-Caveat Lector-


(CNNS, 01/18/99)  --  A  "Chairman  Yao"  (sounds  like "Chairman
Mao") has launched an Internet web site promoting "The Church  of
Princess Diana."

The URL for Chairman Yao's web site is:

According  to  a  report  purportedly  issued  by  the Australian
Broadcasting Corporation,  "(T)he  Church  of  Princess Diana has
finally emerged  and  has  a  website  where  Diana's  words  are
excerpted   from   the  new  bible,  Diana  Speaks.   Unlike  the
immortality in the next life  religions, it's mission is to teach
its members how to stay young and live forever in this life.  The
People's Princess has appeared after her accident exclusively  to
Chairman  Yao..."   [The Religion Report, Australian Broadcasting
Corporation, Radio National,  June  17,  1998.   Qtd. at Chairman
Yao's web site.]

Chairman Yao's "new bible," *Diana Speaks*, is, according to  the
web site, a book now or soon-to-be available.

Concurrent with the publication of *Diana Speaks* is a soon-to-be
published book by CNNS source  "Ru  Mills"  (pseudonym).   Mills'
book,  *Diana,  Queen  of  Heaven*,  questions  whether  Princess
Diana's death was really an "accident."  The author also predicts
the  emergence  of  a  "New World Religion" centered on a Cult of
Princess Diana.  Mills warns that holographic technology might be
used to promote religious mania.

In  a  CNNS  press release dated Jan. 11, 1999, this news service
summed up the concept:

  With "Millenium Madness" on the rise, secret forces pushing
  for a "New World Order" could well have an image of "Diana,
  Queen of Heaven,"  set  to  be  "broadcast"  on the biggest
  movie  screen  ever:  the wide open sky.  ["New Book Probes
  Princess Diana Death," CNNS, 1/11/99.]

As far back as September, 1997, Mills was predicting the rise  of
a  New World Religion centered on Lady Diana.  At that time, only
days after  Diana's  death,  Conspiracy  Nation  published Mills'
blockbuster report, "Whoever Controls Princess Diana Controls The
World."  [CN 10.95] In that article, Mills described how a  rogue
faction  in  British  intelligence,  "powerless  to  prevent  the
assassination,  arranged  for  the  deaths of Lady Diana and Dodi
Fayed to happen at Pont de l'Alma.  Cleverly, it was known that a
death at that historic location  would  not only 'send a signal';
it would eventually lead to the creation of a 'Saint Diana.'"

In her article, "Whoever Controls  Princess  Diana  Controls  The
World," Mills warned of "Project Blue Beam holographic imaging...
used to create 'miraculous appearances' of Lady  Diana."   Useful
dupes  in  the  scheme  might  be children used to convey Diana's
instructions.  The the two living  sons of the new "Saint Diana,"
William and Harry, "will become akin to two living Jesus Christs,
walking the earth," Mills foresaw. [CN 10.95]

Chairman Yao  says  that  his  "new  bible,"  *Diana Speaks*, was
communicated to him by the  discarnate  Princess  Diana  herself.
Yao is reportedly some sort of Tibetan monk.  His book reportedly
contains  revelations  about  how  the  princess died, as well as
purported insights into other matters.

Saturation   propaganda   regarding   religious   apparitions  is
apparently being conducted by the popular tabloid, "Weekly  World
News" (WWN).  In its latest issue, WWN headlines "Prophecies From
History's  Greatest  Seers."   [WWN, 1/26/99.] Among the items in
the latest WWN report is  a  prediction  by the late Jeane Dixon:
"Sightings of the Virgin Mary will reach  an  all-time  high  [in
1999]....   These  mysterious  sightings will come to a climax in
September, when the image of  Mother  Mary will be seen on almost
every street corner in some cities in the American Southeast.  In
addition, there will  be  multiple  sightings  of  less  familiar
biblical   figures,  including  John  the  Baptist,  Ezekial  and

Ru  Mills and others have speculated whether such purported seers
as Dixon and Shirley McLaine  may  be witting or unwitting dupes,
used for propaganda purposes.  Dixon rocketed to  worldwide  fame
after  she  made a subsequently correct prediction that President
John F. Kennedy  would  be  assassinated.   McLaine is reportedly
involved in  "channeling"  messages  "from  beyond."   Suspicions
exist  that  Dixon,  McLaine  and others might be receiving their
"revelations"  from  an  earthbound   locale,  such  as  Langley,
Virginia, headquarters of the CIA.

 +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +

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  Anonymity is guaranteed.  If you  prefer, send your news tip or
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your news tip: 217-356-4418.
  THEY will never tell us the whole truth about what is going on.
But we, the People, working together, can find out what is REALLY

Brian Redman       | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | www.shout.net/~bigred/cn.html
Editor-in-Chief    | ---------------Phone: 217-356-4418----------------
Conspiracy Nation  |       "The perfect slave thinks he's free."

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