>  ----Original Message Follows----
>  Date: Sat,  2 Jan 1999 16:00:39 EST
>  From: "John V. Wilmerding" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  To: Multiple recipients of list <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  Subject: SOCKO Letter: What a Prison Sentence Really Means!
>  Paul Wolf really understands the kind of story and point-of-view that
>  is looking for:
>  Date: Sat, 02 Jan 1999 10:31:55 -0500
>  From: Paul Wolf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  Subject: What a prison sentence really means
>  John - I read this on the maptalk list and thought it might interest the
>  readers of your cerj list as well.  With these writing skills, this may
>  be
>  Jeff Goodman's first printed op-ed piece, but I doubt it will be his
>  last.  PW
>  Hello,
>  I have had 8 letters tto the editor published, and finally, my first
>  editorial.  I hope that you find it interesting.
>  I wrote many such editorials while I was incarcerated and will continue
>  to
>  write until this insanity ends.  Please keep up the excellent work.
>  Happy New Year, Jeff Goodman
>  To be published Wednesday, December 30, 1998
>  Commentary: What a Prison Sentence Really Means
>  Jeff Goodman
>  When I was sent to prison, the judge mentioned just the length of my
>  sentence.  Had he included the entire scope of my punishment, he may
>  have
>  said it differently:
>  "Mr. Goodman, I sentence you to take responsibility for every social ill
>  --
>  past, present and future.  Each time America runs out of foreign
>  enemies,
>  it apparently turns on itself to find more.  By way of media, politics
>  and
>  indifference, people who break the law, good law or bad, become those
>  enemies and are then responsible for every social malady.  Whether this
>  is
>  logical, you
>  are the culprit.
>  "You are sentenced to live in a maladaptive, alien environment that
>  defies
>  description.  You'll be stripped of your work skills, your self-worth
>  and
>  your humanity while at the same time face the daily threat of assault,
>  rape, false accusations and unjustified punishment.  You will live like
>  this for seven years.  If you manage to reenter society as a productive
>  person, some will say prison was just what you needed.  If not, others
>  will
>  say, 'I told you so.'
>  "Because of counterproductive prison policies, you are sentenced to live
>  in
>  a world of cruelty and indifference that engenders the very behavior it
>  purports to alleviate.  If you share this with those outside of the
>  prison
>  system, you will be called a liar; most won't believe that millions are
>  spent on the proliferation of facilities that perpetuate harm, not
>  repair it.
>  "You are sentenced to consume $150,000 in taxpayer dollars for your
>  prison
>  stay.  While lawmakers cite the ever-growing cost of incarceration as a
>  public necessity, you will learn that 10 percent of that amount goes
>  towards your daily needs, while the other 90 percent pays for a bloated
>  prison bureaucracy immune from any cost-benefit analysis.  These tax
>  dollars will be siphoned from
>  school programs, child care and job training, all of which do make our
>  communities healthy and safe and save millions in the process.  Despite
>  the
>  media frenzy that portrays society as seething with crime, you'll learn
>  that relatively few prisoners represent a danger to our communities;
>  we're
>  mad at most felons, not scared of them.  So you'll wonder why the
>  majority of
>  prisoners aren't on home arrest, a logical move that would save millions
>  of
>  dollars and obviate the need for more prisons.
>  "Practical education programs, universally proven to drastically reduce
>  recidivism, will be almost nonexistent.  In fact, you will be
>  disciplined
>  for possessing more than 10 books.  Therefore, you will live in an
>  environment where recidivism it tacitly encouraged, a fact not lost on
>  those who want to run prisons for profit.
>  "It is true that there are some counseling programs in prison and some
>  people will benefit from them.  Yet, if you attempt to describe the
>  futility of a therapeutic environment placed within an atmosphere
>  replete
>  with dehumanizing policies, you will be told that your intentions are
>  distorted and without merit.
>  "You are sentenced to bear the wrath of a misinformed society.  While
>  you're experiencing everything I just said, you will be told how easy
>  you
>  have it.  The media will find your Christmas meal more newsworthy than
>  the
>  damage caused by lawmakers who jostle for the next 'get tough' policy at
>  the expense of society's well-being.  Your privilege to have this
>  once-a-year meal will be presented as so outrageous, a debate will ensue
>  over which 'luxury' to take away next.  Politicians will focus on
>  violent
>  sociopaths and pronounce their horrific crimes as a yardstick to measure
>  the innate danger and incorrigibility of all law-breakers, including
>  you.
>  "Finally, as perhaps the most perverse component of your sentence, I
>  hereby
>  prohibit society from ever listening to you.  Your comments on crime and
>  punishment will be ignored.  You, as well as others, will see the big
>  picture, but few will care about the politics of crime and its role in
>  our
>  growing prison population.  You will know that most prisoners are guilty
>  of
>  breaking the
>  law, but only a few need to be separated from society.  You will know
>  that
>  it is the reporting and sensationalism of crime that has skyrocketed,
>  not
>  crime itself.  Unfortunately, though you will one day return to society
>  with firsthand knowledge of our prison system, few will care; most see
>  only
>  the door leading into prison, not the one leading out.
>  "Therefore, if your opinion ever gets printed in a newspaper, you will
>  not
>  only be perceived as just another lawbreaker unable to accept the
>  consequences of his actions, but of being manipulative as well.  Society
>  will know this to be so because you once broke the law.
>  "You are hereby sentenced to be a messenger whose message will be
>  forever
>  perceived as tainted, self-serving and disingenuous, regardless of its
>  veracity and accuracy.
>  "No one will believe you.
>  "You have been sentenced to be a criminal."
>  -- Jeff Goodman, of Eagan, is a software engineer.  He spent time in
>  prison
>  as a first-time nonviolent offender.
>  --
>  To subscribe to the CERJ E-Mail distribution list, simply send
>  an E-mail message to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>. Please include your name
>  and your state, province, or country of residence.  Thank you!
>  --------------------------------------------------------------
>  John Wilmerding, Gen'l Secretary |  E-Mail:    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  =================================|  Web:   http://www.cerj.org
>  *CERJ* International Secretariat |  ICQ Number:       18723495
>  ---------------------------------+============================
>  Campaign     |  217 High Street  |   For        |      A
>  for          |  Brattleboro, VT  |   Justice    |      AR
>  Equity-      |  05301-3018  USA  |   that       |      ART
>  Restorative  |  Telephone & FAX  |   Restores   |     EAR
>  Justice      |  [802]  254-2826  |   Equity     |    HEAR
>  =================================================    HEART
>  Work together to reinvent justice using methods |     EARTH
>  that are fair; which conserve, restore and even |    HEARTH
>  create harmony, equity and good will in society | >>>|CERJ|<<<
>  ==============================================================
>  We are the prisoners of the prisoners we have taken - J. Clegg

----Original Message Follows----
Date: Sat,  2 Jan 1999 16:00:39 EST
From: "John V. Wilmerding" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Multiple recipients of list <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: SOCKO Letter: What a Prison Sentence Really Means!

Paul Wolf really understands the kind of story and point-of-view that
is looking for:

Date: Sat, 02 Jan 1999 10:31:55 -0500
From: Paul Wolf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: What a prison sentence really means

John - I read this on the maptalk list and thought it might interest the
readers of your cerj list as well.  With these writing skills, this may
Jeff Goodman's first printed op-ed piece, but I doubt it will be his
last.  PW


I have had 8 letters tto the editor published, and finally, my first
editorial.  I hope that you find it interesting.

I wrote many such editorials while I was incarcerated and will continue
write until this insanity ends.  Please keep up the excellent work.

Happy New Year, Jeff Goodman

To be published Wednesday, December 30, 1998

Commentary: What a Prison Sentence Really Means

Jeff Goodman

When I was sent to prison, the judge mentioned just the length of my
sentence.  Had he included the entire scope of my punishment, he may
said it differently:

"Mr. Goodman, I sentence you to take responsibility for every social ill
past, present and future.  Each time America runs out of foreign
it apparently turns on itself to find more.  By way of media, politics
indifference, people who break the law, good law or bad, become those
enemies and are then responsible for every social malady.  Whether this
logical, you
are the culprit.

"You are sentenced to live in a maladaptive, alien environment that
description.  You'll be stripped of your work skills, your self-worth
your humanity while at the same time face the daily threat of assault,
rape, false accusations and unjustified punishment.  You will live like
this for seven years.  If you manage to reenter society as a productive
person, some will say prison was just what you needed.  If not, others
say, 'I told you so.'

"Because of counterproductive prison policies, you are sentenced to live
a world of cruelty and indifference that engenders the very behavior it
purports to alleviate.  If you share this with those outside of the
system, you will be called a liar; most won't believe that millions are
spent on the proliferation of facilities that perpetuate harm, not
repair it.

"You are sentenced to consume $150,000 in taxpayer dollars for your
stay.  While lawmakers cite the ever-growing cost of incarceration as a
public necessity, you will learn that 10 percent of that amount goes
towards your daily needs, while the other 90 percent pays for a bloated
prison bureaucracy immune from any cost-benefit analysis.  These tax
dollars will be siphoned from
school programs, child care and job training, all of which do make our
communities healthy and safe and save millions in the process.  Despite
media frenzy that portrays society as seething with crime, you'll learn
that relatively few prisoners represent a danger to our communities;
mad at most felons, not scared of them.  So you'll wonder why the
majority of
prisoners aren't on home arrest, a logical move that would save millions
dollars and obviate the need for more prisons.

"Practical education programs, universally proven to drastically reduce
recidivism, will be almost nonexistent.  In fact, you will be
for possessing more than 10 books.  Therefore, you will live in an
environment where recidivism it tacitly encouraged, a fact not lost on
those who want to run prisons for profit.

"It is true that there are some counseling programs in prison and some
people will benefit from them.  Yet, if you attempt to describe the
futility of a therapeutic environment placed within an atmosphere
with dehumanizing policies, you will be told that your intentions are
distorted and without merit.

"You are sentenced to bear the wrath of a misinformed society.  While
you're experiencing everything I just said, you will be told how easy
have it.  The media will find your Christmas meal more newsworthy than
damage caused by lawmakers who jostle for the next 'get tough' policy at
the expense of society's well-being.  Your privilege to have this
once-a-year meal will be presented as so outrageous, a debate will ensue
over which 'luxury' to take away next.  Politicians will focus on
sociopaths and pronounce their horrific crimes as a yardstick to measure
the innate danger and incorrigibility of all law-breakers, including

"Finally, as perhaps the most perverse component of your sentence, I
prohibit society from ever listening to you.  Your comments on crime and
punishment will be ignored.  You, as well as others, will see the big
picture, but few will care about the politics of crime and its role in
growing prison population.  You will know that most prisoners are guilty
breaking the
law, but only a few need to be separated from society.  You will know
it is the reporting and sensationalism of crime that has skyrocketed,
crime itself.  Unfortunately, though you will one day return to society
with firsthand knowledge of our prison system, few will care; most see
the door leading into prison, not the one leading out.

"Therefore, if your opinion ever gets printed in a newspaper, you will
only be perceived as just another lawbreaker unable to accept the
consequences of his actions, but of being manipulative as well.  Society
will know this to be so because you once broke the law.

"You are hereby sentenced to be a messenger whose message will be
perceived as tainted, self-serving and disingenuous, regardless of its
veracity and accuracy.

"No one will believe you.

"You have been sentenced to be a criminal."

-- Jeff Goodman, of Eagan, is a software engineer.  He spent time in
as a first-time nonviolent offender.

To subscribe to the CERJ E-Mail distribution list, simply send
an E-mail message to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>. Please include your name
and your state, province, or country of residence.  Thank you!
John Wilmerding, Gen'l Secretary |  E-Mail:    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
=================================|  Web:   http://www.cerj.org
*CERJ* International Secretariat |  ICQ Number:       18723495
Campaign     |  217 High Street  |   For        |      A
for          |  Brattleboro, VT  |   Justice    |      AR
Equity-      |  05301-3018  USA  |   that       |      ART
Restorative  |  Telephone & FAX  |   Restores   |     EAR
Justice      |  [802]  254-2826  |   Equity     |    HEAR
=================================================    HEART
Work together to reinvent justice using methods |     EARTH
that are fair; which conserve, restore and even |    HEARTH
create harmony, equity and good will in society | >>>|CERJ|<<<
We are the prisoners of the prisoners we have taken - J. Clegg

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