>  [ to Mars Society members and associates, from  [EMAIL PROTECTED] ]
>  [ see end of message for automated change of address or to unsubscribe ]
>  Mars Society Special Bulletin #13 Jan. 21, 1999
>  Reproduce or Pass on as Desired
>  For Further information, See our web site at www.marssociety.org
>  Or contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>  In this Issue
>  Second International Mars Society Conference Registration Opens
>  Mars Express Saved -- For Now
>  Mars Society to Work with White House on Mars Millennium Project
>  Mars Society Press Coverage Continues on Massive Scale
>  Hakluyt Award Student Competition for 1999 Announced
>  Executive Director's Bulletin
>  The Latest in New Mars
>  Mars Society Brochures and Videos Available
>  Teacher Opportunity for Mars-related Workshop and Field Trip
>  Registration is now open for the Second International Mars Society
>  Convention, which will be held on the campus of the University of
>  Colorado
>  at Boulder, August 12-15 1999. Last year's Founding Convention drew 700
>  people from over 40 countries worldwide, featured close to 180 papers,
>  and
>  was covered extensively in the New York Times, the Washington Post, the
>  Boston Globe, ABC-Discover News, and many other leading world press
>  outlets.
>  This year's convention promises to be the largest and most important
>  gathering of space pioneers in history.
>  Papers for presentation at the convention are requested dealing with all
>  matters (science, engineering, politics, economics, and public policy)
>  associated with the exploration and settlement of Mars. Abstracts of no
>  more
>  than 300 words should be sent by May 31, 1999 to:
>  Mars Society, Box 273, Indian Hills, CO 80454.
>  Or via e-mail to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>  Conference registration fee: $140 before June 30, 1999, $180 thereafter.
>  A
>  special discounted fee of $50 is available for students. Those Mars
>  Society
>  members who have paid non-conference membership dues since August 16,
>  1998,
>  may deduct that amount from their fees. Fax, mail in, and secure methods
>  of
>  online registration by credit card are now available. Further
>  information is
>  posted at www.marssociety.org
>  The European Space Agency's Science Programme Committee (SPC) has
>  decided
>  unanimously to back continuation of the Mars Express program through the
>  Phase B design effort. Following this decision, the Agency's Industrial
>  Policy Committee has awarded the contract to develop and build the
>  spacecraft to Matra Marconi (France). As a result, Phase B work on Mars
>  Express commenced January 7, 1999.
>  Commenting on the SPC's approval of Mars Express, Dr. Roger Bonnet,
>  ESA's
>  Scientific Programme Director stated: "Several factors prevailed which
>  led
>  to the unanimous vote for Mars Express. First, the science case is
>  indisputable. The baseline payload, partly re-using some Mars 96
>  instruments
>  with the addition of a sounding radar and a lander, would provide a
>  unique
>  tool to search for underground water and look for a possible trace of
>  fossil
>  life. Second, the SPC noted the important role of the mission for
>  international collaboration: once in orbit (around Christmas 2003), Mars
>  Express will be able to provide relay communication services to the
>  non-ESA
>  stations and/or rovers which would be present on the surface of Mars
>  between
>  2003 and 2007. A third important element was the low cost of the mission
>  (150 million Euros) achievable through a new and innovative approach of
>  working with industry and through more efficient and lean management
>  methods, as well as taking advantages of commonalties with Rosetta. In
>  fact,
>  Mars Express will be the cheapest ever mission to Mars and it was seen
>  by
>  SPC Delegations as a test case for these new methods, and for providing
>  a
>  good basis to lower the costs of future ESA missions."
>  The program is still not out of the woods, however, as funds are not yet
>  in
>  place to enable the Phase C and D (build and flight) stages of the
>  program.
>  A Ministerial Meeting to discuss the ESA budget is to be held in May.
>  This
>  could be decisive in determining whether sufficient funds can be
>  mustered to
>  allow the implementation of the Mars Express mission.
>  What needs to be done?
>  Those wishing to insure that Mars Express moves forward need to act.
>  Already
>  the British and French Chapters of the Mars Society have taken action in
>  contacting ESA and Dr. Bonnet himself directly, and between them have
>  formulated a plan all European members and other Mars Express supporters
>  are
>  urged to follow:
>  1. Write to your ministers for science (or space, if your government has
>  a
>  minister for space), stating your support for Mars Express, and why you
>  feel
>  the mission is both valid and vital and urge them in the strongest terms
>  to
>  give their support to ESA's space science programme and particularly
>  Mars
>  Express.
>  2. Write to your Prime Minister / President again stating your support
>  for
>  Mars Express, the significance of the mission, and why you believe the
>  mission will be of international benefit to Europe.
>  3. Seek to contact your local government representatives, ministers,
>  etc.,
>  to gain their support for the mission.
>  4. Write polite, supportive letters to Dr. Bonnet and M. Antonio Rodata,
>  ESA's Director General, again urging them to continue to support the
>  mission. They can be reached at:
>  European Space Agency
>  8-10 rue Mario Nikis
>  75738 Paris CEDEX 15
>  Make sure you also send a copy of any letters you send to the British
>  Chapter of the Mars Society at:
>  Mars Society UK
>  4 Chievely Court,
>  Emerson Valley,
>  Milton Keynes,
>  MK4 2DD.
>  England.
>  Or via e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>  The British Chapter is compiling an archive of letters that will be put
>  to
>  good use in the future!
>  At a press conference at the National Air and space Museum in
>  Washington,
>  D.C., January 7, First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton announced the
>  initiation
>  of the "Mars Millennium Project," supported by NASA, the Jet Propulsion
>  Lab,
>  the Department of Education, the National Endowment for the Arts, and
>  the J.
>  Paul Getty Trust. The purpose of this project is to use the exploration
>  of
>  Mars as a source of inspiration for youth to engage in creative thought
>  in
>  the physical and social sciences and the arts. Specifically, the project
>  challenges kids "to design a permanent community on the planet Mars in
>  the
>  year 2030 - a scientifically sound, livable, aesthetic environment."
>  The Mars Society has been invited to participate in this program in an
>  official capacity as a cooperating organization. We have accepted this
>  invitation and, as part of our role in this program, we will be
>  distributing
>  copies of the Project's study guide at public events and seeking to get
>  local school systems to implement the program in the classroom.
>  At the January 7 Washington press conference, Hillary Clinton was
>  introduced
>  by Mars Society Steering Committee member and former JPL Mars program
>  manager Donna Shirley. After the conference, Mars Society President
>  Robert
>  Zubrin presented the First Lady with an autographed copy of his book,
>  "The
>  Case for Mars."
>  Those wishing further information on the Mars Millennium Project should
>  contact Shelly Heitman at 310-274-8787 x150 or via e-mail at
>  Massive press coverage of the Mars Society continues. On January 3, the
>  Washington Times carried a story about the Mars Society's Mars Arctic
>  Research Station (MARS). During the following week, additional stories
>  on
>  the MARS project were run in the Ottawa Citizen and the Vancouver Sun.
>  On
>  Sunday, January 10, major stories on the MARS base were also carried in
>  the
>  London Times and the Independent. Coverage of the MARS station also
>  appears
>  in a feature article in the current issue of the New Scientist.
>  The Mars Society is also the subject of a six-page feature article in
>  the
>  February issue of Discover Magazine, and is the cover story of the
>  February
>  issue of Reason Magazine. In addition, the February issue of Popular
>  Science
>  has a cover story on Mars Exploration, which includes prominent mention
>  of
>  the Mars Society. Also, in case you missed it, the Mars Society Founding
>  Convention was the subject of a major feature article appearing in the
>  December issue of MIT Technology Review.
>  All of the press coverage received to date has been highly favorable.
>  This
>  onslaught of press coverage is extremely useful, as it is accelerating
>  recruitment, and fulfilling one the society's key objectives in
>  spreading
>  the vision of pioneering Mars among the public. In addition, it should
>  greatly facilitate obtaining corporate sponsors for the Arctic Base
>  project,
>  as the amount of publicity this project has obtained clearly
>  demonstrates
>  that becoming a sponsor is an extremely cost-effective expenditure of
>  advertising funds.
>  In order to stimulate useful, meritorious, and vitally important
>  activity
>  among young people, the Mars Society has announced that it will again
>  award
>  the "Hakluyt Prize" for the best letter or group of letters written by a
>  student to world political leaders making the case for initiating a
>  humans-to-Mars program.
>  To be eligible, contestants must be students or cadets in secondary
>  school
>  or college between the ages of 12 and 22. All letters to be considered
>  must
>  be sent either via stamped mail and/or e-mail to relevant world leaders,
>  such as Presidents, Prime Ministers, Science Ministers, Space Agency
>  Administrators, and elected representatives. The more leaders reached by
>  a
>  given contestant, the better. Copies of the letter with a list of the
>  addresses to which it was sent should be forwarded to [EMAIL PROTECTED],
>  or
>  via stamped mail to Hakluyt Prize, Mars Society, Box 273, Indian Hills,
>  CO
>  80454 USA. An English translation should be provided for letters written
>  in
>  a language other than English.
>  The winner of the contest will receive a trophy and an all-expenses-paid
>  trip to the Mars Society Second International Convention in Boulder,
>  Colorado, this August. To be considered for this year's Hakluyt Prize,
>  entries must be received by June 30, 1999.
>  Last years' Hakluyt Prize was won by Adrian Hon, 16, of Liverpool,
>  England.
>  The Hakluyt Prize is named after Richard Hakluyt, the brilliant
>  pamphleteer,
>  whose writings, addressed to Queen Elizabeth I, Sir Walter Raleigh, Sir
>  Humphrey Gilbert, Sir Francis Walsingham, and other influentials in
>  Tudor
>  England convinced that country's power elite to make the policy
>  decisions
>  that led to the establishment of the first British colonies in North
>  America. If not for Richard Hakluyt, the United States probably would
>  not
>  exist. If there is to be a human civilization on Mars in the future,
>  there
>  needs to be another Hakluyt today. Maybe that person is someone you
>  know.
>  Maybe that person is you. Start writing! The future is counting on you.
>  The following is a personal report written by John McKnight, the Mars
>  Society's new Executive Director. It is anticipated that such reports
>  will
>  be a planned feature included in future Special Bulletins.
>  This year has started of with a whirlwind of activity and huge progress
>  in
>  several crucial areas for the Society. I have been requested by the
>  Society's management to concentrate on fundraising for the Arctic Base
>  and
>  encouraging political action and educational activities by the
>  membership.
>  The Arctic Base project is zooming along, with a fundraising prospectus
>  nearing completion and our first major donors ready to sign on. More
>  chapters are meeting with their political representatives, including a
>  very
>  successful meeting by the Houston chapter with an aide to Sen. Kay
>  Bailey
>  Hutchison. It's easy, it's fun, and it's hugely useful for the effort to
>  get
>  humans to Mars: I've tagged along on two meetings arranged by the
>  Colorado
>  chapter, and both were an exhilarating experience. All it takes is a
>  phone
>  call and an hour's time, and it does a world - two worlds! - of good.
>  Next,
>  we have a major presence planned for the National Science Teachers
>  Association's annual convention in Boston in late March: anyone
>  interested
>  in working on curriculum materials or other educational projects for us
>  to
>  present there, please contact me at [EMAIL PROTECTED] and
>  Education
>  Task Force chair Tom Becker at [EMAIL PROTECTED] .
>  In the latest issue of the Mars Society's web magazine New Mars
>  (http://www.newmars.com), historian Vernard Foley takes examines the
>  question of innovation on the frontier in 'The Likely Influence of the
>  Martian Frontier on Technological Development: Lessons from Earth."
>  (http://www.newmars.com/features/foley.asp) Also, Julian Hiscox reports
>  from
>  a symposium hosted by the British Interplanetary Society on the
>  possibility
>  of Martian life. And be sure to take at look at 'New views of MARS --
>  the
>  Mars Arctic Research Station' -- with commentary by illustrator Mike
>  Koonce.
>  The Mars Society Graphics and Productions Task Force has done a
>  magnificent
>  job and produced 20,000 copies of a beautiful full-color, four-fold
>  brochure
>  delivering the message of the Mars Society. The brochure includes
>  information about the Mars Society's purpose, our Founding Declaration,
>  the
>  Arctic Base, how people can get involved, and forms for registering for
>  membership or the convention. Special thanks for the success of this
>  project
>  are due to Task Force leader Geoff Case, Jon Wiley who did the initial
>  design, Gary Hollingshead who did the revisions and pre-press, and David
>  Chamberlain, of Imagineering Learning Technologies, who oversaw the
>  final
>  production.
>  Single copies of this brochure will be mailed to every dues-paying Mars
>  Society member, along with the conference Call for Papers flyer, and
>  membership cards (which will be useful in obtaining discounts at our
>  soon-to-be established on-line store) within the week.
>  In addition, the Mars Society has now mass produced copies of "Martian
>  Society," a 22-minute video report on the Founding Convention produced
>  and
>  broadcast nationwide on the Science Fiction Channel. This video gives a
>  real
>  feel for the spirit of the Founding Convention and should serve as a
>  great
>  tool for recruitment.
>  Copies of the brochure are available to anyone who wants a bundle to use
>  to
>  organize with at a price of $25 per hundred (postage and handling
>  included).
>  Orders of $50 or more will receive a free copy of the videotape as well.
>  Send orders to:
>  Mars Society
>  Box 273
>  Indian Hills, CO 80454.
>  Teachers can learn the "ins and outs" of how satellite data relating to
>  minerals and rock types are collected from the surface of Mars … taught
>  by
>  the scientists that are currently doing it! The ASU Mars K-12 Education
>  Outreach Program and Arizona State University Geology Department are
>  offering a Mars-related remote sensing workshop and field trip
>  especially
>  geared for 30 classroom teachers. This event will be held from March
>  11-13,
>  1999, at ASU and an Arizona desert field location.
>  The course will be taught by Dr. Phil Christensen a proponent of
>  connecting
>  space scientists and educators together to create unique learning
>  experiences. He is the Principal Investigator for the Thermal Emission
>  Spectrometer (TES). The TES instrument is aboard the Mars Global
>  Surveyor
>  spacecraft and is currently collecting mineralogical data about the
>  Martian
>  surface from orbit. Dr. Christensen has similar instruments scheduled
>  for
>  the orbiter and lander of the 2001 and 2003 Mars missions.
>  For the first two days, Dr. Christensen will instruct the class in the
>  fundamentals of remote sensing and relate the information to classroom
>  use.
>  He will oversee the field trip to a richly diverse geologic location:
>  the
>  Granite Wash Mountains. This workshop will allow participants to become
>  familiar with thermal emission data and the methods of "ground-truthing"
>  satellite data in the field. Teachers will also be introduced to the
>  Pan-cam/Mini-TES technology that will be used in the 2001 and 2003 Mars
>  missions.
>  The final day, participants will attend the 13th semi-annual ASU Mars
>  K-12
>  Education Workshop. The featured speaker will be Dr. Mike Malin, the
>  Principal Investigator for the Mars Orbital Camera (also aboard the Mars
>  Global Surveyor spacecraft). Dr. Malin will be showing and describing
>  fantastic new photos of the Martian surface. Dr. Christensen will also
>  detail the latest discoveries from the Thermal Emission Spectrometer and
>  outline what is in store for future missions. In addition, this event
>  will
>  also include Mars-related hands-on, classroom activities and a tour of
>  the
>  Mars Global Surveyor Space Flight Facility for workshop participants.
>  Deadline for applications: February 10th, 5:00pm MST. Chosen
>  participants
>  will be notified no later than February 13th. $25 application fee and
>  for
>  chosen participants will be due by March 1, 1999.
>  Applications or inquiries may be e-mailed, faxed, or mailed to:
>  Sheri Klug
>  Director, ASU Mars K-12 Education Program
>  Arizona State University Department of Geology
>  P.O. Box 871404
>  Tempe, AZ 85287-1404
>  (602)727-6495 (office)
>  (602)965-1787 (fax)
>  For further information about the Mar Society, visit our website at
>  www.marssociety.org. Inquiries should be directed to
>  ----------
>  -
>  - Please use our automated signup, to save your time & our volunteer's
>  time:
>  -
>  - to change address, send        To:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>  -                                Subject:  anything
>  - in body:                         unsubscribe Mars-News
>  -                                  subscribe   Mars-News
>  - or for more information:         info        Mars-News
>  -
>  - to not receive mail, send      To:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>  - in body:                         unsubscribe Mars-News
>  -
>  - Mars Society:  "to Explore & Settle the Next World"
>  www.marssociety.org

[ to Mars Society members and associates, from  [EMAIL PROTECTED] ]
[ see end of message for automated change of address or to unsubscribe ]

Mars Society Special Bulletin #13 Jan. 21, 1999
Reproduce or Pass on as Desired
For Further information, See our web site at www.marssociety.org

In this Issue

Second International Mars Society Conference Registration Opens
Mars Express Saved -- For Now
Mars Society to Work with White House on Mars Millennium Project
Mars Society Press Coverage Continues on Massive Scale
Hakluyt Award Student Competition for 1999 Announced
Executive Director's Bulletin
The Latest in New Mars
Mars Society Brochures and Videos Available
Teacher Opportunity for Mars-related Workshop and Field Trip


Registration is now open for the Second International Mars Society
Convention, which will be held on the campus of the University of
at Boulder, August 12-15 1999. Last year's Founding Convention drew 700
people from over 40 countries worldwide, featured close to 180 papers,
was covered extensively in the New York Times, the Washington Post, the
Boston Globe, ABC-Discover News, and many other leading world press
This year's convention promises to be the largest and most important
gathering of space pioneers in history.


Papers for presentation at the convention are requested dealing with all
matters (science, engineering, politics, economics, and public policy)
associated with the exploration and settlement of Mars. Abstracts of no
than 300 words should be sent by May 31, 1999 to:
Mars Society, Box 273, Indian Hills, CO 80454.
Or via e-mail to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Conference registration fee: $140 before June 30, 1999, $180 thereafter.
special discounted fee of $50 is available for students. Those Mars
members who have paid non-conference membership dues since August 16,
may deduct that amount from their fees. Fax, mail in, and secure methods
online registration by credit card are now available. Further
information is
posted at www.marssociety.org

The European Space Agency's Science Programme Committee (SPC) has
unanimously to back continuation of the Mars Express program through the
Phase B design effort. Following this decision, the Agency's Industrial
Policy Committee has awarded the contract to develop and build the
spacecraft to Matra Marconi (France). As a result, Phase B work on Mars
Express commenced January 7, 1999.

Commenting on the SPC's approval of Mars Express, Dr. Roger Bonnet,
Scientific Programme Director stated: "Several factors prevailed which
to the unanimous vote for Mars Express. First, the science case is
indisputable. The baseline payload, partly re-using some Mars 96
with the addition of a sounding radar and a lander, would provide a
tool to search for underground water and look for a possible trace of
life. Second, the SPC noted the important role of the mission for
international collaboration: once in orbit (around Christmas 2003), Mars
Express will be able to provide relay communication services to the
stations and/or rovers which would be present on the surface of Mars
2003 and 2007. A third important element was the low cost of the mission
(150 million Euros) achievable through a new and innovative approach of
working with industry and through more efficient and lean management
methods, as well as taking advantages of commonalties with Rosetta. In
Mars Express will be the cheapest ever mission to Mars and it was seen
SPC Delegations as a test case for these new methods, and for providing
good basis to lower the costs of future ESA missions."

The program is still not out of the woods, however, as funds are not yet
place to enable the Phase C and D (build and flight) stages of the
A Ministerial Meeting to discuss the ESA budget is to be held in May.
could be decisive in determining whether sufficient funds can be
mustered to
allow the implementation of the Mars Express mission.

What needs to be done?

Those wishing to insure that Mars Express moves forward need to act.
the British and French Chapters of the Mars Society have taken action in
contacting ESA and Dr. Bonnet himself directly, and between them have
formulated a plan all European members and other Mars Express supporters
urged to follow:

1. Write to your ministers for science (or space, if your government has
minister for space), stating your support for Mars Express, and why you
the mission is both valid and vital and urge them in the strongest terms
give their support to ESA's space science programme and particularly

2. Write to your Prime Minister / President again stating your support
Mars Express, the significance of the mission, and why you believe the
mission will be of international benefit to Europe.

3. Seek to contact your local government representatives, ministers,
to gain their support for the mission.

4. Write polite, supportive letters to Dr. Bonnet and M. Antonio Rodata,
ESA's Director General, again urging them to continue to support the
mission. They can be reached at:
European Space Agency
8-10 rue Mario Nikis
75738 Paris CEDEX 15

Make sure you also send a copy of any letters you send to the British
Chapter of the Mars Society at:
Mars Society UK
4 Chievely Court,
Emerson Valley,
Milton Keynes,
MK4 2DD.

Or via e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The British Chapter is compiling an archive of letters that will be put
good use in the future!


At a press conference at the National Air and space Museum in
D.C., January 7, First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton announced the
of the "Mars Millennium Project," supported by NASA, the Jet Propulsion
the Department of Education, the National Endowment for the Arts, and
the J.
Paul Getty Trust. The purpose of this project is to use the exploration
Mars as a source of inspiration for youth to engage in creative thought
the physical and social sciences and the arts. Specifically, the project
challenges kids "to design a permanent community on the planet Mars in
year 2030 - a scientifically sound, livable, aesthetic environment."

The Mars Society has been invited to participate in this program in an
official capacity as a cooperating organization. We have accepted this
invitation and, as part of our role in this program, we will be
copies of the Project's study guide at public events and seeking to get
local school systems to implement the program in the classroom.

At the January 7 Washington press conference, Hillary Clinton was
by Mars Society Steering Committee member and former JPL Mars program
manager Donna Shirley. After the conference, Mars Society President
Zubrin presented the First Lady with an autographed copy of his book,
Case for Mars."

Those wishing further information on the Mars Millennium Project should
contact Shelly Heitman at 310-274-8787 x150 or via e-mail at


Massive press coverage of the Mars Society continues. On January 3, the
Washington Times carried a story about the Mars Society's Mars Arctic
Research Station (MARS). During the following week, additional stories
the MARS project were run in the Ottawa Citizen and the Vancouver Sun.
Sunday, January 10, major stories on the MARS base were also carried in
London Times and the Independent. Coverage of the MARS station also
in a feature article in the current issue of the New Scientist.

The Mars Society is also the subject of a six-page feature article in
February issue of Discover Magazine, and is the cover story of the
issue of Reason Magazine. In addition, the February issue of Popular
has a cover story on Mars Exploration, which includes prominent mention
the Mars Society. Also, in case you missed it, the Mars Society Founding
Convention was the subject of a major feature article appearing in the
December issue of MIT Technology Review.

All of the press coverage received to date has been highly favorable.
onslaught of press coverage is extremely useful, as it is accelerating
recruitment, and fulfilling one the society's key objectives in
the vision of pioneering Mars among the public. In addition, it should
greatly facilitate obtaining corporate sponsors for the Arctic Base
as the amount of publicity this project has obtained clearly
that becoming a sponsor is an extremely cost-effective expenditure of
advertising funds.


In order to stimulate useful, meritorious, and vitally important
among young people, the Mars Society has announced that it will again
the "Hakluyt Prize" for the best letter or group of letters written by a
student to world political leaders making the case for initiating a
humans-to-Mars program.

To be eligible, contestants must be students or cadets in secondary
or college between the ages of 12 and 22. All letters to be considered
be sent either via stamped mail and/or e-mail to relevant world leaders,
such as Presidents, Prime Ministers, Science Ministers, Space Agency
Administrators, and elected representatives. The more leaders reached by
given contestant, the better. Copies of the letter with a list of the
addresses to which it was sent should be forwarded to [EMAIL PROTECTED],
via stamped mail to Hakluyt Prize, Mars Society, Box 273, Indian Hills,
80454 USA. An English translation should be provided for letters written
a language other than English.

The winner of the contest will receive a trophy and an all-expenses-paid
trip to the Mars Society Second International Convention in Boulder,
Colorado, this August. To be considered for this year's Hakluyt Prize,
entries must be received by June 30, 1999.

Last years' Hakluyt Prize was won by Adrian Hon, 16, of Liverpool,

The Hakluyt Prize is named after Richard Hakluyt, the brilliant
whose writings, addressed to Queen Elizabeth I, Sir Walter Raleigh, Sir
Humphrey Gilbert, Sir Francis Walsingham, and other influentials in
England convinced that country's power elite to make the policy
that led to the establishment of the first British colonies in North
America. If not for Richard Hakluyt, the United States probably would
exist. If there is to be a human civilization on Mars in the future,
needs to be another Hakluyt today. Maybe that person is someone you
Maybe that person is you. Start writing! The future is counting on you.


The following is a personal report written by John McKnight, the Mars
Society's new Executive Director. It is anticipated that such reports
be a planned feature included in future Special Bulletins.

This year has started of with a whirlwind of activity and huge progress
several crucial areas for the Society. I have been requested by the
Society's management to concentrate on fundraising for the Arctic Base
encouraging political action and educational activities by the
The Arctic Base project is zooming along, with a fundraising prospectus
nearing completion and our first major donors ready to sign on. More
chapters are meeting with their political representatives, including a
successful meeting by the Houston chapter with an aide to Sen. Kay
Hutchison. It's easy, it's fun, and it's hugely useful for the effort to
humans to Mars: I've tagged along on two meetings arranged by the
chapter, and both were an exhilarating experience. All it takes is a
call and an hour's time, and it does a world - two worlds! - of good.
we have a major presence planned for the National Science Teachers
Association's annual convention in Boston in late March: anyone
in working on curriculum materials or other educational projects for us
present there, please contact me at [EMAIL PROTECTED] and
Task Force chair Tom Becker at [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

In the latest issue of the Mars Society's web magazine New Mars
(http://www.newmars.com), historian Vernard Foley takes examines the
question of innovation on the frontier in 'The Likely Influence of the
Martian Frontier on Technological Development: Lessons from Earth."
(http://www.newmars.com/features/foley.asp) Also, Julian Hiscox reports
a symposium hosted by the British Interplanetary Society on the
of Martian life. And be sure to take at look at 'New views of MARS --
Mars Arctic Research Station' -- with commentary by illustrator Mike


The Mars Society Graphics and Productions Task Force has done a
job and produced 20,000 copies of a beautiful full-color, four-fold
delivering the message of the Mars Society. The brochure includes
information about the Mars Society's purpose, our Founding Declaration,
Arctic Base, how people can get involved, and forms for registering for
membership or the convention. Special thanks for the success of this
are due to Task Force leader Geoff Case, Jon Wiley who did the initial
design, Gary Hollingshead who did the revisions and pre-press, and David
Chamberlain, of Imagineering Learning Technologies, who oversaw the

Single copies of this brochure will be mailed to every dues-paying Mars
Society member, along with the conference Call for Papers flyer, and
membership cards (which will be useful in obtaining discounts at our
soon-to-be established on-line store) within the week.

In addition, the Mars Society has now mass produced copies of "Martian
Society," a 22-minute video report on the Founding Convention produced
broadcast nationwide on the Science Fiction Channel. This video gives a
feel for the spirit of the Founding Convention and should serve as a
tool for recruitment.

Copies of the brochure are available to anyone who wants a bundle to use
organize with at a price of $25 per hundred (postage and handling
Orders of $50 or more will receive a free copy of the videotape as well.

Send orders to:
Mars Society
Box 273
Indian Hills, CO 80454.


Teachers can learn the "ins and outs" of how satellite data relating to
minerals and rock types are collected from the surface of Mars … taught
the scientists that are currently doing it! The ASU Mars K-12 Education
Outreach Program and Arizona State University Geology Department are
offering a Mars-related remote sensing workshop and field trip
geared for 30 classroom teachers. This event will be held from March
1999, at ASU and an Arizona desert field location.

The course will be taught by Dr. Phil Christensen a proponent of
space scientists and educators together to create unique learning
experiences. He is the Principal Investigator for the Thermal Emission
Spectrometer (TES). The TES instrument is aboard the Mars Global
spacecraft and is currently collecting mineralogical data about the
surface from orbit. Dr. Christensen has similar instruments scheduled
the orbiter and lander of the 2001 and 2003 Mars missions.

For the first two days, Dr. Christensen will instruct the class in the
fundamentals of remote sensing and relate the information to classroom
He will oversee the field trip to a richly diverse geologic location:
Granite Wash Mountains. This workshop will allow participants to become
familiar with thermal emission data and the methods of "ground-truthing"
satellite data in the field. Teachers will also be introduced to the
Pan-cam/Mini-TES technology that will be used in the 2001 and 2003 Mars

The final day, participants will attend the 13th semi-annual ASU Mars
Education Workshop. The featured speaker will be Dr. Mike Malin, the
Principal Investigator for the Mars Orbital Camera (also aboard the Mars
Global Surveyor spacecraft). Dr. Malin will be showing and describing
fantastic new photos of the Martian surface. Dr. Christensen will also
detail the latest discoveries from the Thermal Emission Spectrometer and
outline what is in store for future missions. In addition, this event
also include Mars-related hands-on, classroom activities and a tour of
Mars Global Surveyor Space Flight Facility for workshop participants.

Deadline for applications: February 10th, 5:00pm MST. Chosen
will be notified no later than February 13th. $25 application fee and
chosen participants will be due by March 1, 1999.

Applications or inquiries may be e-mailed, faxed, or mailed to:

Sheri Klug
Director, ASU Mars K-12 Education Program
Arizona State University Department of Geology
P.O. Box 871404
Tempe, AZ 85287-1404
(602)727-6495 (office)
(602)965-1787 (fax)

For further information about the Mar Society, visit our website at
www.marssociety.org. Inquiries should be directed to

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