-Caveat Lector-

Edward Britton wrote:

> Even so, given your provincial attitudes, I'll bet there's a home-on-wheels
> somewhere in your history.

How much is the bet?

> How cute: an urban assault vehicle, right? Great Caesar's ghost, you're
> becoming your own stereotype!

Yep.... idolized by millions.

> Glad to hear it. Who did you have to step on to do so well for yourself?

No one at all... I provided things for people who were grateful to receive them,
and for which the compensated me.  Of course, that's a foreign concept to you.

> Man, please! You wouldn't know a rational argument if it crawled up your
> rectum and died!

That's true... My arguments originate in my brain.  You wouldn't be familiar with

> No, but in typical right-wing fashion, you sure as hell implied it!

I didn't imply anything of the sort... You infered what you wanted to believe.

> As for the statement you just made about "semi-poverty," do you have even the
> slightest clue what life was like for native Americans BEFORE we came over
> here and stole the land out from under them? My God, talk about
> ignorance!!!!!!

I have a little bit of a clue, although it is not something I have devoted a lot
of time to.  I do know this... The Indians didn't own the land, and most of them
didn't even have the concept of "ownership" regarding real estate.  Its difficult
to steal something from someone who doesn't own it.  I will admit that the fellows
got a raw deal from the govm't... but who doesn't?

> Poor, poor Squawk! So very worried that someone is after his "stuff." Keep
> crapping on people you don't know, much less understand, and your fears may
> well be warranted.

I've never crapped on anyone... whether I knew them or not.  And although I do
resent having my resources extorted from me, I am not all that worried about it.
Some people give money to the Mafia as a condition of doing business... others,
such as I, give money to the govm't... Neither the govm't nor the Mafia deserve
it, and both use the threat of violence to take it... but I figure is more-or-less
a condition of doing business.  As for the silly threats about what the "pore
folks is gonna do to me," I am not in the least intimidated.  There's an old
military adage:  "If I'm in range, THEY are in range."

> Kind of hard to say: our "founding fathers" were so much into taking what wasn't
> theirs that such a noble concept was not likely to come to fruition in the minds
> of bully thieves all by itself.

So they had to be taught by the savages they were stealing from?  OK... I got it.

> Hardly quaint, unless you consider the slaughter of native Americans and
> the enslavement of a race of people as being quaint.

I hadn't thought to call the native Americans "resources," although many of them
considered each other as "resources," and did a commendable job of killing and
enslaving each other.  Some of the New Englanders tried to make slaves out of some
of the Indians, but the Indians kept running off, and proved to be sullen
servants... So then the New Englanders decided that slavery was bad... UNTIL, they
found that they could exchange rum for Negroes in Africa, and slavery suddenly
became "not so bad."  But then, you've probably heard that story.

> Perhaps we should have "borrowed" the Indian philosophy of frugal use of
> resourses as well.

Why is that?  If it is depleted, find a substitute.  I am not concerned about
"frugal use of resources."  If I own resources, and can sell them, I want to sell
to anyone who'll buy them... Its called "doing business."

> Then, maybe, we could have had both a clean environment AND a materialistic
> technology at the same time.

I'm in favor of a clean environment... Excessive development of resources usually
isn't the root cause of an unclean environment.  Sometimes, but not always.  And
besides, if you don't own the resources, what business is it of yours whether or
not the owner squanders them?

> Oh, I wish I had read this jewel first. You would have been a far more enjoyable
> target of humiliation. Keep thinking that way, Squawk, and for the pursuit of a
> "better life, you'll be living in your own filth!

Funny... your theory hasn't seemed to be right yet.  Seems as though its the
people who expect others to pay their way that usually reside in filth.  My
neighborhood's pretty clean... We have Mexicans who do the work... (Thought you'd
like that.)


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