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Bob Frissell

Nothing To Something at The Prophets Conference - Tulum/Caribbean


Earth Changes, pole shifts, Hopi prophecies, the secret government, the
Greys; balanced by ascended masters, Melchizedeks, and immortal yogis - all
providing higher dimensional perspectives.  Frissell invites you onto the
roller coaster to the twenty-first century.

"Nothing To Something" is more than another New Age prophecy, self-help
technique, or millennial mythology: it's a training manual for entering the
Earth's future, whatever it may be.  Frissell has no stake in scaring you
with cataclysms.  Instead he teaches us how to make ourselves into a
vehicle for traveling through a universe of danger and hope, by assembling
within ourselves the universal pattern of creation - our own merkaba fields
- which will facilitate the evolution of our consciousness as well as that
of planet Earth.

Bob Frissell stands at the juncture of three mystery schools - rebirthing
with its roots in the immortal yogis of India, sacred geometry with its
Gnostic antecedents, and Pueblo millenary religion.  He is author of
"Nothing In This Book Is True, But It's Exactly How Things Are," and
"Something In This Book Is True…"

"It appears too that the planet is now capable of directly
participating-that for the first time in 13,000 years, Mother Earth is
awake and her merkaba fields are activated.  As Drunvalo (Melchizedek) said
in a recent interview:

'She is going to do whatever it takes, and adapt in any way, and give us
whatever we need to make sure we are safe and proceed as a planet, as a
race, onto the next level.  There may be things coming in the future that
we could not imagine.  Even a little bit further in the future things that
would now be considering absolutely impossible will happen.'"

Bob Frissell will be joining the exceptional faculty of The Prophets
Conference~Tulum/Caribbean during the powerful and highly significant
spring equinox, March 15-22, 1999. This unparalleled event is the
constantly manifesting edge of ideas, bringing together Mayan Elder Hunbatz
Men, Hyemeyohsts Storm, James Twyman, Aluna Joy Yaxk'in, Hank Wesselman,
Ph.D., Serge Kahili King, Ph.D., Ilona Selke, Swan Storm, Mayan Master
Miguel Angel Calleros, Mary Lightning Locke, along with Bob Frissell.
Sacred ceremony will be conducted by these presenters, along with teachers
from the Maya Mysteries School and K'u-Kuul-Kaan Academy, at the sacred
Mayan sites of Tulum - Chichen Itza - Coba, Yucatan, on the magnificent
Caribbean coast of Mexico.

Mayan sacred site ceremony; exceptional quality of information; teachings
of the North American Native Medicine Wheels; shamanic Huna teachings of
Hawaii; interdimensional Merkaba creation; dolphin communication and
knowledge; future visions of Mother Earth; and the messages from the
Emissaries Of Light, all combine to create a life-transforming celebration
of meaning and mystery - The Prophets Conference~Tulum/Caribbean.

To request a brochure email [EMAIL PROTECTED], or visit
or call toll-free 1-888-777-5981

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