For all of the Habsburg fans on the list, the following is a summary of a
recent article from the Austrian newspaper Kurier.

Unrest is brewing even among members of the Peoples' Party (conservative) over
comments made by Otto von Habsburg in Profil (an Austrian newsmagazine)
comparing criticism of his son, Karl, to persecution of the Jews.  "This
(comment by Habsburg) is absolutely inappropriate and intolerable!" declared
Gerlinde Rogatsch, the state business leader of the Austrian Peoples' Party.

She expects a clear statement from Karl after she's received the investigative
report concerning the "money flow" from World Vision to the Pan European
Movement.  What Karl Habsburg knew about the money transfer must be made
clear.  Both the Opposition Party and the Austrian Socialist Party have again
demanded that von Habsburg step down from his position as a member of the
European Parliament.

That's it, folks.  I assume Karl works for World Vision, but I'll check on
that.  It would seem that he must at least have connections there to manage a
transfer of funds.

Question:  is the Pan European Movement a link to the PoS?  The plot thickens!

Another soupçon for thought:  In a major scandal of the last century, the
young lady who supposedly committed suicide with Prince Rudolf was half
Armenian.  Cherchez les Bagradids!  Since the scene of the crime, a hunting
lodge situated a few miles from Vienna, was demolished with unseemly haste by
order of Franz Josef, could this whole scenario be reminiscent of the
relationship between King Henry and his erstwhile drinking buddy, Becket:
Will no one rid me of this meddlesome priest (prince)?  Rudi had some
distinctly un-conservative leanings from what I've heard...and his mother,
Empress Elisabeth (Sissy) detested her royal relatives.  She also removed
herself from the imperial scene and traveled the world as much as possible.

A convent for Carmelite nuns (one of the most conservative R. C. orders) was
built on the site.   BTW, this double murder/suicide (whatever) is still a
topic of intense interest in Vienna and as we can see, the Habsburgs are still
raising hell.  Would you really consider these folks as candidates for kings
of the world?

Terri Eminian-Schoen

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