Citizens For A Constitutional Washington
11910-C Meridian Avenue East, #142 ~ Puyallup, Washington 98373
Tel: (253) 840-8071 ~ Fax: (253) 840-8074 ~ e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]



The Public Administration Clearing House (PACH) at 1313 E. 6th Street in
Chicago was organized under the direction of a socialist named Charles E.
Merriam, who was funded by a grant from the Rockefeller family foundations.
The purpose of PACH and similar sister organizations has always been to
bring ALL public officials UNDER ONE SYSTEM OF CONTROL.

The Rockefeller foundations provided $8-Million dollars in the thirties to
establish this clearing house so that they could CONTROL the indoctrination
of state-wide public officials, and PERSUADE them as to the direction they
ought to pursue, all the while, rendering themselves submissive to the
CONSOLIDATED POWER building up in Washington, D.C. This consolidated power
is sometimes referred to as "Cooperative Federalism".

Merriam authored a book which was published in 1941 entitled: "ON THE
AGENDA OF DEMOCRACY". In his book, Merriam defines "DEMOCRACY". It is what
is also known as "COMMUNISM". He said that revolution was "the old way . .
... the new way is education, persuasion, participation, and cooperation".
He taught how to achieve Communism:

"Fortunately, our Constitution is broad enough in its terms, flexible
enough in its spirit, and capable of liberal enough interpretation by the
judiciary to permit the adaptation of democracy to changing conditions
without serious difficulty . . . Legislative bodies are incompetent, it may
be said, or corrupt, or dilatory, or unrepresentative of the general
interest of the community . . . The elective process is not favorable to
the choice of the leaders of the community." --Charles E. Merriam.

Thomas Jefferson warned us in 1789 that the judiciary, if given too much
power might ruin our REPUBLIC, and destroy our rights. In 1821 Jefferson
renewed the warning: "The Federal Judiciary; an irresponsible body (for
impeachment is scarcely a scarecrow), working like gravity by night and by
day, gaining a little today and a little tomorrow, and advancing its
noiseless step like a thief, over the field of jurisdiction, until all
shall be usurped from the States, and the government of all be consolidated
into one, when all government, in little as in great things, shall be drawn
to Washington as the centre of power, it will render powerless the checks
(and balances) provided of one government on another and will become as
venal and oppressive as the government from which we separated."

Another Rockefeller family funded organization, the Advisory Commission on
Intergovernmental Relations (ACIR) was GRAFTED onto the federal government
in 1959. Its duty was to draft legislation to be handed to public officials
all over the Nation. These were called "slip bills". Public officials were
thus expected to get whatever was handed to them -- passed into law! This
made the public officials look like "great thinkers" to the folks in their
home States. ACIR thus became the Nation's "law-making factory". In this
manner, UNIFIED or UNIFORM and MODEL acts were passed into law that took
over. Gradual consolidation of all power and control was then achieved by
public officials in Washington, D.C.

The Council of State Governments (CSG), another organization similar to
ACIR, was set up shortly after the Emergency Banking Relief Act of March 9,
1933 (48 Stat. 1; 12 USC 95a), and published some of their activities in
"The Book Of The States" commemorating their Third General Assembly and
Minutes of Interstate Conferences held during 1935-1937. Attending this
gathering were not only Governor's, but Attorney's General, Secretary's of
State, University Professors - and generally anyone involved as "change
agents" as to our de jure governmental structures. A number of these people
from their respective offices were also members of the Bar, i.e.,
attorney's. The following passage is from their publication, "Book Of The
States", Volume 2, Book 2, circa 1937, Third General Assembly. This one
passage says volumes about what their intentions have been, and are,

Thursday Evening Session, January 21, 1937:

"The call of OUR DAY is for a union of the States MORE PERFECT than the
formal Union we have inherited. That Union MUST and SHALL BE ACHIEVED
this [process] across State lines through the extension of VOLUNTARY
COOPERATION. Efficiency of CENTRALIZED POWER must itself depend upon this
spirit in the states for any full measure of success . . . The balance of
power may swing from time to time between Nation and State. That swing we
may abide cheerfully, however it goes, IF ONLY WE CAN GIVE IT THE
COOPERATIVE SETTING furnished by the Council of State Governments. To
FURNISH the FORM OF FEDERALISM, then, with the spirit of State cooperation
IS OUR FATE AND FORTUNE. As "Royalty" said to "Romance": "This is the way
WE CAN 'ABDICAKE' AND EAT IT TOO" . . . The noble spirit necessary to our
present cause - the spirit of intrepidity working its wonders in creating
opportunity for cooperation."

Do you understand the 'couched' language in the above passage? It tells a
story of intrigue, mystery and disguise to OVERTHROW the Union of the
several States and the People thereof. How could you possibly make the
compact of the Union "MORE PERFECT" than it already exists under the
Constitution? You MUST understand that the States SURRENDERED NO POWERS to
the Federal Government. They only DELEGATED them. And a delegated power is
NOT a surrendered power. The powers of the States are ORIGINAL. Those of
the Federal Government are only DERIVED and SECONDARY; and they were
delegated, not for the purpose of aggrandizing the Federal Government, but
several States." The Federal Government was formed BY THE STATES for their
own benefit. The Federal Government is simply an AGENCY, commissioned by
the "several States" for their own convenience and safety.

In the Convention of Virginia, Patrick Henry said: "Liberty, sir, is the
primary object. Liberty, the greatest of all earthly blessings...give us
that precious jewel, and you may take away everything else." It was for
LIBERTY - for the Liberty of the People of the "several States" - that the
Federal Government was established. Not for the "kingly" grandeur and power
of government, but for the happiness, safety and Liberty of the people of
the several States.

The Council of State Governments has now been absorbed into such things as
the National Conference of Commissioners On Uniform State Laws, whose
headquarters office is located in Chicago, Illinois, and "all" being
"members of the Bar", and operating under a DIFFERENT "Constitution and
By-Laws", FAR DISTANT from the depositories of the public records. These
individuals have been the ones who've promulgated, lobbied for, passed,
adjudicated and ordered the implementation and execution of THEIR purported
"Uniform" and "Model" Acts and pretended statutory provisions, to "HELP

The Governor's of the several States of the Union have become members of
PACH, ACIR, and CSG and actively participate through the organs of State
government with the National Conference Of Commissioner's On Uniform State
Laws. Their indoctrination and coordination for a "NEW WORLD ORDER" comes
by their attendance at the annual "National Governor's Conferences".
Elections have been engineered so that those who will cooperate (with the
desired power and other structured changes being sought to alter American
Constitutional government) get heavily financed and then moved into key
positions of elected office.

The great vice of organizations such as the National Governor's
Association, the Public Administration Clearing House, the Advisory
Commission On Intergovernmental Relations, the Council of State
Governments, and the National Conference of Commissioners On Uniform State
Laws, can be summed up in two words: "COOPERATIVE FEDERALISM". All of these
organizations operate under the "Declaration of INTERdependence" of January
22, 1937 and subsequent amended declarations, such as the one on January
30, 1976. (As opposed to our "Declaration of Independence", July 4, 1776)

During the seventies, ALL LOCAL CONTROL WAS TRANSFERRED to the federal
level by persuading local and state officials to accept FEDERAL REVENUE
SHARING FUNDS and to adopt "general plans" for cities and communities.
These must comply with the federal mandates set down for socialism and
centralized control. Having achieved the objective of acquiring all control
over every aspect of American government, including people, land, armed
forces, etc., the federal government has devised ways by which IT now
TRANSFERS (what it formerly consolidated unto itself) TO THE UNITED NATIONS
through purported "TREATIES" to empower the United Nations to have complete
control over the "New World Order" government -- and to "DIRECT AND CONTROL
ALL HUMAN AND NATURAL RESOURCES". Included in the plan is gradual
abolishment of states, cities, counties and land ownership. The Nation's
"Governor's" quietly cooperate in the planned arrangement for the
DISSOLUTION OF GOVERNMENT and the very State's they were elected to
"preserve, protect and defend". State officials were "supposed" to keep the
federal system in check! They have actually joined in the subterfuge and
SEDITION against the State.

Now perhaps you can understand the following quote:

"No man's life, liberty or property are safe while the Legislature is in
session." -- Gideon J. Tucker


John R. Prukop
Executive Director

Copright (C) 1999, CCW/John R. Prukop-All rights reserved.

"Reason obeys itself; and ignorance does whatever is dictated to it."
--Thomas Paine, Rights of Man ("Conclusion")

"All laws which are repugnant to the Constitution are null and void."
--Marbury v. Madison, 5 U.S. (2 Cranch) 137 (1803)

CCW Coalition: Citizens For A Constitutional Washington
John R. Prukop, Executive Director
11910-C Meridian Ave. E., #142
Puyallup, Washington 98373
TEL:  (253) 840-8071
FAX: (253) 840-8074

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