-Caveat Lector-


<<<Government should serve ONLY to provide ALL individuals protection
fron FORCE and FRAUD ... certainly that should take closer to 5% of one's
earnings rather than 50% plus.>>>

This would be fine, but how would the government "know" whom to protect
inasmuch as there is a significant portion of our population with no
political voice. Therefore this governmental attribute you hold so dear
becomes a defense mechanism for the elite. Hence the present chasm, in
this nation, between the have's and the have-not's.

<<<For the Government to 'care for' or 'provide for' these urban
outdoorsmen (who are reaping the net result of the CHOICES they made) it
must first TAKE from others.  How is this 'fair' to those 'gripers' you
describe above?>>>

A) How do the mentally impaired fall under your rubric of "reaping the
net result of the choices they make"? How do those families--specifically
children-- displaced by economic down-turns fall under the rubric of "net
result of choice"?

B) It is fair by nature of the fact that the aforementioned gripers reap
a disproportionately large benefit from life in this society.

<<<Throwing around emotives like 'Social Darwinists' ... if one has the
RIGHT to survival ... he has the RIGHT to enslave another for such a

"Social Darwinism" is hardly an emotive and hardly a term that I coined.
It refers to a general belief in the social equivalent of survival of the
fittest. Such a doctrine is fine in feudal systems, but once a social
system has been formed for the mutual benefit of all (civilization), such
doctrines become antiquated--or would if not revived by those of rightist
bent.  Choose one: feudal system or civilization (representative
democracy or otherwise) and be willing to pay the price for your

<<<Yes, this is typical ... blame *ANYONE* but one's self.  Who --
exactly --made those choices which placed you in the predicament?

In this/my case, you are partially correct. I was to blame for not having
adequately prepared myself financially (at nineteen, such concepts were
sort of abstract :-)). My employer took it from there by downsizing me
during the initial stages of Reagan's "trickle-down" economy.

<<<  Who failed to plan for this predicament?  Who failed to 'diversify'
your abilities/qualifications?>>>

Forgive me, Michael (actually this serves as partial re-inforcement of my
point about the compassionlessness and naivete'of the right), but, again,
at nineteen, I was oblivious of the need to prepare for the malevolent
economics of an equally malevolent president.

<<< Who chose to frivolous actions rather than saving for the 'rainy

See above.

<<<When one is free to make his own decisions, how is it another's fault
when the results prove deficient?>>>

This is the key deficiency in the understanding of those of rightist
affiliation: a great many people fall prey to circumstances beyond their
control, and well outside the realm of choice. One can stretch the
philosophy of "blame the victim" only so far before the argument becomes

<<<Are you fearful of freedom?>>>

I am fearful of being run over by a system in which I have no
representation. I guess it's a matter of choosing who and by what means
should I be run over.

<<<Why must you carelessly toss around emotive language in an attempt to
obscure the issue?>>>

Clearly a matter of interpretation :-)

Edward   ><>

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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