City officials busily bracing for millennium migraine

     by Rachel Gordon
     San Francisco Examiner, Jan. 14, 1999

Computers being debugged, supplies stockpiled for Y2K

     San Francisco officials have been busy reprogramming
computers and upgrading equipment to prepare for the year 2000
computer bug that is expected with the dawning of the new
millennium. They're even considering stockpiling medicine for
public hospitals and fuel for Muni buses in case the supplies are
cut off.
     "I'm not saying we won't have problems, but we will have
immediate solutions,"  said Julia Friedlander, acting director of
The City's Department of Telecommunications and Information
Services. She's spearheading efforts by The City to prepare for
the bug that may affect computer systems that operate everything
from elevators to police dispatch.
     San Francisco had already allocated $1 million for the
current fiscal year to plan for year 2000 glitches.  Wednesday,
the Board of Supervisors' Finance Committee pumped another
$979,000 into the endeavor.
     The extra money is needed to create a team to help city
departments. Equipment will be monitored and tested to make sure
it's up to speed and won't crash when the new year rolls around.
     The problem, commonly known as the Y2K bug, stems from
hardware manufacturers' use of only the last two digits to
represent years. That could cripple computers after Dec. 31,
1999, because the software won't be able to tell the difference
between 1900 and 2000. That could throw systems such as traffic
signals, automated fire truck ladders, elevators, sprinklers,
bank machines, data processing and air traffic control out of
     The City has spent the past several years - and millions of
dollars - updating old equipment. Newly acquired equipment must
be year 2000-compliant. San Francisco's planned emergency 911
system, scheduled to go on line in the fall, and the new train
control system that operates Muni's underground Metro, are ready
for year 2000, Friedlander said.
     Programmers, however, are scrambling to make sure
everything else that runs with a date-encoded microchip is
rejiggered or replaced. Critical city operations, such as water
distribution and hospital equipment, are getting top priority,
Friedlander said.
     The City is also pressing vendors, such as Muni's diesel
fuel suppliers and pharmaceutical companies, to get their act
together. City Controller Ed Harrington said The City might make
sure extra supplies were on hand, anyway.
     Other contingency plans are in the works. City workers, for
example, are being trained to operate automated systems manually,
and some departments will beef up staffing and cancel vacations
around the new year to cope with the potential of crisis.
     And Harrington, who's on the Y2K trouble-shooting team,
already knows where he'll be spending New Year's Eve: in The
City's new emergency operations center set to open soon near City
Hall -  "just in case."

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