

Tapping centres will have to be sent information not only about
ordinary phone calls, but also about conference calls, redirected
calls, unanswered calls and even when phones are switched on. Mobile
phones will be used to track a target's movements. 'Law enforcement
agencies require information on the most accurate geographical
location known to the network for mobile subscribers.'

The 40-page document admits the new system 'raises many questions
regarding national sovereignty', and that the 'interception
interfaces' will place heavy costs on companies. But it makes no
reference to civil liberties and human rights. The document "turns
civil rights into worthy platitudes", Austrian Green MEP Johannes
Voggenhuber said last week.

In Britain, preliminary drafts of the agreement have not been seen by
the House of Commons but have been reviewed by the House of Lords
committee on the European Community, which has asked for changes to
protect individual privacy.

Last February, the committee told the Government: "The citizen is
unlikely to have confidence in any procedure shrouded in secrecy. The
existence and framework of international mutual assistance involving
interception of telecommunications... should be clear and transparent
to all."

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                               *  The Activist  *
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     It is about the world we have borrowed from our children !!

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