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The Truth in Media Global Watch Bulletin, "Tragic Deja Vu's," enclosed
below, can also be accessed at out Web site:
www.truthinmedia.org/Bulletins99/tim99-1-4.html .

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Truth in Media's GLOBAL WATCH Bulletin 98/1-4          19-Jan-99


WESTERN AUSTRALIA, Jan. 19 - The NATO clock is ticking again in the Balkans
for the fourth time in 10 months.  The U.N. Security Council met in an
emergency session on Monday over yet another "Kosovo crisis."  The NATO
supreme commander, Gen. Wesley Clark, is expected on Tuesday (Jan. 20) to
read a riot act to the Serbian President in Belgrade.  So we are told by
the establishment media; the same folks who lied to us time and time again
in the past as they worked in concert with the government warmongers in

What is actually under way this week, for at least the seventh time in the
last 12 months, is another sequel of the "Wag the Dog" diversion strategy
by the Clinton Administration.  This one is a double whammy - the
President's State of the Union address in the midst of his Senate
impeachment trial, and another "Kosovo crisis."

Just as the outrageous bombing of Iraq in mid-December was intended to
distract the American public's attention from the impeachment proceeding in
the House (see "Klinton's Amerika: Israel's Tomahak,'
www.truthinmedia.org/Bulletins/tim98-12-7.html ), so is this weekend's
alleged "Serb massacre" in which 45 people died designed to "outrage the

If the latter "foreign policy" tactics weren't so tragic, they'd be
downright comical.  For, even the densest of the dense defensive players,
no matter what the sport, would not fall for the same fake seven times in a
row.  Yet the Clinton administration is evidently assuming that an average
American is even more dense than the densest of the dense defensive
players.  What arrogance!  What gall!

The latest Clinton Kosovo move was a predictable as night and day.  Here's
an excerpt, for example, from a message which a TiM reader Mladen
Vranjicanin, a former US Navy officer, sent to us on Jan. 16 - IN ADVANCE -
of the actual Kosovo events:

"Third, as if by coincidence (if anyone would still believe the President),
lo and behold there is another Kosovo massacre (one more the Serbs have
nothing to gain by). Deputy Security Advisor David LEVY has already briefed
the White House on possible course of action, and his boss Sandy BERGER,
and defense Secretary William COHEN, and State Department boss, Madeleine
ALBRIGHT, are likely to urge the President to wag another dog war for the
duration of one week, while the Senate deliberates whether he should be
removed from office (very unlikely if the troops are in harm's way, since a
military action historically also raises presidential popularity a few

And now, here's what actually happened…

"Witnesses allege the attackers wore both police and army uniforms and wore
Balaclava helmets (knitted face-mask caps) to mask their identities…" (an
excerpt from a report by Ben Works, a Vietnam veteran).

"One thing that stands out as highly suspicious in this entire story of
masked men is why would these people even bother wearing masks but not
covering up their uniforms! I mean if you want to conceal your identity,
you would do it from head to toe.  But, to the gullible public who can be
fed just about anything this Administration decides to serve, outrage  has
been a major propellant of American foreign policy…" (an excerpt from
another message by Mr. Vranjicanin, formerly US Navy).

"Villagers said armed Serbs wearing black masks had burst into their houses
on Friday, seized the men from their families and led them toward the
police station. Then they had turned and herded them up the hill to kill
them, the villagers reported…" (an excerpt from a London Times report).

Now, allow us to let you in on a little secret.  The first two quotes date
back to September 1998, the last time around a "Serb massacre" in Drenica,
Kosovo, Serbia, was committed by men in black so as to justify the then
threat of NATO bombing (see "Kosovo: Framing the Serbs, Acts IV, V, VI...
and Counting," TiM GW Bulletin, 98/10-1, 10/02/98).  The preceding
paragraph, however, is a quote from this Sunday's (1/17/99) edition of the
London Times.  It refers to this weekend's killing of 45 Albanian civilians
in Racak, Kosovo, Serbia.

Which, of course, doesn't prove anything.  The Milosevic troops certainly
could have committed such a crime - on orders from high up (all the way to
Washington?).  For, just as Saddam in the December bombing by the U.S. and
Britain, only Milosevic and the KLA (Albanian) terrorists have to gain from
such massacres.  The Serbian people certainly do not; the American people
certainly do not; and least of all, the massacred Albanians certainly do not.

In fact, Milosevic and Saddam are Clinton's best pals.  Any time he is in
trouble with the American people, they "miraculously" manage to help him.
"Wag the Dog… Act VII?"

"If the events weren't so tragic, it would be boringly pathetic.  For, the
combination of the Muslim and western 'black ops' types had similarly
provided a 'justification' for the genocidal U.N. sanctions against Serbia
with the infamous 'bread line' massacre in Sarajevo, Bosnia, in May 1992.
And they had repeated their heinous 'made for TV killings' of real human
beings many times since, including those at the Sarajevo Markale market in
February 1994.  And again in August 1995.  The latter gave NATO the pretext
for bombing of the Bosnian Serbs into submission during September 1995 in
the largest display of military might since the Gulf War."

The preceding, by the way, is also an excerpt taken from an old TiM GW
Bulletin, 98/10-1, 10/02/98.

What is new, however, is that another impeachable offense can be added to
the charges against Bill Clinton.  Should this round of Clinton's Balkan
saber-rattling result in a military action involving the U.S. troops, this
would be yet another violation of the U.S. Constitution.  Only Congress can
legally wage war on behalf of the United States, according to our
Constitution, not the President, as a diversion from his impeachment trial.
 And certainly not his bloodthirsty foreign policy advisors, such as
Madeleine Albright, Sam Berger or William Cohen, for example.

For the sake of the 45 Albanians slaughtered this weekend, and for the sake
of thousands of other innocent civilians world over who had paid with their
lives so that the New World Order can advance its genocidal agenda - the
Bosnian Muslims, Croats, Serbs, as well as the Iraqis, Kenyans, Somalis,
Afghanis, Koreans… etc. - let us hope that one of these days, Clinton and
his murderous backers and foreign policy advisors, also stand trial for
treason and genocide, not just impeachment.  Perhaps in the "World Court"
which they helped create - the War Crimes Tribunal at the Hague - could be
the venue?  Of course, only after the politicized judges which they had
appointed to it are first removed.
Bob Djurdjevic
Phoenix, Arizona

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articles on geopolitical affairs.

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