-Caveat Lector-

->  SNETNEWS  Mailing List
>Date: Sat, 16 Jan 1999 02:54:20 -0800
>From: Cliff Hume <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Our Enemies: Dear Mr. President:

>            The Silent War
> For those that are interested,  the Seal of the Order of the Illuminati
>be found  and examined  on the back of the  illegal 'Legal Tender'
>known as a Federal Reserve Note. Your dictionary will tell you that a note
>is an I.O.U.  An I.O.U.  without any backing is an I.O.U. nothing.  Fiat.
>The Federal Reserve is a privately  controlled corporation like the Bank
>Canada or the Bank of England. The people that we are led to believe that
>vote into office, have nothing to say about how these monopolies are run.
>The big game throughout the world is played throughout the  world  by the
>entral bankers who are in cahoots one with the other Central Bankers.
>Professor Adam Weisaupt drew up the game plan for this fraud on May Day,
>1776. Under the Seal of the Order of the Illuminati  'neath the pyramid, on
>the reverse side of the one dollar Federal Reserve Note, is the inscription
>in Latin,  NOVUS  ORDO SECLORUM, which translates into the New World Order.

the following is from:

A 7-step program to overthrow
the conspiracy that is stealing
your money and freedom.
ISBN 0-688-15762-9
copyright 1998 Tony Brow

...The thirteen Templar stars arranged to
shape Sion's six-pointed star sent a clear message to the
initiated few that Sion and the Templar were united in
founding the United States of America. The sacred sym-
bols of Sion and the Temple, united in one design peer-
ing through the glory cloud hovering above the Great
American Eagle, signifies that both Sion and the Temple
oversee the direction of our nation.
What we consider as the reverse and obverse sides of the Seal
of the United States (see dollar bill), according to Daniel, is a
stamp of ownership of French and British Freemasonry

The left side of the Great Seal is spiritual. The All-Seeing
Eye hovering above the unfinished pyramid represents
the Priory of Sion overseeing the Templar task of build-
ing a universal New World Order.

The right side of the Great Seal is political. The 13-
starred hexagram hovering above the Flying Eagle repre-
sents the union of Sion and the Temple brought about
by the revived Roman empire.

Illuminist Franklin, the double agent for French and British
Masonry, convinced Jefferson and Adams that the Roman nu-
meral MDCCLXXVI (1776) on the base of the unfinished pyramid
represented America's year of independence and probably the
year the Illuminati was founded, and that the thirteen layers of
brick signified the thirteen colonies. The committee added the
thirteen stripes on the eagle's breast-shield, thirteen berries
and thirteen leaves in the eagle's talon, thirteen arrows and thirteen
letters in E PLURI BUS UN UM.

In reality, the thirteen stars above the eagle's head in a
"glory cloud" form a six-pointed star, or hexagram, in symbolic
arrangement of thirteen pentagrams. The hexagram is the coat
of arms of the British Priory of Sion Masons, and the thirteen
pentagrams represent the French Knights Templar Masons.

The Illuminati seal, therefore, represents the British and
French Masonries. The French Templars are associated with the
thirteen steps of the unfinished pyramid and the thirteen letters
in ANNUIT COEPTIS. The British, the Sion, are represented by "the
All-Seeing Eye of the Illuminati, which is the Eye of Lucifer.
And above and below this Devil symbol and the pyramid are ar-
for "Announcing the Birth of a New Secular Order," the Masonic
concept of pantheism and secular humarusm.

But it's those Roman numerals MDCCLXXVI at the base of the
pyramid-the 1776 birth year of the Illuminati and the United
States-that give every citizen of the Republic that was orga-
nized "under God" the Devil's identification number, 666.
That "is the only date that arranges the Roman numerals in the
exact order spoken of by John in Revelation 13:18: 'and his
number is Six hundred threescore and six' (600 + 60 + 6 =
666).This involves triangle symbology that is observable in
the Thirty-third-Degree Mason pin, or Jewel, which includes a
serpent eating its own tail and three interlaced triangles that,
once separated, reveal 666.

By separating the three triangles and arranging the nine
Roman numerals into groups of threes, but adding only the
numbers at the base of the triangles, the mark of the Beast re-
veals itsel£ Group I, D (500) and C (100), equal 600; Group
II, L (50) and X (10), equal 60; and Group III, V (S) and I
(1), equal 6. The Roman numerals total 1776 exoterically and
666 (600 + 60 + 6) esoterically. A good place to study all of
this is in Volume I of John Daniel's Scarlet and the Beast or
Warren Weston's Father of Lies.

    M      C      X
   D C  + L X  + V I  = 666

At first there was nothing. Then God said 'Let there be light!' Then
there was still nothing. But you could see it.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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