THE SCOOP for January 11, 1998

Disney Rescues Our Children, A Bookstore Bigger Than Norway,
A Dole/Newt Bailout Update, & Rehnquist's Fringe Activity
© 1999 Bob Harris

[] = italics

So Disney pulled 3,400,000 copies of [The Rescuers] off the shelves
because of some mystery smut they wouldn't identify.

Fear not, friends, your intrepid reporter is on the case.

Geez, will anybody [ever] learn that censoring something is the fastest
way to get people to want to see it?  Apparently not.  Like last year,
the Insane Clown Posse put out a lousy album no one paid any attention
to -- until it got censored by the label, then all of a sudden a
mediocre rap group has this cachet of the forbidden like they're
Alexander Solzenitzhen's writing from a Soviet gulag.

Well, here we go again.  Disney says there's something dirty in the [The
Rescuers], but they won't say what.  And now all anybody wants to know
is, OK, what's so awful that they're willing to spend millions of
dollars to cover it up?

Well, people, I'm not gonna let you down.

Here you go: 38 minutes into the film, while Bernard and Bianca are
flying around town, there are windows in city buildings going by in the
background.  If you advance frame-by frame, you'll see two frames where
one of the windows contains a tiny, distant picture of a nude woman who
is visible from the waist up.

Apparently somebody in post-production thought it was funny, although
opinions differ as to exactly when the images were inserted.

You can see the frames for yourself at the Urban Legends Reference Pages
Anyhow, it's completely invisible at full speed, you can't tell who the
woman is, she's not doing anything remotely obscene or gratuitous, and
absolutely none of you would have any idea it's there if Disney hadn't
called such attention to it.

So two points:

#1 censorship doesn't usually work too well, and more importantly

#2, what's so obscene about a nude female body?  Since when do children
of breast-feeding age have to be protected from the image of... breasts?

Excuse me, but the Disney corporation's attitude seems like what our
kids really ought to be protected from.


Priced any internet stocks lately?  This isn't just a speculative
bubble.  If Richard Branson's balloon was this large, he'd be all the
way to Morocco by now.

What's more valuable?  The bookseller, which has yet to show
a dollar in profit and is dwarfed in several respects by several of its
competitors, or the country of Norway?

You guessed it.

Do the math, folks, and according to the speculators now ruling the
casino on Wall Street, the market capitalization of now
exceeds that of the entire stock market of Norway.

Does that sound reasonable to you?  It gets better.

Suppose for a second that had a complete monopoly on every
book sold in the United States.  According to [Barron's], the stock is
still priced at [fifty times] the hypothetical earnings.  Which means is now worth five to ten times what it would be worth if it
sold every single book in America.

Are we getting close to a crash?  Oh, possibly.  That hissing sound you
hear might just be the airbag getting ready to inflate.

Calling the exact timing of market movements is considered almost
impossible, but two of the most powerful indicators of an impending
downturn are

a) the opinions of investment newsletters, and
b) the ratio of people buying call options, (a high-risk, high-reward
way of betting the market's about to go up quickly) to those buying puts
(a similar bet on an impending drop).

Both of these groups are notoriously wrong, so when you see all the
newsletters going positive, or you see twice as many calls being bought
than puts, that's usually a good time to start looking for the exits.

Last week, [Barron's] reported what they termed a "buying panic" in call
options, and the investment newsletters were more bullish than they've
been in seven years.


This is just one guy's opinion here, so take my advice at your own risk
-- it could be weeks before a downturn, or even months -- but remember
the last time I was this amused by stock overvaluations was literally
days before last summer's big pullback (radio edition of The Scoop,
broadcast on KNX 1070 AM in Los Angeles 7/11/98).

So do your own thinking.  Norway, Amazon.  Amazon, Norway.  Hmm...

I don't want to alarm anyone out there, but... RUN!!!!!!!


Updating earlier stories:

In May 1997, this space (along with Mother Jones, which rules) pointed
out the odd coincidence between the $300,000 Bob Dole fronted to bail
Newt Gingrich's more photogenic end out of his Ethics Committee penalty
for lying, and the $300,000 Dole received a few days earlier as a
signing bonus to begin working for the tobacco lobby (archived at

In December 1997, this space predicted that Liddy Dole would definitely
seek the presidency in 2000, and that Newt Gingrich would not.  Instead,
Newt would defer and support Liddy as a quid pro quo (archived at

So.  Am I nuts, or was the tobacco money loan from Dole part of a deal
to buy Gingrich's patronage?  And did Dole, by fronting for them, buy
Gingrich's support for Liddy?

Time cut to the present.

Liddy's running.

Newt's not.

(Two predictions down, two to go.)

Instead, Newt's setting up Gingrich Enterprises, a consulting firm to
lobby on (get this) health issues.  Newt's also about to start a
speaking tour at $50,000 a pop.

Newt's also setting up a new PAC, the Friends of Newt Gingrich Political
Action Committee.  So obviously he'll be raising money for [somebody] in

Maybe Newt won't support Liddy.  Maybe he will.  Let's watch.  I give it
six months.

Let's also watch and see if Newt starts doing a bunch of speeches for
tobacco growers and the like.  Let's see how much FNGPAC (which I
suggest we begin pronouncing as "Fringe-Pac") money winds up in Liddy's

Just as a coincidence, of course.


Finally, what's with those little shiny gold thingies on William
Rehnquist's sleeves?  Who does he think he is?  A Lieutenant Commander
on [Star Trek]?

By now, you guys have all seen TV coverage of the impeachment in
Washington, and we've all heard a gazillion opinions about whether
pursuing a trial without the slightest chance of conviction is or is not
a waste of the public's money.

>From the way I phrased that, you already know my opinion.

Polls say most of you agree.  But a lot of people still want to return
America to the 1950s -- a time when if you wanted to have sex with an
assistant, you had to be Director of the FBI.

Anyhow, everybody on both sides of the aisle is saying all this stuff
about the richness of the pomp and the majesty of the shindig, and
that's all fine.  But there's one thing that just makes it impossible
for me to take any of this seriously: the little shiny thingies on
William Rehnquist's sleeves.

Never mind Rehnquist's career as a partisan Republican.  None of that
really matters here, since his role is mostly ceremonial.  What bugs me
is the sheer weirdness of what the garb he's wearing to the show.

Most people assume that Rehnquist gets shiny thingies because he's Chief
Justice.  But the Supreme Court isn't [Star Trek].  They don't do that.
You can look at all the pictures of Supreme Court justices you want.
You won't find anybody else with shiny thingies.

So what's the deal?

Truth be told, William Rehnquist is really into Gilbert & Sullivan, and
in Rehnquist's favorite production of one of their operettas, there was
a British Lord Chancellor character who has gold thingies on his
sleeves.  And so William Rehnquist decided he wanted to wear them, too.

That is so... [dingy.]

I just can't take impeachment seriously when the presiding judge is
halfway dressed for an audition of "Pirates of Penzance."

Dude, you're the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.  You're not Rex
Smith.  Get a grip.

I mean there's a principal here.  If Rehnquist gets to wear his little
shiny thingies, where do we draw the line?

Suppose David Souter really likes the little logo thingie on the chest
that makes you a crew member of the Enterprise.  Would he get to wear it
on his robe?

Or how about if Clarence Thomas wanted to dress like a Klingon, or
Sandra Day O'Connor wanted to wear Ferengi ears?  How is that so

Hell, we could give up the title Supreme Court altogether, and just call
them the Deep Space Nine.

After some of their recent rulings -- remember, they voted 9 to 0 that
allowing the Paula Jones case to go forward would not disrupt the
nation's business -- it's a name they might just deserve.


Bob Harris is a radio commentator, political writer, and humorist who
has spoken at almost 300 colleges nationwide.

To receive a free email subscription to The Scoop, just send the word
"subscribe" to mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED].

Bob's Big Plug-O-Rama™ (updated 1/11/98):

Beginning this week, Mother Jones online (
will now be carrying the Scoop fresh every Monday morning.  Check out
their site.  They rule.

National radio syndication begins Jan. 25th.  The estimated stations at
launch has been revised down to about 70 or so, because the impeachment
thing is keeping news/talk radio station directors too busy to listen to
our demo.  Still, we're guessing we'll have over 100 stations pretty
soon, and who knows how many thereafter.  Feel free to call your
favorite station and ask for the feature.  They really pay attention to
stuff like that. will be up by then, including station and schedule
data, an archive of past columns, live appearance info, etc.  We're
recording at the Museum of Television & Radio in Beverly Hills
(, which has kindly offered free use of their studios
in exchange for gratuitous plugs, including this one.

In L.A., you can already hear the stuff daily at 6:40 p.m. on KNX 1070
AM.  The feature has received cool awards from the Press Club and the
Associated Press.

The Scoop is also available online in RealAudio at

I'm allegedly supposed to finally appear on Politically Incorrect in a
couple of weeks.  More info on that if and when it firms up.

Check out the Jeopardy Tournament of Champions in February.  Dan Melia,
Kim Worth, and myself (last year's finalists) were invited back to
observe and root, essentially as goodwill ambassadors.  It was goofy but
a lot of fun.

The Scoop is also often carried in the following monthlies, which I
vigorously endorse for the great articles written by everybody else:

•The Funny Times,
•The Humanist,
•The Progressive Populist,
•Z Magazine

I'm still working on the dang memory book for Common Courage Press.
Glaciers move faster than this.  Turns out I'm terrible with long
projects.  But Common Courage publishes some marvelous stuff.  Check out
their list at

And finally, do you ever wish there was some way to cast a real protest
vote?  Check out the homepage of Damian Hooters, America's only
pro-crime, anti-family candidate, at and
enjoy.  If you can't vote your conscience, vote unconscionably.

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