-Caveat Lector-

Forwarded from the Spy King list...

What Exactly do I know ?

Everything I know is posted on my two web sites:
http://www.nas.net/~raven1 ...neuro-influence stuff
http://www.nas.net/~cirrus ...MKULTRA stuff
I also know exactly, personally, first hand, what the
effects of the weapons are, since they are used on me,
regularly, and have been for the past 9 years.

I know that electronic test equipment has confirmed highly
unusual electronic activity which co-incides with the
harassment effects, and that as an experienced engineer and
ham radio operator, I know how to interpret the readings,
and what "normal" readings are.

I know that a targetted colleague from LA got a series of
circular burns on her arm with no cause -- and that the same
burns could be caused by a pulsing maser. I know that she
met an LAPD officer with the same burns on his leg, who told
her these "came from a microwave weapon", (then suddenly
wouldn't say more.)

I know I am not mentally ill. I voluntarily, without any
urging by psychiatrists, took anti-psychotic medications
without the slightest effect on the harassment. A local
psychiatrist interviewed me, looked at a binder of
documentation, and recommended no therapy whatsoever.
(Summer 98)

I know that my lawyer had a client for 4 years who was a
NEURO-INFLUENCE WEAPONS PERP, who was falsely imprisoned in
the Ontario Hospital for the Criminally Insane when he tried
to leave the trade.

My experience also includes constant break-ins resulting in
damage and theft of minor items, sometimes returned later,
both at work and at home. Air mattresses punched full of
holes, curtains torn, clothing torn with emphasis on
crotches and underarms. Winter coats whole in spring full
of ripped out seams in the fall.

Over the past 6 years, many of my co-workers have seen the
results of both the sabotage, and weird sound effects like
"sound coming out of a solid brick wall". This sabotage is
far beyond what anyone experiences. This sabotage followed
me across two different jobs, two different cities, and
three different apartment buildings, with no break. The
witnesses have no doubts that something extraordinary is

I know that microwave weapons were last written up in the
media in the mid-60s, when the Soviets used them on the
U.S. embassy in Moscow.

I also know that the CIA programme MKULTRA was real,
included electronic methods, and that not one of the
perps got a day's punishment. MKULTRA establishes that
a significant pool of educated but highly unethical
behavioural scientists exists in the west -- more than
enough motive there to cover what is happening in the
field of covert research.

I know that scientists can lie in attempts to either cover
themselves from charges that they are unethical and/or to
further their careers. They are just as likely to be
dishonest as any other field.

I know that the telemetry/surveillance devices that
accompany neuro-influence testing appeal to those with
the very worst mental problems, i.e. voyeurs and sadists,
and that the world has no shortage of either type. Thus,
motive is not hard to establish.

I know that Dr. Igor Smirnov from Russia is willing to talk
freely on TV and admit the reality of electronic interaction
with the human brain and nervous system. (Recently
documented on a German TV show, ZDF channel.)

Both the experience of radar technicians as far back as
WW II, and the Allen Frey experiments at Cornell University
in the early 60s show clearly that pulsed radio signals get
past the voltage difference barrier across nerve cell walls.
I know that the US DoD has posted an abstract about a small
business innovative research project that states microwave
communications directly with troops "has been demonstrated":

I know that a pair of heterodyned ultrasound carrier signals
(200 kHz nominal) can make sound appear to emanate from
inanimate objects, and if the object is a person's head,
this will produce the sensation of "voice direct to skull"
with no apparent source. (American Technologies Corp.,
"Hyper-Sonic Sound System, slated to come on the market in

I know that either with microwave or acoustic voice to skull
technology, the potential for hypnotic coercion exists.
I know that with either microwave or acoustic technology, if
used together with radar, and operated only in short bursts
when no test equipment is present and no witnesses are
present, results in a zero-evidence condition without much
effort. Therefore, the fact that a poor targetted person
can't come up with evidence does not mean the technology is
not in use. Such an argument ignores the facts.

I know that Dr. Michael A. Persinger has been achieving all
manner of neuro-influence effects for years, using a simple
helmet equipped with Radio Shack magnetic relay coils.
And I know that radio signals are made up of oscillating
magnetic and electrostatic components.

I know that Dr. Eldon Byrd, together with Dr. Ross Adey,
designed a microwave stun gun for the USMC which caused the
body to release massive amounts of "opioid compounds" --
clearly demonstrating the interaction of microwave signals
with the body. (Byrd states he never built it. US News
and World Report.)

I know that in 1993, the U.S. National Institute of Justice
announced it was looking into what it considered the three
most likely to succeed microwave weapons:
- heat gun
- convulsion gun
- see stars gun

Although they have been evasive when queried recently, they
have not come out and said the weapons are not possible --
just that they don't plan to release details.

I know that FBI director Louis Freeh made a public statement
that neuro-influence weapons exist but are not illegal.
(Neuro-influence was not his term but that is what he was
referring to.)

On the telemetry side, I know there is a commercial
microwave device, purchaseable by anyone, which can detect
the human heartbeat at up to 115 feet through non-conductive
barrier substances. It is manufactured by VSE Corporation,
Alexandria Virginia. (Great for stalkers and voyeurs to
know when their victim is home alone.) It is called the
"LADS" device.

I know that police have had "thru the wall radar" for some
time -- it has been mentioned, though not very forcefully,
in the mainstream media. (There was a recent flap over
thermal imaging, but total silence on the radar, for some
unknown reason.)

I know the radar is used on me -- sometimes those in the
apartment below mine will "track" me as I move about,
tapping the floor under me wherever I walk. Other times,
usually for periods of 24 to 48 hours, every time I pee, the
water in the apartment bathroom below mine is turned on and
off in sync with my urine stream.

I know that Pastueur Institute officer Pierre Changeux has
warned that neuroscience is fast approaching weapons
capabilites, and that neuro-influence technology needs
strict controls established to prevent criminal use.
(Nature, Jan. 22/98, News section.)

I know that at long last, both Amnesty International and
World Organization Against Torture (OMCT) are just beginning
to work the new technologies into their agendas.

I know that the European Parliament has taken this matter
into it's agenda -- the main thrust of that effort being to
stop the world's military from hoarding neuro-influence
technology for weapons use only. This same technology could
be used for dramatic advances in medicine.

I know that the events that happen to me are so improbable
that it's like being hit by lightning and a meteorite at the
same instant. I know that there are between 50 and 100
others who are on the Internet who have similar experiences
and have for years.

I know that none of us get any financial or other type of
gain from going public -- quite the opposite, in fact.
I know that 50 consistent witnesses, most or all of whom
would pass psychiatric evaluation, would have a significant
impact on the outcome of a court case.

There is a lengthy book list backing up my assertions on
my web site:

While the actual devices are tightly kept from the public,
enough has gone on in the 50+ year history of neuro-
influence development that any truly open-minded person
with a sense of realism and knowledge of human behaviour
and history would have no trouble seeing that it is high
time to expose what has been going on for a long time.
The only arguments against exposure would be of a picky,
technical nature, not on a common sense basis.

Eleanor White.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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