-Caveat Lector-

Willy is at it again!!!

-----Original Message-----
Date: Saturday, January 09, 1999 1:38 PM
Subject: [InTheShadows] U.S. preparing to hit Iraq harder

>From: http://www.herald.com:80/usa/digdocs/019140.htm
>U.S. preparing to hit Iraq harder
>Response possible to attack or chemical weapons discovery
>Herald Washington Bureau
>WASHINGTON -- As the United States and Iraq continue skirmishing, the
>Clinton administration is preparing for an escalation that would involve
>air attacks against Iraq far more severe than the 70-hour Operation
>Desert Fox that ended Dec. 19, according to administration officials.
>Instead of pinpoint strikes, the administration is ready to carry out
>sustained bombing that could last up to three weeks, said three
>officials with the State Department and the National Security Council,
>who spoke on condition of anonymity.
>The attacks would begin if Iraq downed an American or British plane
>patrolling the ``no-fly'' zones in southern and northern Iraq.
>Other triggers would be if Iraqi President Saddam Hussein threatened the
>Kurdish minority in northern Iraq or the neighboring Arab states of
>Kuwait or Saudi Arabia, or if the administration learned the Iraqi
>leader was reconstituting biological, chemical or ballistic weapons.
>The use of sustained strikes would mark a more aggressive policy aimed
>at overthrowing Hussein rather than simply isolating his regime, the
>officials said.
>Few U.S. options remain
>Hussein's ability to stay in power has continually frustrated American
>policymakers. Now, only a few options remain, including limited
>retaliation or stepping up scenarios to overthrow Hussein. As it chooses
>the latter, the administration expects a particularly difficult period
>Following the December bombings and reports this week that the CIA and
>the National Security Agency had worked with United Nations weapons
>inspectors to listen to conversations among Hussein's elite troops,
>administration officials said the best they can expect is a less
>intrusive U.N. inspection regime.
>Under U.N. resolutions, Iraq must be disarmed before the lifting of
>economic sanctions imposed after its invasion of Kuwait in 1990.
>``We know that we are going to lose the battle on UNSCOM,'' the U.N.
>Special Commission charged with disarming Iraq, one of the national
>security officials said.
>Richard Butler, the executive chairman of the inspection effort, is
>expected to lose  his position because of questions about his
>cooperation with American spies, two U.N. Security Council diplomats
>said, speaking on condition of anonymity.
>Hazards of new policy
>The new, go-it-alone policy against Hussein is not without potential
>pitfalls. For one thing, it is predicated on the Iraqi leader provoking
>an attack, which means letting him set the pace. For another, analysts
>say, sentiment against the Americans from U.N. Security Council members
>France, Russia and China will probably grow if the standoff continues.
>Today, some argue, the United States is in a far worse position with
>Iraq than a year ago.
>``The crises are all driven by Iraq,'' said Laurie Mylorie, publisher of
>Iraq News, an online newsletter that closely monitors developments
>there. ``Who would have thought a year ago that UNSCOM would be gone.
>That's a significant change [working] against the United States.''
>But others see factors mounting against Hussein.
>Marine Gen. Anthony Zinni, head of U.S. forces in the Persian Gulf, said
>Friday that Hussein had revealed some vulnerability about security in
>southern Iraq by executing key military commanders during or after the
>bombing raids.
>``I think there is some confusion in the ranks and some
>disgruntlement,'' Zinni said, referring to Iraqi troops in the south.
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