-Caveat Lector-

             American Patriotism
        Edward Britton

For Americans at least, the words freedom, responsibility, independence,
awareness, and patriotism should be synonymous.

In a democracy, the people rule. The very characteristics which define a
democratic nation, be they positive or negative, are the direct
responsibility of its people. The success of a democracy depends solely on
the willingness of its citizens to accept
personal responsibility for the nation's strengths and weaknesses. We, as a
nation, have not survived thus far by pushing our problems onto someone
else to
solve. We continue as the greatest example of a free people the world has
ever known because our predecessors have been willing to fight and die for us
by thinking of this nation's survival as a matter of personal
responsibility. Our future survival will depend on us--ALL OF US--doing the
same. No longer can we afford to sit back and blame others for the ills of
our nation or for the way the rest of the
world perceives us. If we are seen by the world as a violent and morally
bankrupt nation, we are each responsible. If developing democracies use our
as a model in the design of their own, then we are each responsible.

To be free is not only to be responsible. True freedom requires
independence--independence from the control of others whether they be
foreign powers or mindless demagogues. Independence is freedom of mind as
well as freedom of being. Independence is the freedom to choose between,
among, or to depart from, differing political ideologies and not to follow
the senseless meanderings of one political party or another. We may claim
to be truly independent only
when we are in control of our lives and our nation, devising practical and
rational solutions to our problems regardless of the rhetoric of politicians.

No other mental attribute is more critical to the future survival of this
nation than the awareness of its people. We have been given, in the form of
the Constitution, the legacy of the greatest human achievement ever
conceived. Only by our continuing
awareness and vigilance will the great American experiment be perpetuated.

As awareness is to vigilance, so too, is awareness to education. The genius
of the Constitution reflects the fact that there can be no greater defense
against tyranny than an educated populace. The learned wisdom of our
Founding Fathers is expressed in the very essence of our way of life. At no
other time in our nation's history has education been more gravely
important than it is today. We are besieged by intolerant and bigoted
forces from within our own borders who would, by the use of fear and
ignorance, regress this great nation into despotic rule. Education for
Americans should not only be a right held equally dear to liberty, but
should also be a duty. Denial of access to education of any American
citizen should be thought of as treason. One need look no further than the
dictionary for the definition of fascism to gain a full understanding of
the current (and most popular) attack on our liberties.

While there are few who would question that giving one's life in defense of
his or her country is the ultimate act of patriotism, an equally few number
of people seem to be willing to assign the title of patriot to persons who
sacrifice themselves in other ways for their country. However, if there is
any one resource which I may gladly attribute to America, it would be a
plentiful supply of patriots.

Consider as a patriot the person who, despite the agony of seeing the flag
he or she has fought for being burned, defends the right of the burner to
do so in protest. Consider as a patriot, the Jewish lawyer who defends the
right to free speech of a neo-nazi, regardless of how much he or she may
vomit from the utterance of such filth. Consider as patriots the editors
and writers of newspapers who act in the public interest by reporting on
issues which precipitate threats from advertisers and insults from those
who consider ignorance a virtue. Consider as patriots those who teach and
protect our children, while fighting against the oppression imposed by an
apathetic society and inept politicians. Consider as a patriot the farmer
who, despite bad weather, greedy corporations, and governmental bureaucracy
sweats blood for his or her nation seven days a week--while efficiently
providing food for the hungry bellies of an entire planet! Finally,
consider as a patriot the person who, because he or she is ever-aware and
ever vigilant, ceaselessly questions and calls for the accountability of
government--while at the same time responsible enough never to cite a
problem without offering a solution.

Nobody said it better than John F. Kennedy: "Ask not what your country can
do for you, but [rather] what you can do for your country." As we celebrate
our independence, think of the sacrifices that have been made for us by our
mothers, brothers, and sisters. Contemplate how WE may honor them by doing
the same. God bless American patriots. God bless America.
      "If you think they're out to get you, you're right." Edward Britton
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