>  Activist Mailing List - http://users.westnet.gr/~cgian/
>  "U.N. Agencies Tell Of Damage in Iraq." New York Times, 7 January
>  99, A6.
>       Unicef and the World Food Program, two United Nations
>       agencies that have surveyed damage done to health and
>       educational facilities by last month's American and British
>       strikes in Iraq, reported that a water system in Baghdad
>       that supplied 300,000 people had been hit and disabled.
>       Unicef has asked for the immediate approval of water
>       treatment materials from the Security council's sanctions
>       committee, claiming that the city is facing a shortage of
>       clean water.  The agencies also reported that the strikes
>       destroyed a rice storage facility, an agricultural school
>       and several other schools and hospitals.

Activist Mailing List - http://users.westnet.gr/~cgian/

"U.N. Agencies Tell Of Damage in Iraq." New York Times, 7 January
99, A6.
     Unicef and the World Food Program, two United Nations
     agencies that have surveyed damage done to health and
     educational facilities by last month's American and British
     strikes in Iraq, reported that a water system in Baghdad
     that supplied 300,000 people had been hit and disabled.
     Unicef has asked for the immediate approval of water
     treatment materials from the Security council's sanctions
     committee, claiming that the city is facing a shortage of
     clean water.  The agencies also reported that the strikes
     destroyed a rice storage facility, an agricultural school
     and several other schools and hospitals.

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