-Caveat Lector-

-----Original Message-----
From: Toni Howard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thursday, December 10, 1998 1:33 PM
Subject: Abe Hirschfeld taken into custody

>Abe Hirschfeld taken into custody under sealed indictment
>The Associated Press 12/10/98 8:00 AM Eastern
>NEW YORK (AP) -- Abe Hirschfeld, the wealthy gadfly who offered Paula
>Jones $1 million to settle her sexual harassment suit against President
>Clinton, is in police custody for allegedly hiring a hit man to kill a
>business partner, according to published reports.
>The 79-year-old real estate developer was arrested at 11:40 p.m.
>Wednesday night at his home on Manhattan's tony Fifth Avenue, said
>police spokesman Lt. Dennis Cirillo.
>Cirillo said Hirschfeld was being held under a sealed indictment handed
>down by a Manhattan grand jury.
>Hirschfeld is already under state indictment for tax fraud and has been
>sued by his own daughter.
>The latest indictment focuses on allegations that he tried two years ago
>to arrange the contract killing of real estate mogul Stanley Stahl over
>a business deal that went sour, according to published reports.
>But Hirschfeld apparently backed out of the deal after the intermediary
>he was using to set up the killing was roughed up.

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