-Caveat Lector-


(CNNS, 01/24/99) -- Don't be fooled by mass media  portrayals  of
House   Speaker   Dennis   Hastert   (R.,  Ill.)  as  a  "gentle,
grandfatherly  figure,"   says   political   activist  and  radio
commentator Jim Hightower.  In an article by Hightower, reprinted
in a local alternative newspaper, Hightower gives the real  story
on  Hastert.   ("Dennis  The Menace," by Jim Hightower.  Alternet
News Service, qtd. in "The Octopus," Jan. 22-28, 1999.)

According to Hightower:

1) In the Nov. 1998  election,  Hastert  received  more  than  $1
million  in  campaign contributions, even though he was a shoe-in
to be re-elected.  The  mega-bucks  came mostly from "Wall Street
financiers, bankers, telecommunications giants, energy companies,
health care corporations, and other special interests..."

2) Hastert, writes Hightower, "has been  a  bulwark  of  the  new
Globaloney,  actively  supporting  NAFTA  in  '93,  GATT  in  the
lame-duck Congress of November '94, Fast Track in '97..."

3)  In  1996,  Hastert pushed hard "to give the Pentagon (and its
weapons contractors) $7 billion more than the generals themselves

4) Hastert voted for the 1997 congressional pay raise.

5) Hastert "opposes restrictions  on  the liberal flow of corrupt
campaign contributions into American politics."  Hastert "opposes
requirements that lobbyists should at  least  disclose  how  much
money they are taking from whom to do what..."

6)  Hastert  favors  denying  small shareholders the right to sue
Wall Street firms that bilk them.

In spite of all this, the mass media does not criticize  the  new
House  Speaker,  but  instead gushes his praise.  (Similar to the
mass  media  love-fest  when  Madeline  Albright  became  the new
Secretary of State.)  Hightower writes that "media  reaction  [to
Hastert]  is typified by the New York Times, which hailed Hastert
yesterday as 'a lumbering former  high school wrestling coach who
brokers compromises and smooths out differences...'"

How wonderful.  But who does Hastert really work for when he,  in
his gentle way, "makes the trains run on time"?  Who does Hastert
work for, asks Hightower, and at whose expense?

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Brian Redman       | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | www.shout.net/~bigred/cn.html
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Conspiracy Nation  |       "The perfect slave thinks he's free."

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