>  FWD From: alt.activism
>  In 1899 if anyone had suggested to an Englishman that the British Empire
>  was about to end he would have laughed.  100 years later America is in
>  the same position as Britain was.  America is at the zenith of its
>  power. Within the last ten years it has seen off the only serious rival
>  it had to world domination when the USSR imploded.  It virtually ignores
>  world opinion in pursuit of its own interests.
>  Human rights? How will it affect the opinion polls - ie is it a
>  "popular" cause? Tibet - not enough votes and China is a bit big to kick
>  - ignore it where possible and platitudes elsewhere.  Kuwait? Looks
>  good. War takes the popular mind off problems at home. It keeps the
>  military happy as they can play with their bright shiny, deadly, toys.
>  It keeps Industry happy as it spends money that swirls through the
>  economy. It can also be portrayed as standing up for the little guy
>  (ignore inconvenient facts such as one dictator removing another
>  dictator).  So support human rights where it makes the voters feel good
>  and ignore them elsewhere especially if it might lose business.
>  In fact almost any policy in America appears to relate to these aims. Is
>  it good for business especially a business that gives out large sums in
>  political support? Will it enhance a politicians image with the voters?
>  Today America arrogantly assumes she can do whatever she wants around
>  the world without repercussions that can affect her.  In the last year
>  America has stuck its thumb in its mouth and gone on ad nauseum about a
>  President who likes sex with anything female.  Could you really see it
>  indulging in such shenanigans at the height of the cold war?  Of course
>  not it could not have afforded to show that sort of weakness. Now it has
>  warned off any one who is even half intelligent to stay away from being
>  President. The result will be a string of second rate people with second
>  rate minds achieving third rate ambitions.
>  Her people are splitting amongst themselves into divergent and opposing
>  cultures. Instead of emphasising their sameness they emphasise how
>  different they are. Instead of promoting a single language so that all
>  can have equality of opportunity with it they promote divergent
>  languages so that racism can flourish on the grounds that "I can't
>  employ you....no one around here will understand you."  Each group tries
>  its hardest to achieve victim status so that it can put all the others
>  on a guilt trip and
>  hopefully get some money or other benefit off them.
>  Abroad it's Imperial ambitions have a major defect. It is unwilling to
>  shed the blood of its soldiers. The only way to maintain a hegemony is
>  to be willing to uswe force to keep it. Iraq has shown the limits to
>  what that force is. Air power is easily used. Unmanned missiles only
>  hurt the "enemy"  hundreds of miles away. Manned aircraft are so far in
>  advance of any potential enemy that they are almost invulnerable. Yet
>  these alone do not win wars. You must be willing to risk the lives of
>  your servicemen. America is not.
>  It would appear that America can only go from strength to strength but I
>  would suggest that like every other Empire ever known that America will
>  actually start losing power and become second rate.  When you are at the
>  top there is only one way to go...........
>  Just a few (draft) thoughts with a question. What or who will replace
>  her?

FWD From: alt.activism

In 1899 if anyone had suggested to an Englishman that the British Empire
was about to end he would have laughed.  100 years later America is in
the same position as Britain was.  America is at the zenith of its
power. Within the last ten years it has seen off the only serious rival
it had to world domination when the USSR imploded.  It virtually ignores
world opinion in pursuit of its own interests.

Human rights? How will it affect the opinion polls - ie is it a
"popular" cause? Tibet - not enough votes and China is a bit big to kick
- ignore it where possible and platitudes elsewhere.  Kuwait? Looks
good. War takes the popular mind off problems at home. It keeps the
military happy as they can play with their bright shiny, deadly, toys.
It keeps Industry happy as it spends money that swirls through the
economy. It can also be portrayed as standing up for the little guy
(ignore inconvenient facts such as one dictator removing another
dictator).  So support human rights where it makes the voters feel good
and ignore them elsewhere especially if it might lose business.

In fact almost any policy in America appears to relate to these aims. Is
it good for business especially a business that gives out large sums in
political support? Will it enhance a politicians image with the voters?

Today America arrogantly assumes she can do whatever she wants around
the world without repercussions that can affect her.  In the last year
America has stuck its thumb in its mouth and gone on ad nauseum about a
President who likes sex with anything female.  Could you really see it
indulging in such shenanigans at the height of the cold war?  Of course
not it could not have afforded to show that sort of weakness. Now it has
warned off any one who is even half intelligent to stay away from being
President. The result will be a string of second rate people with second
rate minds achieving third rate ambitions.

Her people are splitting amongst themselves into divergent and opposing
cultures. Instead of emphasising their sameness they emphasise how
different they are. Instead of promoting a single language so that all
can have equality of opportunity with it they promote divergent
languages so that racism can flourish on the grounds that "I can't
employ you....no one around here will understand you."  Each group tries
its hardest to achieve victim status so that it can put all the others
on a guilt trip and
hopefully get some money or other benefit off them.

Abroad it's Imperial ambitions have a major defect. It is unwilling to
shed the blood of its soldiers. The only way to maintain a hegemony is
to be willing to uswe force to keep it. Iraq has shown the limits to
what that force is. Air power is easily used. Unmanned missiles only
hurt the "enemy"  hundreds of miles away. Manned aircraft are so far in
advance of any potential enemy that they are almost invulnerable. Yet
these alone do not win wars. You must be willing to risk the lives of
your servicemen. America is not.

It would appear that America can only go from strength to strength but I
would suggest that like every other Empire ever known that America will
actually start losing power and become second rate.  When you are at the
top there is only one way to go...........

Just a few (draft) thoughts with a question. What or who will replace

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