FYI --not an endorsement--


 From the Offices of:  Rumor Mill News Agency
The Uncensored National Rumor

E-mail Address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RMNews Update: 01.05.99 Aptos, CA  -- In a fax received
yesterday in the RMNews offices, our recent Sources of
information, said to tell all of the RMNews readers,
Thank You!!

(Word for word from fax)
"tell em their letters turned the tide    Key WORDS hit the
point   Keep Letters flowing    separate the wheat
Keep it up! Tell em TY

Rumor Mill News Sources say Thank You to Rumor Mill News readers and Agents!

On Sunday, January 03, 1999, RMNews put out a  story in
which we urged  all Americans who believe in our
Constitution to write Senator Trent Lott and make him
realize that if he goes through with his four day version of
the impeachment trial, or any other unconstitutional trick to
keep the truth from coming out, that Republicans, like
elephants, will have long memories.

Evidently, Senator Lott got the point. Today, Tuesday, he
held a press conference and announced that the shortened
version of the trial has been abandoned. Unfortunately,
Senator Lott was less that forthcoming in his further
comments, and refused to answer questions.

RMNews Sources said to thank all of you who took the
time to write to Senator Lott. Evidently, the "Key WORDS"
contained in your letters "hit the point", and "turned the

Remember,  readers of RMNews are among a few select
people who had prior knowledge that Senator Lott might be
"forced" to do the right thing for the American
Constitution. While the rest of the world waited to see how
the slimmed-down-four-day-version of the impeachment
trial was going to look, RMNews readers were waiting to
see how gracefully Senator Lott could get out of the One
World box he has put himself in.

At the moment, he has not made a complete nor graceful
exit of his "One World Box." Therefore, you cannot stop
writing the letters!!

>From other people, with whom RMNews has been in
communication with over the past few days, we have
concluded that even though Faction 2 believes they have
won the war and defeated the New World Order's One
World Government, the victory still hangs in the balance.

Senator Lott is key to this victory.
RMNews does not know,
+ If he is a One Worlder,
+ If he is receiving  bad advice from his staff and inner
+ Or if the Clinton Political Destruction Derby has Senator
Lott in their sites.

Any of the above could cause Senator Lott to abandon the
Constitution and try to derail the impeachment trial in order
to keep President Clinton in power.

Wait, Don't Judge Just Yet!!!
There is another possibility, and we don't want to lose sight
of it. Senator Lott may very well be cooperating with
Faction 2, and delaying the course of events to ensure that
all the Senators in the United States Senate have the proper
time to "hang" themselves.

 In our Sunday  article, this sentence appeared:
"The wheat has still not be separated from the
Chaff. If President Clinton is removed too soon, it will not
give us enough time to learn which of our Senators are
"One Worlders" and which Senators are Americans who
support the Constitution of the United States of America."

It is important that the traitors do not come out of this
unscathed. All traitors must be known. If they are not
discovered and removed from office in the coming election
primaries, their "Global Virus" may come back to infect
another generation of Americans.

In 1996, the infamous Fifth Column delivered hundreds of
plain brown envelopes to members of congress and high
ranking government appointees and bureaucrats. These
plain envelops let these targeted people know that evidence
exists which implicates them in treason, racketeering,
conspiracy, grand theft, income tax evasion, and in some
cases, even murder.

In 1996, these people were given the choice, "Step aside, or
face indictment." Most of the recipients of the Brown
Envelopes chose "not to run for re-election, due to family

The current members of our Congress need to take a lesson
from the Brown envelops which were delivered in 1996.
When the envelops start coming in the year 2000, they
won't be brown, they will be white, and there won't be
evidence inside the envelops, there  will be Indictments!

Keep writing letters to your Senators. The trial must go

President Clinton's tenure of office has become one big
abscessed boil. Only a thorough lancing and cleansing will
prevent this type of boil from surfacing again. The trial will
rip open the boil and clean out the smell of putrefied lies,
bribery, abuse of power and criminal obstruction of justice.

Keep your letters, faxes, emails and telephones calls going
to your Senators. We must keep the pressure on right now!!
You cannot turn away and think there are enough people in
the country who are writing letters. Your letter, phone call,
fax or email could be the one which turns the tide
completely in our direction and restores our Constitution
and reclaims "our fallen flag."


(The following article was sent out by RMNews on Sunday,
January 3, 1999. Portions of it are repeated here in case you
missed the information.)



RMNews 01.03.99 Aptos, CA-- RMNews Sources have
          Use the Senate Impeachment trial to separate
              the One Worlders from true Americans.

The One Worlders will do everything within their power to
keep Bill Clinton in power. One Worlders come in every
party, race, color and religion. Most of them are nice
people who have simply been deceived by "clever talkers",
who know how to stroke egos and grant favors.  But others
are the brains who help the One World Cabal carry out
their evil plans for a global plantation based on eco slaves.

No matter which kind of One Worlder your Senator is, you
will be better off without him.

Republican Senators Please heed the call:

If you  even give an illusion of obstructing justice,
tampering with the jury, or perverting the Constitution, you
will lose your support from the Republican  Party in your
next election.

The Republican Party does not use the symbol of the
elephant without a good reason. Elephants have long
memories. And the Republican voters in your district also
will have long memories. No matter if you re-election is in
two years or six years, your constituents will remember and
you will be removed.

Don't listen to Trent Lott. He is not your friend. It is not
known at the moment which side he is on. He appears to be
receiving advice from Dick Morris. Dick Morris used to be
Bill Clinton's number one advisor.

In 1996, the Star grocery store gossip rag, ran a story about
Dick Morris and the prostitute. Dick Morris was forced to
resign his position as a White House advisor.

Faction 2 has controlled the Star magazine for a long time.
Faction 1 controls the National Enquiror. You can always
judge the spin that will be coming from the White House if
you keep an eye on the National Enquiror. The Star only
gets political from time to time. The Star is the magazine
that will publish the results of the DNA test from Danny
Williams, the 14 year old who "just wants to know who is
Daddy is."

Because Trent Lott is in conferences with Dick Morris, we
don't know, at the moment, which way he will turn. Will
Dick Morris help him see the light, and understand that the
One World Cabal has lost... for the time being? Or will he
keep pushing the Clinton Censure idea? If he does, then all
good Republicans need to demand his resignation from the
Senate, immediately.

If he supports  the Censure plan or tries to push his "pretrial
vote" to see if anyone really wants the trial, then he does
not represent America nor does he  honor the Document
that has kept us great for over two hundred years.

But, maybe his old friend. Dick Morris, will have the right
words to tell him which will make him see the light. Bob
Dylan did put it quite nicely.

 "Come congressmen, senators, please heed the call,
  Don't stand in the doorway, don't block up the hall.
  For he who gets hurt will be he who has stalled.

  "The battle outside ragin'
  Will  soon shake your windows and rattle your walls,
  For the times they are a'changin'.

"The line it is drawn, the curse it is cast.
  The slow one now will later be fast.
  As the present now will later be past,
  The order is rapidly fading.
  And the first one now will later be last,
  For the times they are a'changing."

Let's hope our Senators are not  "stalling" justice. If they
are, then they must heed the words by Dylan which were
recently sung  to RMNews by one of their main Sources.

       "For he who gets hurt will be he who has stalled."

(Repeated from same Sunday, 01.03.99 article)

At what point President Clinton will resign is unknown at
this time. The wheat has still not be separated from the
Chaff. If President Clinton is removed too soon, it will not
give us enough time to learn which of our Senators are
"One Worlders" and which Senators are Americans who
support the Constitution of the United States of America.

Every since Rumor Mill News was started in June of 1996,
Capitol Hill has secretly read our work. I am sure this
edition of Rumor Mill News will be one of the most widely
read on Capitol Hill!!



The indictments are still out there. Some are for treason!
Will your Senator be one of the ones who faces a trial for
treason, or will he or she have realized the folly of their
actions and do the right thing? "

Thank You note from Rumor Mill News Sources 01.05.99
P.O. Box 1784 Aptos, CA 95001
For a list of material in print or on tape, send a SASE to the
P.O. Box, or send an email to

It has come to the attention of Rumor Mill News Agents,
that a blueprint of what is now happening in the United
States and the world  exists.

It  was  published from  July of 1996 to December of 1996.
It is  is Volume I of Rumor Mill News. Unfortunately, due
to circumstances beyond our control, Volume I is  no
longer  on a working  computer. It is currently  only
available in print form.

If you would like your own Blueprint, so you can better
understand what is happening right now, please send,
$25.00 plus $3.00 S&H

Also ask for the Extra issue of "THE AMERICAN GULAG.
Political Prisoners in the United States."
It tells about the  nightmare years of Congressman George Hanson, Patriot
Maynard Campbell, and CIA operative, Gunther Russbacher. We will send it along
with your order.

Thank you

P.S. Soon you will be receiving a note from the email list
server I have chosen. If you want to continue to receive
Updates from RMNews,  you
will have to reply. We apologize in advance for any
inconvenience this change might cause.

We also want to thank you for distributing our e-mails to
your list.  One man who sends our e-mails out, states that
he is certain his list alone reaches close to 100,000 people.

Keep up the good work. You are all becoming excellent
Rumor Mill News Agents. Soon we will have to get you
RMNews Agency patches and cards!!

Rumor Mill News Agency
Serving Freedom and Liberty World Wide

The Uncensored National Rumor

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