Here's a poem I thought was worthy of storing on one of my patriot disks. Hope you enjoy it...................

 The Visitor

Someone came to visit me, I did not understand,                                                                    A figure walking through the mist, with flintlock in his hand.
His clothes were torn and dirty, as he stood there by my bed.
He took off his three-cornered hat, and speaking low he said:

We fought a revolution to secure our liberty.
We wrote the Constitution, as a shield from tyranny.
For future generations, this legacy we gave.
In this, the land of the free, and the home of the brave.

The freedom we secured for you, we hoped you’d always keep
But tyrants labored endlessly while your parents were asleep.
Your freedom gone, your courage lost, you’re no more than a slave.
In this, the land of the free, and the home of the brave.
You buy permits to travel, and permits to own a gun.         
Permits to start a business, or to build a place for one.          
On land that you believe you own, you pay a yearly rent.
Although you have no voice in choosing how the money's spent.
Your children must attend a school that doesn't educate.
Your moral values can't be taught, according to the state.                          
You read about the current news in a very biased press.
You pay a tax you do not owe, to please the I.R.S.
Your money is no longer made of Silver or of Gold,
You trade your wealth for paper, so life can be controlled.
You pay for crimes that make our Nation turn from God in shame.
You've taken Satan's number, as you've traded in your name.
You've given Government control to those who do you harm,
So they can padlock churches, and steal the family farm;                                                      And keep our country deep in debt, put men of God in jail;
Harass your fellow countrymen while corrupted courts prevail.
Your public servants don't uphold the solemn oath they've sworn;                                          Your daughters visit doctors so children won't be born.
Your leaders ship artillery and guns to foreign shores.
And send your sons to slaughter, fighting other people's wars.
Can you regain your freedom for which we fought and died?
Or don't you have the courage, or the faith to stand with pride.
Are there no more values for which you'll fight to save?
Or do you wish your children live in fear and be a slave.
Sons of the Republic, arise and take a stand!
Defend the Constitution, the Supreme Law of our land.
Preserve our Great Republic, and each God-Given Right!                                                       And pray to God to keep the torch of freedom burning bright!
As I awoke he vanished in the mist from whence he came.
His words were true, we are not free, and we have ourselves to blame.
For even now as tyrants trample each God-Given right,
We only watch and tremble- too afraid to stand and fight.
If he stood by your bedside in a dream while you're asleep,                                                    And wonders what remains of your Rights he fought to keep.
What would be your answer if he called out from the grave?
Is this still the land of the free and home of the brave?
                                                                                                         By Thelen Paulk
> From: Gavin Phillips <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: [CTRL] Proud to be an American?
> Date: Thursday, January 07, 1999 1:49 AM
>  -Caveat Lector-
> fwd. Gavin.
> << Save for a rainy day.  One of the better reads to come along in a while.
>  *******************************************************
>  >From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (James C DeArman)
>  >Date: Sat, 02 Jan 1999 21:02:04 EST
>  >
>  >Greetings gentlemen,
>  >
>  >I received a call last evening from an editor of a
>  >patriot publication and he reminded me of an item
>  >I wrote a couple of months ago.  He said I should
>  >do more writing.  I dunno.
>  >
>  >Anyway here it is for pass on including address:
>  >*********************************************************
>  >"Proud to be an American ?"
>  >
>  >       I used to be proud that I lived in the world's first
>  >constitutional republic,
>  >Now I am told it is a "democracy", the final step before a dictatorship.
>  >       I used to be proud that this nation was an example of right for
>  >all to follow,
>  >Now I am ashamed to call myself an American because of our decline into
>  >wrong.
>  >       I used to be proud that we had a free nation of law, under GOD,
>  >Now we are a nation of "public policy", under bankruptcy to international
>  >bankers.
>  >       I used to be proud that I was born free and lived in Michigan
>  >state, a geographical area,
>  >Now I am told it is a corporate "State of Michigan", and I am subject to
>  >its statutes, codes and laws.
>  >       I used to be proud that the citizenry knew their rights and where
>  >they came from,
>  >Now most believe that they only have privileges granted them by the all
>  >powerful corporate state.
>  >       I used to be proud when I knew juries and grand juries stood
>  >against bad laws and judges,
>  >Now they are nothing more than a prosecutorial tool of the prosecutors
>  >and judges.
>  >       I used to be proud of the education standards of our schools and
>  >university's,
>  >Now there are courses taught like 28 ways to shake hands and advanced
>  >basket weaving.
>  >       I used to be proud of my honorable military service in time of
>  >war,
>  >Now I know the people were, and are, constantly lied to about the causes
>  >and prisoners of that war.
>  >       I used to be proud when I saw a person in most any uniform on our
>  >streets,
>  >Now I fear for my safety because that person does not have me or my
>  >nation's security as his goal.
>  >       I used to be proud when I saw the "United States" (No yellow
>  >fringe) flag flying in our state,
>  >Now I see it as the symbol of a fearsome, manipulated, foreign
>  >corporation that is anti-American people.
>  >       I used to be proud to assert my right to vote for the statesman
>  >of choice,
>  >Now it matters not for whom or even if I vote, as politicians, mostly
>  >lawyers, are bought and paid for.
>  >       I used to be proud of the people at my local media for reporting
>  >truth, justice and all the news,
>  >Now it is controlled by the "editor" who censures it so that people
>  >cannot make fully informed decisions.
>  >       I used to be proud when I paid my fair share in taxes to support
>  >my government,
>  >Now I am aware none of that money goes to support our government.
>  >       I used to be proud that one qualification to become a police
>  >officer was local residency,
>  >Now the applicant must be a "citizen or resident of the United States",
>  >which is a foreign corporation.
>  >       I used to be proud that I had the freedom to travel without fear
>  >most anywhere in this nation,
>  >Now I worry when I see a policeman, lest I be caught breaking some edict
>  >of government and be jailed.
>  >       I used to be proud that all our government guarded my privacy as
>  >one of its main jobs,
>  >Now its main job is nothing less than the invasion and abolition of the
>  >privacy of all of the citizenry.
>  >       I used to be proud that I maintained my home and land well,
>  >Now I dare not improve it because I may not be able to afford the tax
>  >increase.
>  >       I used to be proud to enter most any neighborhood in this nation
>  >to visit friends or family,
>  >Now I fear doing so lest it be a "known" drug or crime area and my car be
>  >confiscated.
>  >       I used to be proud that I had been called to serve for jury duty,
>  >Now I avoid the courts as just another "business for profit" in the law
>  >enforcement industry.
>  >       I used to be proud that my neighbor's were watchful of my lands
>  >and property,
>  >Now I fear they could be the cause of its forfeiture for some victimless,
>  >mala prohibita crime.
>  >       I used to be proud that I had a right to responsibly own, possess
>  >and use "arms",
>  >Now those actions are being used to label me as "anti-government", or
>  >"militia", "terrorist", or worse.
>  >       I used to be proud to stand up and be counted as a loud voice on
>  >numerous issues,
>  >Now I hesitate to do so, should I, or my family, become targets of
>  >ignorant vindictiveness.
>  >       I used to be proud that I could read, study, and live, my
>  >religion's teachings,
>  >Now if I do so, I am falsely branded as "white supremacist",
>  >"anti-Semitic", "radical", "racist", or worse.
>  >       I used to be proud that I did not need government identification
>  >for all personal interactions,
>  >Now I fear that a national identification document for all transactions
>  >is law in the land.
>  >       I used to be proud that I could say or write most anything, with
>  >responsibility,
>  >Now if I speak or write freely, expressing unpopular views, I am called a
>  >"paper terrorist" or worse.
>  >       I used to be proud that I could teach my children my religion's
>  >moral views and ways,
>  >Now, if I do so, I may be charged with the crime of teaching religion
>  >without training and a license.
>  >       I used to be proud that my children were properly punished when
>  >they did wrong,
>  >Now I fear to do so because I might be charged with "child abuse".
>  >       I used to be proud to let my children learn by doing things for
>  >themselves,
>  >Now if I do so I may be charged with "child neglect".
>  >       I used to be proud that my spouse and I had a marriage license,
>  >believing it was required,
>  >Now I learn it is permission to the false god, the state, to control me,
>  >my spouse, and my children.
>  >       I used to be proud that I was among the creators of this earthly
>  >government,
>  >Now I am told I must obey any unreasonable demand of it's lowliest
>  >bureaurat, as he is over me in authority.
>  >       I used to be proud to grasp and shake the hand of anyone, in
>  >mutual honor, dignity and respect,
>  >Now most want to "slap hands", in which there is no mutual honor, nor
>  >dignity, nor respect.
>  >       I used to be proud that my debts were "paid" with substance, not
>  >cheating those I dealt with,
>  >Now debts are "discharged" using "debt instruments".
>  >       I used to be proud that I was "no-account" and not a "surety" for
>  >debts,
>  >
>  >Now I cannot conduct business without approved "identification", "credit"
>  >or an "account with us".
>  >       I used to be proud that I could actually do a wide variety of
>  >things without anyone's permission,
>  >Now I am told I must ask permission of government beforehand as I may be
>  >violating some prohibitive law.
>  >       I used to be proud that my word could be believed as truth and
>  >without deceit,
>  >Now people will not believe even the most honest person because of the
>  >constant lies they get.
>  >       I used to be proud to be a responsible, conscientious, hard
>  >working, honorable, caring, voting, spouse, father
>  >and member of the political community,  Now I am ridiculed, threatened,
>  >harassed, cheated, conspired against, and
>  >made a criminal, risking reputation, life and limb, because of my
>  >religious beliefs, my gun ownership, my stand on
>  >certain moral issues, my lack of instant compliance to every minuscule
>  >demand of government at all levels, and my
>  >sacred responsibility to my children, family, neighbors and nation.
>  >
>  >       Thank You "Workers of Iniquity"!
>  >
>  >       Proud to be an American?                I don't think so, Tim.
>  >
>  >James DeArman
>  >P.O. Box 0913
>  >Pinconning,
>  >Michigan
>  --------------------
>   >>
> ==========
> CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
> screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
> and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
> frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
> spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
> gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
> be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
> nazi's need not apply.
> Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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