-Caveat Lector-

<A HREF="http://www.zolatimes.com/V3.1/pageone.html">Laissez Faire City Times
- Volume 3 Issue 1</A>
The Laissez Faire City Times
January 4, 1999 - Volume 3, Issue 1
Editor & Chief: Emile Zola
A Plebeian President

by Jack Ryan

The malaise of the American public regarding Bill Clinton's crimes is
indeed troubling, but not totally unprecedented. History, as we know,
has a way of rearing its ugly head to bite us all in the arse if we fail
to heed its lessons. So it is with a jaundiced eye on the past that many
look at the present, asking ourselves, "When will we ever learn?".
Judging by the latest Clinton approval numbers, our sun may be a bloated
red giant before we deem to learn from history by not repeating it.
Mainly, that the rule of law supplants the rule of man.

Indeed, history is replete with petty dictators and power-hungry tyrants
who learned their lessons the hard way.

Mr. Clinton, who sees his runaway popularity as a shield against his
crimes, has taken on the aura not of a president, but of a ruler. A
king. A man both above the law and, yea, above the Constitution itself.
Like the competitive high jumper, each time the legal bar is raised, Mr.
Clinton is there with another leap to defeat it. As of late, the
constitution has become nothing more than a door mat at the entrance to
the Oval Office. It appears as if the people, their heads buried in the
sands of prosperity, could care less. The trains are on time, 401k's are
growing like lilies in the field and--aside from occasionally pumping a
billion dollars worth of cruise missiles into aspirin factories and
Bedouin tents--the US is at peace.

The American people, fat, intellectually lazy and over- satiated on the
fruits of affluence, see no barbarians at their gates, so why rock the
ship of state? The problem here is that the barbarians were never at the
gates. They reside within 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue and at every address
from New York to Anchorage. They are us.

Some on the right side of the aisle have cited the people's ambivalence
as a major source of frustration. Some have even likened today's
atmosphere to that of the German people's lassitude when Adolph Hitler
made his play for the German chancellorship. That is a mistake, for many
reasons that I won't touch on here. Mr. Clinton doesn't appear ready to
unload a blitzkrieg on Quebec, or dive-bomb Mexico into submission.
Suffice it to say that while Mr. Clinton is in no way comparable to
Hilter in deed or beliefs, that in itself does not remove him from
historical comparisons.

Several months ago, whilst perusing the Free Republic web site, I read
an interesting observation. (Free Republic is a conservative forum
universally united in seeing to it that Bill Clinton is tarred,
feathered, and if humanly possible, imprisoned in a jail cell with some
300-pound homosexual named Bruno). The post that interested me detailed
Mr. Clinton's excessive use of the Executive Order function--that
Clinton saw himself more a king than a constitutionally-elected head of
state. Some even compared him to modern-day Julius Caesar, ruling his
republic from on high.

Like Caesar, William Jefferson Clinton is a charismatic, witty,
calculating, and highly intelligent politician. Indeed, his savvy in the
political arena has hitherto been unmatched in American politics. For
reasons we may never know, Mr. Clinton has the uncanny ability to arouse
undying loyalty and admiration from his followers, even the most tepid
among them. Conversely, he is universally despised by those on the other
side of the spectrum. With few exceptions, never has one politician
managed to so thoroughly polarize two political affiliations.

I found the Roman comparison interesting only in that the comparison of
Clinton to Gaius Julius Caesar is akin to comparing apples to orange
pits. In fact, contrasting Caesar's greatness to the self-absorbed,
prepubescent, 50-something perjurer in the White House, only manages to
further spotlight Bill Clinton's historical insignificance. Simply put,
Bill Clinton would not have been worthy of washing Caesar's toga.

Certainly there are historians whom would argue that Caesar was not
above political mischief, that he was not the least bit hesitant to
murder or torture his political enemies for political gain. That said,
when one makes historical comparisons, one must frame them within the
confines of what was acceptable behavior at the time. Caesar, for all
his shrewdness, for all his political brilliance, for all his tremendous
ego was no better or worse than any other politician of his time. Never
one to look a gifthorse in the mouth, Caesar truly cared about the
republic and the ordinary denizens of Rome--the plebes.

Clinton, on the other hand, sees his rise to power as a gift from
himself and his power-mad overseer, Hillary Rodham. Although only a
lowly plebe from the backwaters of Arkansas, Mr. Clinton dragged his
fellow plebes with him to DC for a six-year hoe-down at the republic's
expense. Forget gifthorses. Not only does this president routinely look
his gifthorses in the mouth, he's also not opposed to putting a gift
into other people's mouths. Perhaps that was acceptable in Rome during
Caesar's time. In 1999 America, it is barbaric in ways that Caesar must
have truly understood.

Bill Clinton is indeed a man born several hundred years late.

Like Clinton, Caesar's boundless ambition and the contempt he displayed
for his republic's traditions, political and institutional, earned him
the loathing and enmity of his political enemies. So too is Clinton
either loved or hated--there is very little middle ground on which to
set foot. Ambition and political acumen mark the similarities between
Clinton and Caesar. That's where the chariot race stops. The differences
far outrun the similarities.

Caesar was a dazzling general. It was through his military conquests
that he eventually rose to power, first as Dictator of Rome for 10
years, then, eventually, Dictator for Life. Caesar was a brilliant
strategist, and his bravery in the face of overwhelming odds was well
documented by his contemporaries-- demonstrated when Caesar's
battle-hardened legions annihilated Pompey's considerably larger army at
Pharsalus in 48 BC.

We know, of course, that history will record Bill Clinton as sniveling
coward who avoided military service. History will record that whilst
young American men were dying in the squalid rice paddies of Vietnam,
Bill Clinton was protesting against his country at Oxford. To compare
Clinton to Caesar is to sully and soil the reputation of a man who
earned the moral authority to lead by way of his glorious victories on
the battlefield. Lest we forget, it was Caesar who coined the phrase, "
Veni, vidi, vici."

"I came, I saw, I conquered."

In contrast, Clinton's motto may one day be: "I came, I saw, I boffed

Caesar's legions looked upon him with awe and respect, ready to follow
him (and did) to ends of the earth-- Gaul, North Africa, Britannia,
Spain, Greece. The brave Roman soldier, with Caesar as
commander-in-chief, gladly fought for the glory of Rome in his name.
First, because each solder was a citizen of Rome and had a personal
stake in each battle's outcome, and second, because Caesar truly led his
men by example.

So it must be with a smattering of chagrin that soldiers in the field
today--in the Middle East, in Bosnia, or in Haiti--look back to American
shores with an unspoken plea on their lips: "Will no one rid us of this
meddlesome president?"

Whilst good men and women of the armed forces are routinely discharged
and disgraced for adulterous acts, their commander in chief has turned
the office of the presidency into a greasy bordello. Whilst officers and
enlisted marines, soldiers, sailors and airman are expected to hold in
their hearts simple concepts such honor, duty and commitment, their
commander-in-chief has no honor, no shame, and no commitment other than
how far he will degrade his high office in order to protect his most
important duty--duty to himself.

Caesar, like Clinton, had his share of political enemies--those who were
jealous and resented his power. There was no impeachment process back
then. The Romans had their own way in which to deal with recalcitrant
dictators. On March 15th, 44 BC, a group of conspirators, led by Gaius
Cassius Longinus and Marcus Junius Brutus, assassinated Caesar.

It was the ultimate censure deal.

Certainly, Mr. Clinton doesn't have to worry about a modern-day Brutus
in the Senate, but he will look back and rue the day he plucked at
Monica Lewinsky's thong underwear. Likewise, he will look back and see
the he vastly overestimated the number of friends he had in Congress.
Indeed, he has more enemies than friends. Bill Clinton has done more to
damage the Democrat party than any Republican before him. Perhaps as the
Senate trial begins, and if popular approval turns against him, Mr.
Clinton will finally deliver his long over-due resignation speech.

It need be only a simple and elegant one-liner: "Et tu Americus?"

Jack Ryan is a freelance writer. His most recent screenplay "And Hell
Came with Him" is currently being packaged for pre-production on the
Left Coast. Email:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

from The Laissez Faire City Times, Vol 3, No 1, Jan. 4, 1999
The Laissez Faire City Times is a private newspaper. Although it is
published by a corporation domiciled within the sovereign domain of
Laissez Faire City, it is not an "official organ" of the city or its
founding trust. Just as the New York Times is unaffiliated with the city
of New York, the City Times is only one of what may be several news
publications located in, or domiciled at, Laissez Faire City proper. For
information about LFC, please contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Laissez Faire City Netcasting Group, Inc.
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