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*****  World Of The Strange  *****
Weekly Newsletter of the Paranormal
By: Louise A. Lowry

This posting is sponsored by:
 The Paranormal Research Primer http://www.tje.net/para
  Providing a comprehensive view of many paranormal subjects

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redistribute this edition provided that attribution is made to the
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 Distributed & Edited by; Louise A. Lowry [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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 The newsletter...

Part 1 of 2
Copyright © 1998   John A. Quinn/NewsHawk Inc  [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.
     A. Connections To Organized Religion, The Mormons
     B. The Pallotine Group
     C. Other Links
     D. Ties To The Military
     E. Bloodlines
     F. Scientology/Dianetics
     G. Stanford, Scientology and the CIA
     H. Stanford Allegedly Involved in CIA, Implant/Mind Control
      I. The Long Island Rail Road Massacre
#2. Paranormal Writers Contest
#3. January's Award Of Excellence From World Of The Strange
#4. GHOSTS OF THE PRAIRIE: America's Most Haunted Places>The Top Ten  By

Copyright © 1998   John A. Quinn/NewsHawk Inc  [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.

All rights reserved

All text within this document not quoted from other sources is the sole
property of John A. Quinn/Newshawk Inc. No reproductio
*****  World Of The Strange  *****
Weekly Newsletter of the Paranormal
By: Louise A. Lowry

This posting is sponsored by:
 The Paranormal Research Primer http://www.tje.net/para
  Providing a comprehensive view of many paranormal subjects

ALL RIGHTS RESERVED:  (permission is granted to reproduce or
redistribute this edition provided that attribution is made to the
Author or Authors noted)

 Visit our WEB Site: http://www.jb-graphics.com/thestrange

 To Subscribe or Unsubscribe please follow directions at the end of this

 Distributed & Edited by; Louise A. Lowry [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 If you are missing any parts of (WOTS) please let me know which part by
 contacting me at [EMAIL PROTECTED], and I will make sure you get the
 part that is missing.

 The newsletter...

Part 1 of 2
Copyright © 1998   John A. Quinn/NewsHawk Inc  [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.
     A. Connections To Organized Religion, The Mormons
     B. The Pallotine Group
     C. Other Links
     D. Ties To The Military
     E. Bloodlines
     F. Scientology/Dianetics
     G. Stanford, Scientology and the CIA
     H. Stanford Allegedly Involved in CIA, Implant/Mind Control
      I. The Long Island Rail Road Massacre
#2. Paranormal Writers Contest
#3. January's Award Of Excellence From World Of The Strange
#4. GHOSTS OF THE PRAIRIE: America's Most Haunted Places>The Top Ten  By

Copyright © 1998   John A. Quinn/NewsHawk Inc  [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.

All rights reserved

All text within this document not quoted from other sources is the sole
property of John A. Quinn/Newshawk Inc. No reproduction without
permission. WOTS was granted permission in using this article.

Due to the length of this artcile it will be a featured article in the
next upcomings issues! Series 7 of 10



>From "Sue Ellen", a well-known Mormon singer

One thing which has been cropping up more and more in the info I've been
getting is the tremendously extensive use of children in mind control
operations and the unbelievable high level of infiltration into the
child care and education systems on the part of agencies carrying out
these operations.

First off, I am one of 13 children. I am also a professional singer. I
have three CD's and 9 cassettes that I have produced for the Mormon (LDS
) music market. I am kind of famous in my market and have won what you
might call 'grammy' awards. My albums sell all over the world.

I was raised by Vandenberg Air Force Base in Santa Maria, California.

My sisters Dawn and Priscilla have worse stories than mine, but let's
just say we've all experienced some crazy times. My mother was a
religious fanatic. She was third generation incest. My father was
secretive and also religiously 'affected' even though he did not
practice what he preached. His mother molested him.

We were the 'perfect' large Mormon family. My dad was a music teacher.

My Mom produced babies almost every year that I remember growing up. I
was the second mom by the time I was six years old and learned how to
cook and do laundry. My Dad was apparently into child pornography and
'sold' us to the government. When my sister Eve was reportedly gang
raped when she was 11, she started running away and was put into a
Catholic convent in Los Angeles--(this is really, really strange
considering how Catholics and Mormons get along). I am sure she was
MKULTRA'd there. Her story is very interesting and is picked up in the
military where there was a base she was on that served up a lot of drugs
. She says that Crystal Gayle and a well dressed man asked her to mule
drugs for her 'country'. He spilled a file on my whole family in front
of her on the floor. She picked it up and saw every one of us in it! She
says we were all sold to the government according to him. She also says
that everyone on that base almost is now famous! It was like an
entertainment base...training ground for the MK stars. She names a lot
of them.

She is a multiple personality and a recovering alcoholic and drug abuser
. It took me many years to get this all out of her. Now her life makes
sense to me.

Louisa, my other sister had hysterical black out/non breathing spells
since the day she was born. I know now that she was a victim of sexual
molestation from my dad (her primary caretaker at the time). She
remembers it until she was 4 or five. Memories keep coming up for her.
She was also molested at age 16, when my dad 'flipped out' and had full
penetration sex with her. He ran away to Hawaii and wrote me on an old
garbage bag that he didn't remember what he did and that he was sorry. I
was a very religious girl at the time and thought the world had come to
an end and was just 'waking up' to the possibility of these horrible
things happening to people.

Did I tell you that Louisa (one of my sisters that worked for the
Pentagon), just told me about another memory about Vandenberg AFB where
she remembers being hooked up to this helmet with wires. She got sick
when the memory was coming up. She's had so many of them, she knows what
to expect now and gets through it all better than she used to.

My family is a nightmare. Anyway, Louisa ended up working for a man that
was third from the top at the Pentagon. She worked as his assistant and
decoded top secret government files (all in Disney and Alice in
Wonderland, etc. language), and made reservations for his regular trips
to Santa Rosa where he would meet his buddies at the 'good ole' boys'
fart club there. You've probably heard of Bohemian Grove. She was
'losing' time on occasion and was eventually raped by this man. When she
tried to go through even the proceedings to indict him, she was
unsuccessful and bullied. She quit the armed services and has had a
family of six children. She is just now waking up to what has happened
to her and the memories are surfacing. I am worried for what they may
have programmed into her when she wakes up!

Anyway, to my story. As if my family of origin wasn't bad enough. My
husband's family is involved, too! My husband's dad was in the Army (a
colonel) and Navy and is now retired. He would take the kids to
Disneyland every year for ten years while he learned some ridiculous
language school for the army (a language he cannot even speak hardly a
word of to this day when asked, so I think this was a cover for what he
was really doing). He was a member of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir and
became a Mormon Bishop. Sounds great , huh? The only problem is, I found
out he molested a niece in the family and had never 'repented' before
accepting the 'calling from the Lord' as BISHOP! Red flags started going
up all over for me. His family is even worse than mine!

I could go on. It's too long.

Anyway, that's a start. These are painful memories and I want to see
that those bastards that are playing around with people's emotions get
what they karmically deserve AS SOON AS POSSIBLE! I want to however stay
out of fear and not give into hate. But let me know how I can help you

I hope that's enough of an advantage.

There was a report done by the "Strengthening the Saints Committee"
where they asked a sort of high ranking church official to do a study
and report. He interviewed 60 victims of satanic ritual abuse. These
Satanic Ritual Abuse victims pulled the lid off pandora's box by all
saying pretty much the same thing: "They took me to the church/temple to
get baptized. They dunked me. I think they were trying to drown me.

They asked if I loved Jesus. I said yes. They dunk me again. They ask if
Jesus will save me. I say yes, they dunk me again. This goes on and on
and Jesus doesn't save me. Then Satan comes and saves me and he's the
one who really loves me and now I will do anything he says."

They have all seen murder. Some have participated and remember it. They
all have emerging memories in their 30s and 40s. That is when this stuff
comes out. Anyway, a lot of them are under psychiatric care and many
were referred by the psychiatric world where split personalities are
becoming so common because of these rituals. They are so horrific that
the victim simply can't endure unless they run away into another
personality that's stronger or whatever. It's the saddest thing in the
world. These are sadistic soul murderers."--"Sue Ellen"


Another connection to organized religion surfaced when Preston Nichols
was working with Air Force agents in deprogramming a number of "Montauk
Boys" at Sag Harbor, as noted in the section of this report on
corroborative evidence. The Pallotine group, by means of various youth
related services and facilities, has been tied to the procurement of
children for use in the project. Preston Nichols called it a monastic
order working with the secret government to help train an elite fighting
group of children along the lines of Delta Forces. These unfortunate
children are procured for the Project through various youth related
services and facilities operated by The Pallotine group, and those
deemed suitable for such "service" to their unconstitutional secret
government are funneled through the Pallotine network into the Montauk
Project. Judging by some photos on the Pallotine web site, These
'fathers' look like real CIA types. They have a fairly creepy message on
the web site also, which reads in part-- 'for those that have gone
astray', 'this is where you will find your salvation' and that 'Jesus is
going to refresh and REMAKE you'.


The Order of the Rosy Cross as well the Knights of Malta, to which
George Bush belongs, and also the Skull and Bones Society, to which both
Bush and supposed political rival Bill Clinton both belong, have been
mentioned as other religious or "philosophical" organizations which have
been and are linked to the Montauk Boys operations, and are tied in
fundamental ways to the New World Order in general. In addition the
various organizations mentioned are linked to Masonic systems.


Substantial and virtually indisputable evidence of direct links between
certain military agencies and a number of mind control operations has
already been well documented by other writers and researchers, and some
new evidence is provided in this report in the preceding material by the
Mormon singer "Sue Ellen" regarding child abuse and psychosexual
programming at California's Vandenberg Air Force Base in Santa Barbara
County. Worthy of special note regarding this topic is the body of
information relating to a Monarch Project operation at San Francisco's
Presidio Army base. Several hundred children, under the care of the
Child Development Center's day care facility on the base, were subjected
to psychosexual mind control programming under the general direction of
Army Colonel Michael Aquino, an intelligence officer with extensive and
serious connections to the CIA and other intelligence agencies. Aquino
was also the head honcho of the "Temple of Set", a Church of Satan
offshoot based in San Francisco, which provided both the seemingly
requisite conceptual cult underpinning for the Presidio's kiddie mind
control operations as well as a steady supply of children from the San
Francisco area. Due to major ties to the CIA on the part of Aquino and
other principal defendants,just as in the McMartin Preschool case in Los
Angeles County, no one was ever found guilty in the Presidio case
despite the substantial hard evidence and the testimony of hundreds of
youngsters, parents, and mental health care professionals.

>From Judith, who provided some very interesting information noted
earlier in this report on some unusual occurrences in NYC and Long
Island on or around August 12 1983 (a highly significant date in the
Philadelphia/Montauk [Phoenix) saga], comes testimony which corroborates
so much other information on the ritualistic abuse of children in
programming/mind control operations designed to create "sleeper" agents
with thoroughly controlled alternate personalities,.

"Thanks so much for the articles and your recent correspondences. I have
not gone over the articles in depth, but the info in your letters has me
very intrigued. You certainly have done your research."

"I am most interested in the underground info you may have delved into."

"My father an AF colonel, graduated from West Point, 1944. I lived there
as an infant in the early 1950s. Yeah -- there WERE tunnels at West
Point -- most notably under the day care center. Children were assaulted
there, my sister and I both. Some very sadistic acts going on there.
Vampiresque-cults in that area."

"Also, a great deal of extra frequencies in and around West Point and
that whole area. Not a question and they continue today. There are
particular buildings at West Point which have definite frequency
problems. Those of us who seem to be much more attuned to the change in
frequency levels (my theory is that all military people have been set-up
with implants -- possibly mind controlled too -- and are thus very
sensitive to changes in frequencies in the air in any environment),
notice these changes from one city-town-territory to the next. I am sure
that Montauk is filled with frequency problems and is hence, quite
magnetic and charged."

"Send any other information my way -- as you have it. Thanks much..." --


Research has shown an extraordinarily high level of involvement on the
part of certain families or clans -- blood lines, in other words -- in a
great many interdimensional activities and related operations along the
lines of Philadelphia/Montauk; members of which apparently possess
specific psychic and genetic characteristics which facilitate certain of
these endeavors. Many of
these blood lines are German (Teutonic) and/or Celtic.

The primary psychic used in the "heyday" of the Montauk activities up
until 1983 was Duncan Cameron, directly related to the truly horrible
Ewen Cameron who conducted the well-known experimental mind control
research (mostly drug-based with some EM/RF aspects also) at Montreal's
Allan Memorial Institute (mostly in the 1960s and early 1970s.).
Duncan's father was
deeply involved with clandestine (and not so clandestine) government
agencies which funneled hordes of Nazi officials and scientists into
this country; much of this well before the end of WW2.

The Kennedy clan is historically related to the Cameron clan and Joseph
Kennedy, in his office as US ambassador to Great Britain, was unabashed
in support of Hitler even after WW2 began -- in direct conflict with the
position and wishes of his president Franklin Roosevelt.

Masterminds of Philadelphia/Montauk and related operations are
thoroughly tied to the Nazi/Aryan agenda and even for lower level, non-
esoteric, noncritical activities and experiments will often utilize
subjects with "Aryan" genetic characteristics and blood lines: these
people are often of German or Celtic descent . The reason these groups
have been "selected" (let's not say "chosen") for such a thoroughly
unenviable distinction in connection with such activities is due to what
project operators believe are strong psychic, intuitive and mystical/
magical abilities inherent in people of these races.

To whatever extent this may be true, those of Celtic/German descent are
most unfortunately being exploited in service of a truly hellish and
near-unremittingly evil agenda. It seems more and more evident that
cherishers of true human dignity and freedom must all use any powers we
do indeed possess; such as positivity of thought and strength of mind,
body and spirit, used with compassion and insight, to overturn and
counteract the operations of these despoilers of humanity to the
greatest extent possible.

Aleister Crowley, a British intelligence agent with strong sympathies
for the Nazi movement in addition to (being) a well known "mystic", was
thoroughly in on much of this type of skullduggery earlier in the
century, employing his own peculiar mixture of mysticism, Aryan fascism,
elements of psychosexual mind (and astral) programming, and cloak-and-
dagger weirdness. The Crowleys
also reputedly has clan connections to the prominent mystical family
Cameron and Aleister himself had strong connections to Montauk.


Another family name which Peter Moon has found crops up in this field
with notable frequency is Wilson. One member of the Wilson clan who has
been very influential in the modern world and who has been consistently
in opposition certainly to some of the agendas of the secret (worldwide)
government is L. Ron Hubbard, founder of Scientology. Hubbard is the
name of his adoptive parents but he was born a Wilson. Peter Moon was
fairly high up in the Scientology network in the 1970s when Hubbard was
quite active personally, and has researched this genetic angle
exhaustively. Whatever one's personal views on Scientology, (and by many
indications it's been thoroughly subverted by infiltrators after
Hubbard's death), they did seem to be dedicated to a relatively
enlightened agenda, which sought real psychological clarity and freedom
from pathological, kneejerk states of mind imprinted onto our
subconscious from past traumatic events, even prior to the present

It's an undeniable fact that Hubbard and Scientology were mercilessly
and relentlessly hounded and harassed by Federal authorities back when
he was alive (and likely since!) way beyond any reasonable degree, and
that alone would give one reason to think that he was probably on to
something both important and positive.

Though not publicized much in the more popular, "outer" teachings of
Dianetics, those in Hubbard's inner circles were quite aware that some
of his non-published, internal material which Hubbard allowed access to
addressed very specifically ill-intentioned extraterrestrials or
extradimensionals which capture human souls--usually between lifetimes.
These beings implant (false) spiritual, psychological even
sociopolitical concepts designed to keep souls trapped and enslaved as
it were--by continually and endlessly reincarnating into an external
reality or world already heavily controlled and manipulated in so many
ways; by those who maintain and broadcast the dominant "frequencies"
which make up the (quantum/ electromagnetic) matrix of our perceived and
experienced reality via such operations as the Montauk project. This
fits some vast agenda of human spiritual (and physical!) enslavement and
corresponding conditions; a longstanding agenda of the secret, cultic
"governments" which support, further and foster this ongoing, mass
manipulation of the human race through the indoctrinated and/or enforced
political, religious and other social systems.

William Bramley's exceptional book The Gods Of Eden, one of the more
unusual "UFO" books ever written, covers this very angle in tremendous
detail and provides ample documentation that the predominant "control
group" which attempts to run the show here on Earth, as manifested in
the ruling secret brotherhoods/ societies/governments (i.e. the
Bilderbergers, CFR and the like),
is inextricably tied to specific ET groups.

As per further information on L. Ron Hubbard, he did a stint in Naval
Intelligence where he assimilated a lot of the information the
government had amassed resulting from their research and experiments
into drug-based mind manipulation and narcosynthesis--this in the 30s!
Hubbard took the information and techniques and applied them in a
methodology aimed at "empowering" (in pc 90s-speak) and liberating
people on very fundamental psychological levels from ingrained, encoded
(often deliberately) "engramatic" behavior and states of mind, usually
programmed by traumatic means (intentionally or not). Hubbard was not a
cult leader, no matter what the government has tried to portray him as,
and what I've read of his work seems predominantly quite sane and useful

Hubbard was vehemently opposed in particular to the ubiquitous Dr. Ewen
Cameron, who at different times has been--incredibly enough--the
president of the American Psychiatric Association, the Canadian
Psychiatric Association, and the World Psychiatric Association. In light
of that, and given Ewen Cameron's truly odious, cruel, horrible, and
unpardonable activities, any reasonable person would be more than a
little suspicious of the motives and agenda of psychiatry in general, as
Hubbard most certainly was. Far too often psychiatry is used as a tool
of social behavioral control and modification, used to force subjects'
minds to conform to certain concepts, beliefs, structures and mores
imposed from without; strictures which again nearly always reinforce the
wishes and aims of society's prevailing rulers and of the status quo.

Montauk Project author Peter Moon was a Scientology member and in fact
occasionally worked directly with Hubbard. Moon seems certain that
Hubbard in fact was pretty much on the opposite team, certainly in terms
of the known objectives of Phoenix/Montauk, regarding "mind control".
Moon believes Hubbard to have been on the whole dedicated to the
personal spiritual emancipation of human beings from programming of
virtually any kind, and my admittedly skimpy knowledge of
Scientology/Dianetics would tend to back that up. I think the movement
suffered from a personality cult syndrome, and that Hubbard may in fact
have had a bit of a messiah complex running, but I do find some quite
worthwhile elements in the Dianetics material.

Hubbard was of course a participant in the so called "Babalon Working",
some mystical ceremony enacted along with fellow Aleister Crowley
adherents Jack (JPL/Cal-Tech/Father of modern rocketry) Parsons and
Marjorie Wilson Cameron. This ceremony has been said to have certain
esoteric correspondences with the Philadelphia Experiment, and may have
(helped) open
some dimensional channel enabling negative ET's easier access to our
dimension/reality--a new freeway was put in.

Perhaps to that extent that Hubbard was some kind of influence on the
more mystical aspects of Montauk/Phoenix operation, but I don't believe
he would have supported the specific goals of the project at all.


Interestingly, other information about the connection of certain
Scientology members to some of the secret government's "unusual"
experimental research activities comes from premiere mind control
researcher and author Alex Constantine, who has written a wealth of
excellent books and articles on the general topic of government
administered and operated mind control projects, including those based
on electromagnetic/radio frequency transmissions.

I quote below a section called "Psychic Spying at the Stanford Research
Institute Or CIA Mind Control?" from Constantine's Virtual Government.

"Concrete evidence that electronic mind control was the true object of
study at Stanford Research Institute (SRI) was exposed by the Washington
Post in 1977. When the Navy awarded a contract to the Institute, "the
scientific assistant to the Secretary of the Navy, Dr. Sam Koslov,
received a routine briefing on various research projects, including
SRI's. As the briefer flashed his chart onto the screen and began to
speak, Koslov stormily interrupted, 'What the hell is that about?' Among
the glowing words on the projected chart, the section describing SRI's
work was labeled, 'ELF and Mind Control.'"

" ÔELF' stands for 'extremely long frequency' electromagnetic waves,
from the very slow brain frequencies up to about 100 cycles per second..

But the 'Mind Control' label really upset Koslov. He ordered the SRI
investigations for the Navy stopped, and canceled another $35,000 in
Navy funds slated for more remote viewing work. Contrary to Koslov's
attempt to kill the research, the Navy quietly continued to fork out
$100,000 for a two-year project directed by a bionics specialist. The
"remote viewing" team at SRI was really engaged in projecting words and
images directly to the cranium. It was not a humanitarian pastime: the
project was military and test subjects are subjected to a lifetime of EM
torture plied with the same thorough disregard for human rights as the
radiation tests conducted at the height of the Cold War. To be sure, the
treatment subjects have received at the hands of their own government
would be considered atrocities if practiced in wartime.

        Louise A. Lowry
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