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YnrChyldzWyld wrote:

> >> >Glad to hear it. Who did you have to step on to do so well for yourself?
> >>
> >> Or sleep with?  ;-)
> >
> >That one's cute, too.. I married a poor girl... She's rich now, though.
> Avoids answering the question of who you stepped on or slept with to become so
> successful in business to become rich white trash...

My, my... You are so bereft of manners... I will answer your stupid question
directly... I "stepped on" no one, and I have not "slept with" anyone other than
my wife... It is amazing to me that people such as you cannot comprehend success
without chicanery... I suppose that it reflects your normal behavior.

> >> One good thing about being don't lose sleep at night
> >>worrying someone will take your 'stuff'...  ;-)
> >
> >OH?  Poor people like to have their "stuff" stolen???
> No, we don't have 'stuff' to BE stolen!  ;-)


> (or at least, not anything anyone else would waste their time on)...
> >> You also notice Squawk is so very willing to steal someone ELSE'S
> >> resources, while worrying about preserving his own toys...
> >
> >That is simply a lie... I have never stolen anyone ELSE'S resources...
> But you argue that it is your RIGHT to take as much oil from the ground to feed
> your gas-guzzler...

No... As a matter of fact, I haven't taken ANY oil from the ground.. Some people
who owned oil in the ground extracted it and sold it to some people who made
gasoline with it, and they sold it to me... Simple things are very confusing to
you, aren't they?  Your hypocrisy is amazing..... as though you don't enjoy the
benefits of plentiful and relatively inexpensive petroleum products...

> Just WHERE do you think that oil resides?  Unless you're Jethro with your own
> 'bubbling crude', that oil you want to extract to your heart's content belongs
> to other people...

I think it "resides" in the ground... As a matter of fact some of it belongs to
me.  And I'd like to sell more of it...  In the meanwhile, I haven't taken any oil
from anyone who didn't have desire to sell it... It is only people such as you who
think they have the right to take by force what other people own.

> You argue that all the minerals in the Earth should be exploited for your
> own use -- do you live on top of a mine?

Nope... wish I did, though.

> If not, then you are arguing for taking the resources which belong to others,
> and wasting them for your own frivolous needs...

That's bullshit, too.  I don't "take resources" from anyone... That's what
facsists and socialists (such as you) do.  I purchase what I use from willing
sellers.... What I do with them after that is none of your business...
Furthermore, you haven't a clue as to whether I use them for necessities or
frivolous purposes.

> >> For someone so focused on what a people PRODUCE, I wonder just what
> >> SQUAWK produces...other than a lot of hot air...
> >
> >I make a better-than-average living providing information...
> Then you admit that you in fact do NOT 'produce' a thing...

Mostly I help my clients keep a larger portion of what they produce.  Their
greatest threat to success is folks like you who feel that they have a right to
what my clients own.

> >I am a consultant.
> A paid producer of hot air...

Whatever.... The people who pay me do so willingly, so I suppose they think the
"hot air" is worth something.

> >Lots of people pay quite handsomly to hear what I think... You are a
> >fortunate recipient of my wisdom at no charge... See how generous I am?
> As are you...I also am a consultant, billed out at $125+ an hour...
> but unlike you, I also produce something tangible in addition to my hot
> air, as my 'information' is followed up with a service...

Good for you... I charge a bit more than you do... I wonder if your psychic
abilities (or lack thereof) came through training or were they inherited?  What
makes you think I don't provide on-going services?

June... You make yourself look foolish with these kinds of accusations and bitter
denunciations... It boils down to this:  You think that the only way people obtain
wealth is by chicanery or extortion... I presume that is your normal way of doing
business, or you would not think that way.  I risk making the same mistake that
you have made by surmising that your pay comes primarily from some government
source rather than honest market-place give and take.

You, and those who think (I use the word loosely) like you do seem to feel that
its OK for you and your pals to take whatever I own (my "stuff") and use it for
your own purposes.  I wonder then, if you think it would be "just peachy" if me
and some of my pals showed up at your place, and by threat of violence took
whatever we wanted that you have.  If you are truely "democratic" all that would
be necessary is that we "outnumber" you.


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