-Caveat Lector-

"M.A. Johnson" wrote:
>  -Caveat Lector-
> Agent Smiley forwarded:
>   The Associated Press
>      NEW YORK (AP) -- Anyone arrested for driving drunk in
>      New York City will have their cars seized and not
>      given back unless they are acquitted of the charges,
>      the police commissioner said Thursday.
>      "There's nothing more serious to the innocent public
>      than people who drive drunk," Commissioner Howard Safir
>      said.
> <snip>
> MJ:
> What of those elderly and similarly impaired who cannot react or
> see well?

Until their needs can be met a different way, the is no choice is there?

> What of those 'exhausted' individuals (recent study) who demonstrate
> LIKE characteristic to 'drunks'?
> What of those who should NOT have been licensed in the first place?

What if my grandmother had balls? She'd probably be my grandfather.

> Why discriminate AGAINST those who CHOOSE to drink?  Unless they
> damage property WHAT crime has been exacted?
> Regard$,
> --MJ

Are you stupid beyond belief or what? What kind of phony comparisons
are you trying to pull here?

If you CHOOSE do drink, then CHOOSE to stay out of the driver's seat.
If you CHOOSE to put my life at risk because you are a drunken fool,
then I CHOOSE to empower the government to keep you off the road.

> Government has no other end but the preservation of Property.
>  -- John Locke

How about the preservation of life over the preservation of property?
What a novel concept eh?


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