-Caveat Lector-

Club:  Association; Sandwich; Card Suit; or Bludgeon????

>From SF Chronicle (via Drudge)

Albright Announces `Democracy Club' Plan As One of Her Final Goals
Tyler Marshall, Norman Kempster
Monday, January 18, 1999
©1999 San Francisco Chronicle

URL: http://www.drudgereport.com/

As she contemplates the last two years of her Cabinet tenure, U.S.
Secretary of State Madeleine Albright has begun drawing plans for a new
international order, one that would revamp existing global institutions and
spawn entirely new ones.

Albright sketched the outlines of her idea for a new, formal grouping of
the world's democratic nations in a wide-ranging interview.

The new order, she said, would enable its members to work more productively
to protect their own freedoms and help those countries within reach of
self-government take the final steps toward democracy. She cited four
initial candidates: Colombia, Ukraine, Nigeria and Indonesia.

An aide referred to Albright's concept as a kind of international
``democracy club.''

``The 21st century . . . ought to be the century of democracy,'' Albright
said during the interview, conducted in her offices on the seventh floor of
the State Department. ``We're going to be putting an awful lot more
emphasis on organizing the democracies, working with them . . . so that
they can work with each other better.''

There will be no retreat from global responsibilities for the United States
as it enters the next century, she stressed. The challenge is determining
how the United States can best project its enormous power.

Other nations will ``either organize with us or against us,'' she said.
``But we are the organizing principle, and we have to understand our

During the interview, Albright:

-- Stressed the need to combat the growing danger inherent in the spread of
weapons of mass destruction, especially from an economically unstable

-- Suggested for the first time that she would support deployment of an
anti-missile defense system under certain conditions to combat the
proliferation threat.

-- Cited the imminent enlargement of NATO to include Hungary, Poland and
her native Czech Republic as the event that ``I feel best about and
proudest of.''

Albright, 61, achieved celebrity status in January 1997, when she became
the United States' first female secretary of state. She dominated the
American foreign policy arena during much of her first year in office with
infectious enthusiasm, snappy sound bites and a string of diplomatic

Last year was different.

The crises that swept Southeast Asia and Russia were, at their heart,
financial dilemmas, shifting key decisions from Albright's State Department
to the Treasury. The standoffs in Kosovo and Iraq had strong military
dimensions, elevating the Pentagon, the White House and President Clinton's
national security adviser, Samuel R. ``Sandy'' Berger.

As she outlined her priorities for the next two years, she left little
doubt that she plans to devote more of her energy to changing the global
political system and the way Washington deals with it -- changes she
believes will better position the United States for the challenges of the
21st century.

Elaborating on Albright's comments, a senior State Department official said
conceptual planning for a new organization of democratic states is still in
its early stages. He indicated that the proposal has not been discussed
with other governments, but Albright hopes ``to have a concrete program, a
road map to that general goal, in a matter of weeks, perhaps by the
beginning of the spring.''

The senior official suggested that multinational institutions normally not
associated with the State Department -- such as the International Monetary
Fund or the World Bank -- could fall within the scope of the department's

Albright's formulation is the latest effort by U.S. officials to define the
U.S. role as the sole superpower in the post-Cold War world.

In 1991, at the end of the Persian Gulf War, then President Bush talked
about a ``new world order'' that would avoid the strife of previous

In 1993, as U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, Albright suggested a
policy of ``assertive multilateralism.'' Critics complained that her idea
also assigned too important a role to the U.N. bureaucracy and to other
members of the world organization.

Today, Albright contends that the nation faces ``a very dangerous
situation'' in the short term caused by the threatened spread of weapons of
mass destruction, especially by rogue states such as Iraq and North Korea
and transnational terrorist organizations.

©1999 San Francisco Chronicle  Page A11


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