-Caveat Lector-


by Edward Spannaus
Printed in the Executive Intelligence Review, January, 1999.

President Clinton is now faced with a bipartisan lynch
mob in the United States Senate, where the only difference
between the Republicans and most Democrats is that the
Republicans would prefer a longer, drawn-out lynching, and
Tom Daschle and the Senate Democrats want a cleaner,
quicker lynching. The President is the odd man out in this
arrangement, with almost no consultation going on between
the White House and the Senate Democrats led by Daschle.
Apparently Daschle is too busy crawling under the KKK
sheets with Trent Lott, to bother talking to the
President's own defense team.

Therefore, the only option the White House has at
this moment, is take the rope that the Senate is preparing
for the President's neck, and to use that very same rope
to hoist the Senate on their own scaffold--by demanding
a full trial in which the entire ``Get Clinton'' cabal is
put on trial, with Kenneth Starr and Richard Mellon Scaife
as the defendants-in-chief.

There are many reports and rumors circulating
around Washington to the effect that Starr either has
already obtained sealed indictments of the President and
others, or that he is preparing to indict the President
and probably the First Lady as soon as Clinton leaves

The threat of prosecution is the blackmail threat
being used by Senate Republicans--with the complicity of
Daschle and other Democrats--to force the President into
accepting a censure ``plea bargain.'' The way this is being
conducted by Daschle and the Republicans reminds us of
the way most public defenders work out plea bargains for
their indigent clients: The lawyer first works out the
deal with the prosecutor, and then tells the defendant,
``This is the best you can do; you better take the deal.''

The only good sign, is that President Clinton appears
to have rejected any deal which would leave him vulnerable
to prosecution, and which would force him to run up huge
legal bills defending himself for years after he leaves

Under the arrangement voted up by the Senate on
Jan. 8, the threat of prosecution is looming in the
background. After three days of presentations each by the
House managers, and then by the President's lawyers, and
two days of questioning, ``dispositive'' motions, such as a
motion to dismiss the Articles of Impeachment, will be
considered. It is at that point that the ``censure'' deal
will be posed--admit to wrongdoing, accept censure, and
the trial will be stopped.

Any ``censure'' acceptable to the bipartisan lynch mob
in the Senate would have to contain an admission of
perjury by the President. But all indications are that
Clinton will never make such admission--because he does
not believe he committed perjury, and because it would
leave him vulnerable to prosecution by independent counsel
Starr the minute he leaves office. And if anyone thinks
that any such ``deal'' will bring the campaign to topple
President Clinton to an end, he simply hasn't been paying
attention to what has been going on for the past five

      - Back-stabbing Democrats -

While one would not be surprised that White Citizens
Council-sympathizer Trent Lott would be in the forefront
of the Senate lynch mob, the most treacherous role is
being play by the Democratic leadership, who pretend to be
supporting the President, while delivering him up to his

Prior to the opening of Congress, Daschle was
running around asserting that ``we already know the facts,''
and that therefore no trial with witnesses is needed. The
``facts'' to which Daschle refers, are Kenneth Starr's
``facts''--concocted during Starr's prosecutorial holy war
which has been riddled with prosecutorial misconduct,
abuse, and violations of constitutional rights.

Then, as the 106th Congress convened on Jan. 6,
Daschle came out of the Democratic caucus meeting and
declared that ``there is universal opposition to
witnesses.'' Daschle has spent most of his time huddled
with Lott and the Republican leadership, working out a
``bipartisan'' trial procedure which scoffs at the U.S.
Constitution's guarantees of due process.

The role which would be played by Senate Democrats
was signalled during appearances on the Sunday talk shows
on Jan. 3.  Three Democratic Senators appearing on
NBC's ``Meet the Press'' on Sunday, Jan. 3, already made it
very clear that President Clinton has almost as much to
fear from his ``friends'' as from his avowed enemies in the

Much of the discussion revolved around the plan
submitted by Senators Slade Gorton (R-Wa.), and Joseph
Lieberman (D-Conn.) for a quick ``mini-trial'' which would
then pave the way for a censure vote. This proposal was
supported by Senators Joseph Biden (D-Del.) and Robert
Torricelli (D-N.J.) who were appearing on the show along
with Gorton, Lieberman, and others.

Torricelli said that President Clinton is willing to
stipulate to ``all five volumes, all facts'' in Kenneth
Starr's referral to the House for purposes of what amounts
to a ``motion to dismiss.'' When asked whether a vote not to
proceed would exonerate the President, Torricelli said:
``There's not going to be any exoneration. At the end of
the day, this Senate is going to vote a censure. The
President's conduct was inappropriate, it was
reprehensible. We are going to be on the record saying so.
It is simply a question of what the appropriate remedy is.
Removal from office is not constitutionally proper as a
definable offense, but a censure is, and I think at the
end of the day, that's what we're going to do.''

Biden, the ranking Democrat on the Senate Judiciary
Committee, described President Clinton as ``condemned in
history for the acts he committed.''

(The sole Democrat in the Senate who has publicly
declared that the President should forget about censure,
and fight for a trial and full exoneration, is Sen. Tom
Harkin of Iowa.)

Torricelli's comments were even disputed by the White
House the following day. When White House spokesman Joe
Lockhart was asked about Torricelli's statement, Lockhart
stated emphatically that this was not the President's
position, and he added ``there are clearly facts and issues
involved in this case that we've disputed before the House
and, if appropriate, depending on the format which the
Senate takes, we will do again.''

While all the Senators were meeting in private on the
afternon of Jan. 7, the White House announced that it
is willing to ``stipulate'' to the record that the House
Judiciary Committee sent to the Senate, including the
Starr referral and supporting materials. ``We will forego
our rights to test, cross-examination, cross-examine,''
spokesman Joe Lockhart said.  The spokesman said that  the
White House was doing this, because ``we think we can make
a compelling case to the American public that there is no
constitutional or legal foundation  to move forward with
removing this President.''  Lockhart said that, while the
record submitted by the House to the Senate is ``the most
prejudicial record that could possibly exist,'' that the
White House believes that ``even with this record we can
effectively make our case.''

Lockhart made this offer after attacking the
procedures being planned for the Senate trial. ``I think
that whether you're in a trial in the Senate or you're in
traffic court, the idea that when you go and start a
proceeding that the rules and procedures, and evidence and
witnesses, potential witnesses, are not clear to you at
the beginning of the process is not fair.'' Lockhart added
that it is inherently unfair ``where the rules get made up
as you go.''

The ``stipulation'' offer was probably somewhat
tongue-in-cheek, made out of frustration with the
back-room dealing going on in the Senate. At the same
time, the White House was saying that if witnesses are
going to be called, ``all bets are off,'' and that this will
require all manner of pre-trial motions, pre-trial
discovery, and depositions, which could drag on for weeks
if not months. It is known that the White House is in fact
preparing a thorough and aggressive defense if a trial is

The plan that was approved by the full Senate on
Friday, Jan. 8, requires a vote of the full Senate for
each and every witness to be called. This is perhaps the
worst option from the standpoint of the White House; it
means that the Senate can veto the President's witnesses,
and the President's lawyers may not know until the last
minute who are to be the prosecution's witnesses, with no
chance for preparation.

What the Senators fear, is exactly what may occur:
that once a trial starts and witnesses start testifying,
the process can become unpredictable and uncontrollable.
The longer the trial goes on, the more angry and outraged
the population is likely to become toward the President's
persecutors, and under those conditions, anything can

        - Confederate Justice -

It was fitting that the commencement of the formal
impeachment proceedings against President Clinton in the
Senate were presided over by Sen. Strom Thurmond
(R-S.C.), the President pro tem of the Senate, and an old
Dixiecrat who ran for President in 1948 as a ``States'
Rights Democrat.'' When Thurmond swore in Chief Justice
William Rehnquist, to preside over the trial of the
impeachment charges on evidence developed by Kenneth
Starr, all three of them must have all enjoyed a quiet

Recall that Kenneth Starr's surprise appointment as
Whitewater independent counsel in August 1994 was made by
the special three-judge panel, the ``Special Division for
the Purpose of Appointing Independent Counsels'' which is
headed by Appeals Court judge David Sentelle. It is
Rehnquist which appoints the members of that panel;
Rehnquist's appointment of Sentelle to that panel in 1992
raised a number of eyebrows, since it was the intention of
Congress that the panel would be composed of senior
appeals court judges or retired Federal judges; Sentelle
was neither, only having been appointed to the appeals
court for five years, and only having been a Federal judge
for two years before that. But Sentelle had other
qualifications. He was a Republican party activist, he was
and is a luminary in the so-called ``Federalist Society''
which Rehnquist played a role in founding, and in which
Kenneth Starr and others of his circle are also active.
Plus, as author Jeffrey Rosen points out in an article in
the Jan. 11 {New Yorker}, for more than a decade,
Rehnquist and Sentelle have been part of a small,
penny-ante, poker game that meets monthly in Washington.

Sentelle's nomination to the Federal appeals court in
1987 was held up for months because of controversy over
Sentelle's membership in a segregated lodge of the Southern
Jurisdiction of Scottish Rite Freemasons. During the
debate, Thurmond, then the chairman of the Senate
Judiciary Committee, boasted that he himself was a 33rd
degree mason of the Southern Jurisdiction, and he declared
himself ``astounded'' that the question of masonic
affiliation was even raised in the Judiciary Committee.

To round out the picture, it is worth recalling that
in 1986, Rehnquist himself went through a stormy
confirmation process in the Judiciary Committee, when
Democrats raised the issues of Rehnquist's openly
segregationist views, and his intimidation of black and
hiSpanic voters at the polls in Arizona in the early
1960s. Nevertheless, under Strom Thurmond's guiding hand,
Rehnquist was confirmed as the Chief Justice.

It was really rather appropriate, then, what happened
on the afternoon of Jan. 7, when the cable television
network C-SPAN made its usual switch to viewer call-ins
once it had concluded its live coverage of the swearing-in
ceremonies in the Senate. The very first caller described,
in a deadly serious tone of voice, that as he watched the 13
managers from the House march into the Senate to present
the Articles of Impeachment, ``all I could think of was the
Ku Klux Klan; they just needed some sheets and hoods over
their heads.''

         - A useful reminder -

Even as the Senate proceedings were getting under way,
two other events occurred which serve as a useful reminder
of both the fact that Kenneth Starr is still lurking in
the background, waiting to pounce, but also that Starr is
enormously vulnerable, because of the manner in which he
has conducted his investigation of the President.

First of all, on Jan. 7, Starr's grand jury in the
Eastern District of Virginia (sitting in Alexandria),
issued a four-count indictment against Julie Hiatt Steele,
a former friend of Kathleen Willey, who accused Willey of
lying about an incident in which Willey claimed she was
groped by President Clinton in July of 1993. Steele said
that Willey had asked her to lie about the incident when
Steele was contacted by {Newsweek} reporter Michael
Isikoff in 1997.@s2

Hiatt is charged with three counts of obstruction of
justice and one count of making a false statement to
Federal investigators. This is the first criminal
indictment to arise out of the expansion of Starr's
investigation last January into the Paula Jones civil
suit, which gave Starr the pretext to launch a full-scale
investigation into the President's personal
life--something Starr had already been doing on the sly
since shortly after the 1996 elections. (See ``Kenneth
Starr's Four-Year Quest to Seize the Paula Jones Case,''
{EIR,} Oct. 23, 1998.)

Steele's lawyer, Nancy Luque of Washington, said that
the indictment ``is a glaring example of Mr. Starr's gross
abuse of his prosecutorial power,'' and that Starr timed
the indictment ``to unfairly influence the pending
impeachment proceeding.''  Luque charged that this is a
``backdoor attempt'' to put Willey's claims before the
public, which Starr ``was afraid to do in his referral to
Congress.'' Indeed, there are number of reports in the news
media, that the House managers now want to call Willey as
a witness in the impeachment trial.

         - The `leaks' probe -

The second, collateral event, was that on Jan. 6,
court documents were unsealed which showed that
Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr had lost two motions in
recent months in the court proceeding which is under way
regarding leaks to the news media from his office. Last
July, Chief Judge Norma Holloway Johnson had issued an
order July, directing Starr to show cause why he should
not be found in contempt of court for violations of grand
jury secrecy.

Then, on Sept. 25, Judge Johnson issued an order in
which she said she had determined that there were 24 news
articles which provided {prima facie} evidence of illegal
disclosure of grand jury information by Starr's office,
and she ordered the appointment of a ``Special Master'' to
take testimony and gather evidence concerning the leaks.
In her order, Judge Holloway expressed the preference that
the Special Master, who has been identified as John W.
Kern III, a senior judge with the D.C. Court of Appeals,
would have submitted a final report by the end of
November--although there is no public indication yet as to
whether the report was filed.

After the judge filed her Sept. 25 order, the
newly disclosed documents show, Starr filed a motion for
reconsideration, seeking to have more than half of the
articles excluded from the investigation, claiming, for
example, that stories about immunity negotiations with
Monica Lewinsky, or stories about the stained dress, were
not matters before the grand jury. Judge Johnson denied
that motion.

Starr also had wanted Judge Johnson's entire order
directing the leaks investigation to go ahead, to be kept
under seal. That motion was also denied, and most of the
judge's order was made public at the end of October.

The consequences for Starr could be quite severe: If
he and some of his deputies were found in contempt of
court, they could be subject to court-ordered disciple and
sanctions, which could include fines and jailing or

This is the type of issue which should have been
taken up in the House impeachment proceedings and should
still be taken up in the Senate pre-trial proceedings.
Such prosecutorial misconduct can be grounds for
suppressing evidence, or dismissing an indictment, and
this is only one of many areas of prosecutorial abuse
which would be the first and major topic of a Senate
trial--if that body were seriously interested in pursuing
truth and attaining justice.

1. See Lyndon LaRouche's article in this
issue, ``To Defeat Impeachment You Must Defeat the New
Confederacy,'' in which LaRouche explains why there is no
deal that the President could accept, which would appease
the lynch mob which is chasing him, and why the President
must fight to the bitter end. See also, ``It Didn't Start
with Monica: The Five-Year Campaign to Bring Down
President Clinton,'' {EIR,} Jan. 1, 1999.

2. The background is provided in an
article on the Willey case in the Nov. 13 issue of {EIR,}
which began: ``Rumors are rife that Kenneth Starr is about
to issue indictments out of his grand jury now meeting in
Alexandria, Virginia, which will center around charges of
obstruction of justice and witness-tampering in the
Kathleen Willey case. Should Starr be reckless enough to
do this, it will provide an unwelcome glimpse into one
aspect of the seamy underside of Starr's $50 million
attack on the Presidency.'' The article describes
Starr's brutal targetting of Steele and her family and
associates, and also provides some insight into Kathleen
Willey's legal vulnerability, which likely was used to
induce her to become a witness for Kenneth Starr against
about the President.

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The preceding article is a rough version of the article that appeared in
Executive Intelligence Review. It is made available here with the permission
of The Executive Intelligence Review. Any use of, or quotations from, this
article must attribute them to The Executive Intelligence Review, and The
American Almanac


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