

A Compass For Moral Excellence
Published Worldwide From Washington

January 6, 1999

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2000: Year Of The Woman?

While most folks enjoyed time off over Christmas and the New Year, the
plotters, planners and schemers, ever keen to dominate politics, the media
and the popular culture, were forced to reshape their plans by new details
of presidential escapades.  Their decisions this week will shape America
for a decade.

Last month, we outlined a possible power swap at the end of January in
which Hillary Clinton would deliver her husband's resignation in return for
becoming Al Gore's Vice-President, leaving the Clintons right at the center
of power for another few years.  The plan seemed viable for several weeks,
but the Clintons themselves could not seem to agree on it.  In any case,
one aspect seems to have proven too much for her:  the need to remain
married to him for the foreseeable future.  She has reverted to an earlier
plan in which she will again mirror her seance communicant, Eleanor
Roosevelt, by moving from the White House to New York in order to run for
the Senate seat to be vacated by Daniel Patrick Moynihan in 2000.
Presumably she will divorce Bill Clinton somewhere along the way.  Her
latest acrimony with her husband may have been aggravated by new
revelations.  It's hard to imagine that Bill Clinton can still shock us,
but apparently he can.  One story concerns the allegation that he has a 13
year-old illegitimate son.

On July 1, 1998, we told you about Danny Jefferson Williams, the Little
Rock teenager who is said to be the result of Mr. Clinton's 1984 liaison
with a black Little Rock prostitute, Bobby Ann Williams.  As we reported
then, she met Bill Clinton one day as he was jogging.  Clinton stopped to
talk to her and returned three days later for the first of 13 sessions
together, which involved other women too.  As Danny grew older, he started
to look more and more like Mr. Clinton.  Danny's photograph has been on the
Exegesis web page for the past six months.  Now, the truth is about to be
told to the rest of the American people, so we must expect Mr. Clinton's
approval ratings to hit new heights.  He denies he ever knew Miss Williams,
but if a DNA test on Danny matches Mr. Clinton's DNA, he clearly knew her
in the Biblical sense.  Americans are left with the odd dilemma of whether
to believe a prostitute or President Clinton.

This sudden change of plans is good news for the Republicans.  It removes
the last major obstacle to their White House aspirations.  Since November
1996, we have been telling you that Governor George Bush of Texas was being
groomed to be the Republican nominee and the next President.  A campaign
staff was quietly recruited and the Internet site "Bush2000.com" was
registered.  For the past two years Mr. Bush has led the field alone, but
not any more.  He will run only if he is likely to win.  He would prefer to
remain a popular Governor of Texas to ploughing through the snowy roads of
New Hampshire and Iowa for an uncertain outcome.  He could even become the
Republicans' vice-presidential nominee.

Why?  Because, amid the complex calculations and maneuvers, doubts and
questions have been raised.  Can George lead the Republicans to victory?
Can his speaking abilities be upgraded from adequate to excellent?  He has
a winsome personality, but might it be wise to ease him into the job with a
stint as vice-president first?  Some weeks ago, he let it be known that he
would favor a female running-mate.  The name at the top of his list was
that of Elizabeth Dole, the first woman in American history to have held
two Cabinet positions, as President Reagan's Transportation Secretary and
President Bush's Labor Secretary.

She has also held positions in the White House and the Federal Trade
Commission, and she has had a successful eight year tenure at the American
Red Cross.  Campaign experience with her husband has taught her how things
work.  Her Southern charm, gracious manner and quiet boldness make her the
envy of many men and a great asset to the Republicans.  Some say she is the
closest America has to a Margaret Thatcher.  However, she is not the solid
conservative for whom many Republican voters yearn.  She likes big
government programs and is as much a pillar of the Ruling Elite as is her
husband.  Yet perhaps that is an unchangeable aspect of American political
life for the time being- and certainly for the 2000 election.

On Monday January 4, Mrs. Dole transformed the political landscape when she
resigned from the Red Cross, saying: "At this important time in our
national life, I believe there may be another way for me to serve our
country.  I believe there may be other duties yet to fulfill."  How could
that be interpreted as anything other than an intention to run for the
White House?  Her speech has made an enormous impact over at the Republican
National Committee where they know she would be a formidable opponent for
Al Gore or anyone else.  She has no skeletons in her closet other than
assisting in the stewardship of her husband's bribes and kickbacks over the
years.  She is gifted, popular, poised and clean as a whistle.  Nobody
could attack her integrity and retain their credibility.  It would be like
attacking one's own mother.

Thus the American political dynamic has changed once again.  Elizabeth Dole
must now be regarded as the joint leader of the pack with Governor George
Bush.  There will be other challengers, but few serious ones.  Senator John
Ashcroft has dropped out, but Pat Buchanan and others are contemplating a
run and presumably have their individual reasons for doing so.  Some hope
for a Cabinet position - John McCain for Defense, Colin Powell for State,
Steve Forbes for OMB or Treasury, and Lamar Alexander for souvenir shirt
salesman at the White House gift shop, but they will all withdraw
graciously and punctually if they wish to receive their reward.  One
possible candidate, Alan Keyes, may be the only one to raise the real
issue:  that America's moral house is burning down.  Meanwhile, Mrs. Dole
has laid down the gauntlet in no uncertain terms.  Like Margaret Thatcher,
her gender strengthens her.  She could reach the top with such ease and
grace that we will wonder why it took such a long time to elect a woman

Meanwhile, Bill Clinton's trial is about to begin.  There has been way too
much conversation about the details.  Not only is it totally inappropriate
for a jury to make remarks about a trial in progress, but the distorted
logic employed in their public calculations surrenders every sense of
propriety to prejudice, including the notion that Democrats are so
irredeemably corrupt and blind to justice that they would not vote in any
circumstances for the removal of one of their own, even when, as in this
case, the evidence deems it necessary, and it is also in their interests to
do so.  It is wholly wrong to base a historical constitutional procedure on
such a flimsy premise.  The Constitution must take precedence over politics.

We may yet be surprised by the evidence.  Aside from the many women, there
are reports of drug-taking and inhaling, not to mention at least 109
unresolved deaths of staff members and associates, which have in common
only that each worked with Mr. Clinton.  Whatever happens, he is almost a
spent force:  he might finish out his term after a slap on the wrist, but
one holds out hope that the Senators will be galvanized by those basics of
the Constitution that high school students know by heart.  Either way,
shrewd politicians are looking beyond Bill Clinton.  2000 is looking
increasingly like another "year of the woman":  Hillary Clinton is now
charting a solo course while Elizabeth Dole hopes to be the first American
to be addressed as 'Madam President' or 'Madam Vice-President'.  Is America
ready for this?  ‡  Steve Myers × Editor


May I ask your prayers for my mother, Ella?  She is having another round of
cancer surgery this Thursday, January 7.  Obviously, this is not a good
situation, and I am praying for healing, but I am praying much more for her
to know the Lord and His peace.

I will be with her in London again for the last part of this month.

Thanks and God bless
We welcome your letters to the editor.
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A Compass For Moral Excellence
Published Worldwide From Washington


© Exegesis 1999
Post Office Box 789, McLean, Virginia 22101, USA

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