-Caveat Lector-

Pro McClelland of Harvard once stated that childerns stories are where the values 
imparted from one generation to the next are the most clearly seen.


TheDawning of the the new age new world order
D L Cuddy

Chapter Four
The Wonderful Wizard of Oz

Masons are supposed to be engaged in a search for "light" (Ahura-Mazda is the "spirit 
of light") with all of their"heart, mind, and strength."ln L. Frank Baum's The 
Wonderful Wizard of Oz, the tin man wants a heart, the scarecrow a mind, and the lion 
wants strength or courage (the master Mason uses the "strong grip of the lion's paw"). 
In the occult, the heart represents the female (or emotion), the mind represents the 
male (or reason), and strength stands for action.
        L. Frank Baum (possibly a Buddhist) was interested in Theosophy (which he and 
his wife joined in 1896), and The Wonderful Wizard of Oz is on page 36 of the 
Theosophical University Press 1989-90 catalogue, which features "the principle 
source-writings of the modern Theosophical movement and seeks to provide a 
comprehensive presentation of the ancient wisdom-tradition."
        Concerning Theosophy, Baum pronounced, "God is Nature, and Nature God, " and 
in the Aberdeen, South Dakota Saturday Pioneer (January 25,1890), he wrote of "an 
eager longing to penetrate the secrets of Nature - an aspiration for knowledge we have 
thought is forbidden. " The Theosophists are "searchers for truth" and "admit the 
existence of God - not necessarily a personal God. "He believed in the theory of 
"elementals' (invisible, vapory beings) popularized in Madame Blatavasky's Isis 
Unveiled(1877), and like the Rosicrucians' belief in the combining of God and nature, 
and not unlike William Butler Yeats' (Mason and Fabian) search for a new mysticism.

Baum believed in reincarnation, in karma, that there was no Devil, and "that man on 
earth was only, one step on a ladder through many states of consciousness, through 
mans 'universes, to  a final state of Enlightenment, "according to Michael Patrick 
Hearn in his book, The Annotated Wizard of Oz (1973). Hearn is also quoted in Children 
:s Lirerarure Review, (CLR), vol. 15, as saying:
"The author of The Wonderful Wizard of 0Z  was well read in the occult sciences. 
.....Paracelsus, the sixteenth century) Swiss alchemist and physician, divided all 
spirits into , four categories: Air, sylphs; Water, nymphs or undines; Earth, gnomes; 
Fire, salamanders. These could be expanded to the ancient idea' of the four states of 
matter - gas, liquid, solid, and energy...... A quick glance at  Baum 's fairy tales 
reveals rhat he wrote about each Paracelsian classification of spirits. His sylphs are 
rhe 'winged fairies'(Lulea of Queen Zixie of Ix; Lurline of The Tin Woodman of oz); 
the undines are the mermaids
(Aquureine of The Sea Fairies; the wonder fairies of the first chapter of The 
Scarecrow of 0z));
 the gnomes are the Nomes (the Nome king of The Life and Adventures of Santa Claus und 
Ozma of Oz);
and the salamanders are the ,fairies of energy' (the Demon of Electricity of TheMaster 
Key; the Lovely Lady of light of Tik-Tok of 0z).
        Baum seems to have created a highly sophisticated cosmology by interpreting 
this theory of spirits of elementals' in terms of tradirional fairies. This is 
basically a religion of Nature.

 Modern science itself has its origin in The Wonder   full world of Oz the occult 
sciences, in the search for the secrets of nature. It is nor by mistake that the 
Shaggy Man in The Patchwork Girl of Oz refers to Oz as being a fairyland where magic 
is a science. 'Both science and magic have the same ends. "

        In many of Baum's works, there are revealing references. In The Master Key, a 
boy summons up the "Demon of Electricity," and A Kidnapped Santa Claus refers to a 
"Demon of Repentance." The Tin Woodman of Oz has a giantess skilled in 
transformations, and in Dorothy and the Wizard Of Oz, there is a climb up "Pyramid 
Mountain." Baum was a pacifist, and in Ozma of Oz, Dorothy is shipwrecked, and 
Princess Ozma (close friend of Glinda, "the greatest of sorceresses") is threatened by 
an attack from the Nome king, but he is powerless in the face of her faith and love as 
she states, "No one has the right to destroy any living creatures, however evil they 
may be, or  hurt them or make them unhappy. I will not fight - even to save my 
kingdom. "
        In the Saturday Pioneer (October 18, 1890), Baud wrote that "the absurd and 
legendary devil is the enigma of the Church, "and in the Oz books, he said there were 
both "good and "bad" demons and witches. (Baum also wrote a play, The Uplift of 
Lucifer, or Raising Hell in 1915.) Remember when you read Revelation 4:3 (". there was 
a rainbow round about the throne, in sight like unto an emerald"), that in life Satan 
tries to imitate God. Could this be why Dorothy sings "Somewhere Over the Rain-bow," 
while the rainbow looks green in some Oz books because green glasses are worn in the 
Emerald City where the Wizard is upon his throne?
Women were extremely influential upon Baum. Osmond Beckwith points out in CLR, vol. 
15, that "in Oz, the principal boy always wore skirts, " and "true love is  love 
between girls." According to the Dictionary of Literary Biography, vol. 22, "Baum 
complained of being grabbed by spirits when in bed asleep, " and his wife, Maud, and 
his mother-in-law, the radical feminist Matilda Gage, had clairvoyants and seances in 
their home. Mrs. Gage was also interested in astronomy and palmistry. In 1890, because 
she felt mainstream suffragists were too conservative, she founded the Women's 
National Liberal Union dedicated to the separation of church and state.
        Baum emphasized the need for "harmony of heart and mind,"which sounds like 
today's New Agers promotion of harmony through "right human relations" and Ted 
Turner's "Better World Society"(which also advocates population control). Dorothy in 
Oz is like the "Earth Mother" of mythology (CLR, vol. 15). There are "transformations" 
of character, and Ozma's magical belt transports people to Oz, where the Wizard has 
revealed that the "power" to accomplish important things individuals want already 
resides within themselves.

        A similar message ("The Power Is Yours") is delivered today by Ted Turner's 
(1990 Humanist of the Year) "Cap-tain Planet" cartoon program on television, where 
Gaia (the spirit of "Mother Earth") gives five "planeteers" separately the powers of 
fire, wind, earth, water, and heart (communicated telepathically). Captain Planet 
himself is actually a crystal in human form, and the five planeteers use the power of 
their occult magic rings (with crystals) working together (in harmony) to save "Mother 
Earth ."An episode of ABC television's "MacGyver" recently had a similar segment where 
the four elements were used together !
to find "the eye of Osiris." Another two-part episode of "MacGyver" involved using the 
Mummer's rhyme "Ring Around the Rosie" in a search for the Holy Grail.

        These all lead one to consider the possibility that Baum selected the word 
"Oz" because it sounded like "us" (Baum wrote a poem rhyming Oz" with the word "was"), 
meaning that if the heart (tin man) and mind (scarecrow) work together with courage 
(lion) in "harmony" with "Mother Earth" (Dorothy), then "the power is yours" to be 
like "gods."
        It is also possible that Baum chose the name "Oz" from the "0" in Oscar Wilde 
(famous author and Mason, born just two years before Baum and died in the year 1900, 
when the Oz books began) and from the "Z" in Zoroaster (founder of an ancient religion 
in Persia, now Iran). This is because in Dorothy and the Wizard of Oz, the Wizard said 
that his father named him Oscar Zoroaster Phadrig Isaac Norman Henkle Emmanuel 
Ambroise Diggs, which he shortened to Oz. (the remaining initials spell "pinhead"). 
The Wizard was bald, and James Hastings has noted that Egyptian priests shaved their 
heads to retain their super-natural power ."The Wizard is called "0z the Terrible" by 
those around him, and when one of them asks Dorothy, "Are you really going to look 
upon the face of Oz the Terrible ? "the biblical symbolism seems clearly an attempt to 
portray Oz as Adonay (a judgmental God), whom Masons also find "terrible" in contrast 
to their view of Lucifer as the "Light of Illumination."

        A third possibility for Baum's selection of the word "0z" is that according to 
writer Jack Snow, Baum once wrote that he always enjoyed stories that caused the 
reader to exclaim with "Ohs" and "Ahs" of "wonder," thus the title " Wonderful Wizard 
of' Oz. Another example of Baum's word-play and letter-play are that, according to 
Michael Patrick Hearn, "Ozma" may be 0z and Maud's (Baum's wife) name abbreviated, and 
the Rose Princess "Olga" may be Oz and Maud's maiden name (Gage) abbreviated.

        Baum dedicated Wonderful Wizard of' Oz;( 1900) to his wife, whom he called "my 
good friend and comrade." When Baum and his wife traveled to Europe in 1906, they also 
went on to Egypt, where Maud went up the Great Pyramid. In Baum's books, the land of 
0z contains four triangular-shaped countries pointing inward (like a pyramid looks 
from above) toward the center of a square where the Emerald City is located (this 
shape is also like a Masonic rose Croix, or Rosicrucian cross). and the name "Emerald" 
was possibly selected because that was Baum's birthstone. However, the emerald is also 
supposedly the stone of prophecy. and that leads to another interpretation of the 
journey to the Emerald City as a journey to the center of our selves(to the center of 
"us," because the Emerald City was the center of "Oz," which Baum pronounced as 
"was"), to "the god within" where the Wizard said we would find the answer to what we 
are looking for. This is like the New Agers' search for "the god within."

        The land of Oz, with its four countries, is rectangular in shape like the 
state of Kansas. In the city of Wichita in south central Kansas, about ten years ago a 
pyramid was built at 3100 North Hillside Street. It was sponsored by the 
philanthropist Olive Ciarvey, and designed by J. Phillip Callahan, author of Ancient 
Mysteries, Modern Visions. New Ager Buckminster Fuller (1969 Humanist of the Year) 
designed the domes near the pyramid, where today children are sold the comic book, 
Knight of the
White Light. The first issue of the comic was called "The Tale of the Kingdom of 
Light," as the author (Pamela Wunder Myers) says: "A paradigm [referring to a cultural 
change] shift occurs when a 'better way becomes known and understood by the majority 
of people. . Such a shift is now occurring in our culture. Join Sir Cosmic on his 
adventures as he travels to other worlds to discover the New Order and a better way. "
        In the first comic issue, Sir Cosmic searches for the Land of "Awes" where he 
finds the Wonderful Wizard who describes their "Divine Science of Nature "and gives a 
riddle to Merlin that says, "_ there is a bit of moon in the rose. . "Merlin says, 
"/hat which was thought to be sin is but error, "so there should be no guilt or blame. 
The king renames the Kingdom of White to the "Kingdom of Light" and says: "The New 
Order is born. . the Enlightenment of all and in the twinkling of an eye the world 
became unexpectedly divine!" It should be remembered here that the "New Order" is what 
Hitler called his Nazi regime.
        To reach the Emerald City in Baum's land of Oz, one has to follow the yellow 
brick road which snakes its way through a blue countryside. (The Masonic colors are 
blue and gold or yellow. Golden snakes and Osiris [sun god] are at the entrance of the 
"Temple of the Supreme Council of the Thirty-Third and Last Degree of the Ancient and 
Accepted Scottish Rite"in Washington, D.C. where there are many serpents upon the 
walls beneath a dark blue, starry domed ceiling.) On the road through the land of 0z, 
Dorothy and her acquaintances come upon a meadow of red poppies which causes them to 
sleep (Hearn says this is an allusion to opium).

Love and cooperation rule in Oz, and Masons seek light and harmony. Before meeting the 
Wizard in Oz, the cowardly lion says he will do what's necessary until the Wizard 
"promises to give US what we desire"; in Masonic initiation, the individual is asked, 
"What do you most desire?"
        There is also a certain existentialist and gnostic  (transcendental "self") 
aspect to The Wonderful Wizard of Oz. The Wizard in Oz tells Dorothy's companions that 
what they most desire is already within themselves, which is similar to M.L. Franz's 
analysis in Carl Jung's Man and His Symbols (1964) that "the problem of an 
individual's imperfection can only be solved within himsell: " Hearn
says: "Baum's concern is with the presentation of reality and worth and of the power 
of the Self: In terms of the Rogerian [Carl Rogers, 1964 Humanist of the Year] method 
of treatment a faith in the eventual cure of the individual must be established within 
himself before any treatment may begin. "
        Just as in The Wonderful Wizard of Oz individuals are told they'll find the 
power to solve problems within themselves, the same is true in the more recent book 
and movie Star Wars. Similarly, just as the small, shaggy Toto helps Dorothy in Oz 
(where there are "Winkies"), Chewbacca (a large, shaggy "Wookie") helps the good side 
in Star Wars. "The Force" in Star Wars has a good and bad side, and in the motion 
picture The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, the struggle between the "good" white magic of the 
witches of the north and south and the "bad" black magic of the wicked witches of the 
east and west occurs in Dorothy's imagination.

        What Masons say they desire most is "light," which is also very important in 
the Oz books. In Tik-Tok of Oz, there is the palace of the Queen of Light, and when 
Dorothy enters the Wizard's throne room in The Wonder-ful Wizard of Or, "in the center 
of the roof was a great light, as bright as the sun. " Another wizard in A New 
Wonderland has a similar light, and these could be called "points of light." Regarding 
the Oz books and the more recent Star Wars and other similar books, remember that 2 
Timothy 4v4 says, "And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be 
turned unto fables."
        Other children's stories that are full of symbolism are Lewis Carroll's  (real 
name Charles Lutwidge Dodgson) Alice in Wonderland (1865) and Through the Looking 
Glass (1872). Carroll would use such terms as "my Muse." In Wonderland, the Queen of 
Hearts' gardener was painting white roses red. This could symbolize the fact that even 
though the white rose Yorks had won the mid-fifteenth century War of the Roses against 
the red rose Lancasters, a few years later Lancaster Henry VII defeated the Yorks. 
This same symbolism continues in Through the Looking Glass, where there are the strong 
red king,
queen, and knight verses the weak white king, queen, and knight (the white knight 
represented Carroll himself befriending Alice). This story also includes Humpty 
Dumpty, who represents either the current political leader of the day or the power 
behind the leader. The symbolic characteristics are that he is precariously balanced 
upon a wall, yet he believes "there's no chance
of his falling; he believes that a word "means just what I choose it to mean'; and he 
feels "the question is, which is to be  the master. "The story also contains an 
episode with a lion and a unicorn. The lion ("ruddy beast") and the unicorn (white) 
are on the royal coat-of-arms of GreatBritain, and represent the seventeenth century 
joining of Scotland (unicorn) and England (lion). The sketches in Carroll's book also 
make it clear that these figures also 4 represent nineteenth century political leaders 
Benjamin Disraeli (unicorn) and William Ewart Gladstone (lion), the latter of whom the 
conservative Carroll did not like.
Remember that it was Disraeli (Lord Beaconsfield) who on July 14, 1856, said in the 
British House of
Commons: "I am told that a British minister has boasted - and a very unwise boast it 
was - that he had only to hold up his hand and he could raise a revolution in Italy 
tomorrow. .... A great prince fell suddenly... solely and entirely by the action of 
secret societies"

The Masonic Connection

The term "point of light" is also used in Masonry and the occult, with "point" 
standing for the points on the
Mason's compass, and "light" standing for "truth." "Light" also comes from the 
heavens, as the name "Blue Lodge" comes from Masons' "ancient brethren who met under 
the starry canopy of heaven," according to Jim Shaw (former thirty-third degree Mason 
who became a Christian and rejected Masonry) in his book, The Deadly Deception (1988). 
According to the book's co-author, Tom McKenney, there were present at the 
presentation of the thirty-third degree to Shaw in 1966 Masons such as the King of 
Denmark, former U.S. President Harry Truman, Norman Vincent Peale, as well as an 
inter-nationally prominent evangelist. (According to rev shaw this was Billy 

        Perhaps coincidental is the fact that Mason Charles Willson Peale (born 1741) 
painted at least two portraits (including the first portrait ever painted) of George 
Washington with the latter's hand in his coat like Napolean. President Truman has been 
quoted as saying:
"Although I hold the highest civil honor in the world, I have always regarded my rank 
and title as a past grand master of Masons as the greatest honor that has ever come to 
me" (Empire State Mason, February 1953).

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