-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 99-01-21 22:40:23 EST, you write:

<<   WASHINGTON, DC--After decades of waiting, the much-anticipated
 mass Baby Boomer die-off should finally commence within the next five to ten
years, Census Bureau officials said Monday.
       "I am pleased to announce that it won't be much longer now,"
 Census Bureau deputy director Arthur Clausewitz said at a press conference.
"According to our statistics, by 2009, we should see the Baby Boomers start to
die off in large numbers.
 Clausewitz said.
 " the curtain will at long last fall on what is
 regarded by many as the most odious
 generation America has ever produced.">>

What is this?  Some sort of "hate mail?"

      << Clausewitz also noted that the cost of caring for the elderly
 and infirm of the nation's largest demographic group will be enormous.>>

Who does this sorry SOB think has been paying his high government salary, it
sure as shit isn't the old farts on social security, nor the Little Baby
Gangsters of the current generation.

     <<  "The selfishness that has been a hallmark of the Boomers will
 continue right up to the very end, as they force millions of younger
Americans to devote an inordinate amount of time and resources to their care,
bankrupting the Social Security system in the process," Clausewitz said. "In
their old age, the Boomers will actually manage to take as much from the next
generation as they did the previous one, which fought WWII so that their
Boomer children could have Philco TVs and Davy Crockett air rifles.">>

What a jerk.  I this big government hypocrite trying to rewrite history.  If
Social Security goes bankrupt it will be because it is a pyramid scheme.
Government robs us of our money by taxing us "to provide for the elderly" then
they spend the excess taxes they collect to promote groth in government rather
than putting it in interest earning securities.  Theft, pure and simple.

     <<  The financial sector will also feel the hit, as it is forced to fill
some 400,000 high-paying stockbroker and corporate-banking jobs, held for
decades by ex-hippies.>>

Yep, they are going to find it hard to fill positions with the dumbed-down
hip-hop rap babies who are only interested in "chillin" with their gang

 <<      "It's not exactly clear how, but for the past 40 years, this
 generation has managed to keep the spotlight on itself," Brown University
history professor A. Thomas Raymond said. "The era-defining flower children of
the '60s, hedonistic disco-goers of the '70s, BMW-driving yuppies of the '80s
and graying private-investor homeowner parents of the '90s all have one thing
in common: They're all Boomers.">>

Well Thomas Raymond... what does the "A" stand for in your name, as if I
didn't know.  Not all boomers were hippies, or yuppies, very few were.  Makes
Brown University appear not to have the "brightest" professors.

      <<  Raymond continued. "Thankfully, though, their reign will soon come
to an end. It's just too bad so few of them died before they got old.">>

Too bad this "professor" doesn't live in the real world... too bad he wasn't
an abortion.

Bob Stokes

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