-Caveat Lector-

<A HREF="aol://4344:3167.nofly.21051279.600018242">A Look at the 'No-Fly'

U.S. Fighter Jets Fire on Iraq Planes

.c The Associated Press

WASHINGTON (Jan. 5) - Four U.S. fighter jets fired missiles at Iraqi planes
today in the ''no-fly'' zone over southern Iraq, a senior U.S. administration
official said. It was the first American-Iraqi air-to-air confrontation in
more than six years.

The U.S. missiles apparently failed to hit the Iraqi planes, although one
Iraqi plane was believed to have crashed, apparently after running out of
fuel, the official said.

The official Iraqi News Agency said Iraqi planes ''confronted and clashed with
the aggressive British and American aircraft'' before ''the aggressive
aircraft withdrew. All of our air force planes returned to base safely.''

The American planes - two Air Force F-15 strike aircraft and two Navy F-14
fighters - returned safely after the confrontation, the U.S. official said,
speaking on condition of anonymity. The Navy planes were from the aircraft
carrier USS Carl Vinson.

The incident, which happened at about 2:30 a.m. EST, marked an escalation of
tensions between Iraq and the United States and Britain over enforcing the
''no-fly'' zones in northern and southern Iraq. Iraq considers the
restrictions illegal and has vowed to defy them.

President Clinton has said U.S. and British forces will continue banning Iraqi
flights in the restricted zones, arguing that Saddam Hussein's military still
represents a threat to minority Kurds in the north and Shiite Muslims in the

David Leavy, spokesman for the White House National Security Council, said
today, ''The president has made it clear we will enforce the no-fly zones
vigorously. The Iraqi violations are at their own peril.''

A senior Pentagon official said the air-to-air altercation was the first in
Iraq since Dec. 27, 1992, when a U.S. F-16 shot down an Iraqi MiG-25.

Pentagon spokesman Ken Bacon said there were two separate incidents 15 minutes
apart, one involving U.S. F-15s and Iraqi MiG-25s, the other U.S. F-14s and
MiG-25s. U.S. warplanes fired a total of six missiles during the two

All told, military officials counted eight separate violations of the no-fly
zone today involving 13 to 15 Iraqi aircraft.

The Iraqi planes turned quickly after being fired upon, Bacon said. ''They
escaped without being shot down.''

At a Pentagon briefing, Bacon defended the accuracy of the missiles.

''Air-to-air combat is an extremely engaging and demanding type of war,'' he
said, adding there were still several unknowns, including the distance between
the aircraft when the missiles were fired.

Bacon said there were reports that a MiG crashed because it ran out of gas.
''We believe that to be the case but we do not have certainty on that right
now,'' he said.

Prior to today, there had been two incidents in the no-fly zones - neither
involving air-to-air combat - since the U.S. and British airstrikes of Dec.

On Dec. 28, U.S. warplanes fired on an Iraqi surface-to-air missile battery in
the northern zone after being fired on from the ground. Iraq said four Iraqi
soldiers were killed and seven wounded.

On Dec. 30, U.S. warplanes hit an anti-aircraft battery in the south. Iraq
says a farmer was killed and two other civilians wounded.

Saddam announced earlier in a statement read on state-run Iraq television that
the no-fly zones imposed on his country have no basis in international law and
vowed that Iraq will fight violations of its airspace ''with all its courage
and bravery.''

Meantime, the State Department said one of Saddam's sons directed the murder
of hundreds of Iraqi dissidents last November in the Shiite region of southern

Spokesman James P. Rubin said Monday that tensions in the south, a stronghold
of anti-Saddam sentiment, rose after the assassinations of two senior Islamic
clerics this summer.

He said there have been reports of mass arrests throughout the southern region
and in the Shiite areas outside Baghdad over the past six weeks - in addition
to hundreds of summary executions of dissidents at two prisons.

''The repression reportedly reached a peak in November, with hundreds killed
in actions directed personally by Qusai Hussein,'' Rubin said.

''Regime military action against the Shiites is an intrinsic and continuing
part of this campaign of repression. Since 1991 the regime has been carrying
out the widespread and brutal repression of the Shiite population of southern

Rubin said opposition sources from the Shiite areas reported that seven
villages were recently destroyed or turned into military outposts.

He added that more than 2,000 civilians who were unable to flee were
reportedly taken hostage by regime forces and possibly sent to Baghdad. They
were made up largely of the old, the infirm, women and children, he said.

 AP-NY-01-05-99 1445EST

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