-Caveat Lector-

<A HREF="http://www.zolatimes.com/V3.2/pageone.html">Laissez Faire City Times
- Volume 3 Issue 2</A>
The Laissez Faire City Times
January 11, 1999 - Volume 3, Issue 2
Editor & Chief: Emile Zola
Bull and Bill

by Zola

In recent weeks we’ve been mouthing off a lot about stock market mania.
Of course, opinions are like assholes: everyone has one. So we decided
to take the bull by the horns, so to speak, make a representative
investment with real money, and let readers voyeuristically cheer or
jeer as the case may turn out.

Early Friday afternoon (Jan. 8), we placed a limit order to buy a March
95 Dow Jones put at 35.00. The order was executed in the final 30
minutes of trading, when the Dow surged to close 105 points higher for
the day and 462 points higher for the week. Let me explain what all this

We are short the market. The put gives us the right to go short one
March Dow Jones futures contract. The futures contract itself gives a
cash flow of $10 for each Dow point. If the Dow goes up 100 points, a
long position in the future gains $1000, while a short position loses
$1000. If the Dow goes down 75 points, the short side of the future
gains $750, while the long side loses $750. The March Dow Jones future
closed on Friday at 9727.

A March put may be exercised into a short position in one March Dow
Jones future. The "95" strike price of the put means that the future’s
contract will be opened at a futures price of 9500. If the put had been
exercised at the end of day Friday, the resulting short futures position
would have generated an immediate loss of $10 x (9727-9500) = $2270.
Obviously you would exercise the put only if the market price of the
March future were lower than 9500.

Our limit price of "35.00" meant that we were willing to pay $3500 for
the put. (If you read Barron’s, which hasn’t yet discovered the decimal
system, the same price would be quoted as "3  ".) As the Dow goes up,
the value of the put goes down, and we were able to buy the put at that
price at Friday’s end-of-the-day surge.

Now, let’s hypothetically say that we keep this put until it expires the
third week in March. Certainly we won’t be trading in and out of the
option. The Dow Jones futures contract is new, but has already become
fairly liquid. But there is no liquidity in the Dow Jones options. When
we placed our limit order, there had been no trades in the March 95 put
so far that day. Which means that we are probably dealing with a single
marketmaker, and while we haven’t researched the issue, we suspect that
his spreads are wide enough to drive a truck through. (So if he sold us
the option at $3500, he probably calculated it was only worth $3400.)

So suppose we hold this put to March expiration. The March future, which
currently trades at a premium to the Dow Jones average (the "cash"
index), will gradually converge down to the level of the Dow Jones
average itself. (The current futures premium above the cash index
roughly represents the rate of interest on the cash index minus the
dividend yield on the Dow Jones stocks, adjusted for the fraction of a
year until expiration.) So if the Dow Jones is trading below 9500, we
will exercise the option, and receive the value of the futures position,
which would be $10 x (9500 minus current level of the Dow). If the Dow
Jones is at 9150, we would get back our original investment: $10 x
(9500-9150) = $3500. (Actually, we will need a few more Dow points to
pay commissions: about 3.5 points for the option commission and 2 points
for the futures commission.) Ignoring this minor detail, anything below
9150 makes us a profit.

On the other hand, if the Dow races to 10,000 and beyond, or simply
closes above 9500 at option expiration, our option will expire
worthless. But the good thing about it is we will not be getting margin
calls: our exposure is limited to the $3500 we’ve already paid.

Speaking of stock market, the price/earnings ratio on the S&P 500 is now
38. We thought it was rich at 19. But, as they say, the rich only get
richer. (Unless you are a partner at Long Term Capital Management, in
which case the value of your equity might fall from $1.5 billion to $30
million in the space of a couple of months.) The stock spectacle these
days is as entertaining as the impeachment trial of Bill Clinton.

Who would have ever imagined the unlikely coalition of Ted Kennedy and
Phil Gramm? They spearheaded the compromise plan that received the
unanimous support of all 100 Senators for the form the impeachment trial
would take. We did a little research and verified that Ted Kennedy’s FBI
file was one of those acquired by the Clinton White House. Kennedy
clearly believes in Hillary Clinton’s social (i.e. socialist) agenda,
but it is apparent there is little love lost between the Clinton crowd
and the Kennedys. In fact, Clinton has few friends in the Senate. We
believe that the continued assertion that "the votes are not there" for
impeachment is premature.

Gregory Craig, special White House counsel, said "we plan to present a
vigorous, successful and complete defense" on behalf of the President.
This will contrast with the lackluster, unsuccessful, and incomplete
defense they presented in the House.

Meanwhile, if news reports are to be believed, Hillary Clinton is
planning to divorce Bill and run for Senator of New York. Sounds good to
us. Who could be more representative of New York than Hillary Clinton?
But at least Danny Williams will not form part of her decision. News
reports on Saturday were saying that the Star’s DNA tests were negative
with respect to Bill Clinton being Danny’s father. So Danny will have to
continue his search for a daddy, and Bill Clinton’s approval rating will
not rise to 100 percent.

The Laissez Faire City Times is a private newspaper. Although it is
published by a corporation domiciled within the sovereign domain of
Laissez Faire City, it is not an "official organ" of the city or its
founding trust. Just as the New York Times is unaffiliated with the city
of New York, the City Times is only one of what may be several news
publications located in, or domiciled at, Laissez Faire City proper. For
information about LFC, please contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Published by
Laissez Faire City Netcasting Group, Inc.
Copyright 1998 - Trademark Registered with LFC Public Registrar
All Rights Reserved
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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