-Caveat Lector-

<A HREF="http://www.transaction.net/money/book/">Bernard Lietaer's Beyond
Greed and Scarcity:  P </A>
Bernard appreciates your comments on the drafts, and will reopen the
Book Conference later this year, when the final version of The Future of
Money: Beyond Greed and Scarcity is available in print.


The Future of Money: Beyond Greed and Scarcity

by Bernard Lietaer

Dear friends,

This page presents the first Draft of the first chapters of my next
book, tentatively titled "Beyond Greed and Scarcity" (or possibly as
shown here "The Future of Money: Towards Sustainable Capitalism').

The purpose for putting it on the Web is to obtain comments, discussions
among yourselves, suggestions for improvement.

Specifically I have the following four questions:
1.What do you think of the title of the book, the chapter and section
headings? Any suggestions?
2.What parts do you like most, what do you dislike most.?

3.Where do you agree, and particularly where do you disagree with the
ideas presented.? Do you have better ideas? I would be happy to give
credit to original ideas of yours, please just state that you want that
in your reply.

4.Any suggestions for anecdotes or stories illustrating the points made,
good quotes (please give full bibliographical references for the quotes.
See an example in the footnotes on what that entails)

I would like to take advantage of this opportunity to specifically thank
Brian Zisk and his assistant Emily for their support in setting up this
on-line conference. Without them, it just wouldn't exist. For those less
familiar with the procedures of Internet on-line conferences, he is also
providing instructions on how to enter your comments and suggestions
most effectively.

I can also be reached directly by e-mail at the following address:
Brian Zisk's direct e-mail (for technical computer questions) is:

Thank you for your interest and precious help in this project.

Bernard Lietaer


This text is a draft for discussion only.

© Copyright 1996. All rights, including electronic rights, reserved by
Bernard Lietaer
First Draft (September 1996)

The Future of Money:
Beyond Greed and Scarcity Toward a Sustainable Capitalism

by Bernard A. Lietaer


There is probably nothing that humans make more efforts for, and
understand less about, than money.
Make a guess of the proportion of your waking life you are spending to
make, expend, and take care of money. Add to that the years you invested
in getting ready to earn it. Finally, count the time you spend worrying
about not having enough of it, or in fear of losing what you have...
Nor are you an exception. For the first time in recorded history, the
entire world seems to be doing the same thing, now that the ex-Communist
countries - and even today's "communist" China - have irrevocably
switched to money as the social motivator of choice.

Now ask yourself some simple questions:

•what is money?
•how is it created? (no, it is mostly not by the government)
•did you know that there is a direct correlation between the kind of
money we use and why we experience community and ecological breakdowns?
•did you know that we have a choice of currencies? That money
systems--of a different nature than the universally known national
currencies--are already being used today, and that we can expect many
new forms and kinds of money in the near future?

While money almost universally fascinates, it has in common with sex and
death that it mostly seems to operate at an unconscious level. Even
professionals in the field, money managers, bankers--even Central
Bankers--rarely fully understand all the implications of the kind of
money we use. When the Acting Treasurer of the US, M.E. Slindee was
asked to define the "lawful money" which was referred to on the US$10
bill, he merely stated that "The term 'lawful money' has not been
defined in federal legislation..." (1)

John Maynard Keynes must have fully understood money. After all, he was
the key architect of the monetary system known as the Bretton Woods
agreement, instituted at the conclusion of World War Two and under which
we still live today. His opinion was: "I know of only three people who
really understand money. A professor at another university. One of my
students. And a rather junior clerk at the Bank of England." A prudent
man, he didn't name any of them.
What Keynes tells us is that you can go right to the top and not find
the answer.

The last beings to know about water are the fish. When so many aspects
of our world are immersed in money, it takes quite an effort, or lucky
coincidence, to become aware of what it is all about...


Credentials of the "flying fish" to write this book

My main qualification to write this book is lucky coincidence--which I
only noticed recently--that for the last twenty-five years I happen to
have been exposed to an unusual variety of hands-on experiences of money
as a system.
This was not part of any conscious plan on my behalf; it just happened
as I moved from one career step to the next. I now realize that my
successive professional activities have given me five very different
perspectives on money, and that each has changed what I thought about it
before. It is this combination of experiences which has made an unusual
observer of the money system.

So, here are the five different perspectives in chronological
sequence--not in the order of relative importance.

My very first book, the thesis of my postgraduate work at MIT, was about
applying non-linear programming to global currency management for
multinational corporations. Written in 1968-69, it got published in 1970
because it was one of the very first applications of systems theory to
international finance. It described how to optimize currency management
for corporations working in a large number of countries and currencies.
It included the description of how to deal with "floating exchanges" (2
), at that time a rare occurrence limited to some exotic currencies in
Latin America.

When President Nixon decided unilaterally to change the global monetary
system in August 1971, by unhinging the US dollar value from its gold
standard, he inaugurated a new era of universal floating exchanges,
which is still prevailing to this day. The techniques I had developed
for some marginal currencies suddenly became overnight the only
systematic research relating to how to deal with all the major
currencies in the world. At that time, I was a fledgling management
consultant. A major US bank negociated exclusive rights to my approach.
Our agreement required me to train a group of people at the bank first ,
and precluded me from remaining active in this particular field for a
period of five years. So I was obliged to start a career in another

I proceeded, specializing in whole systems analysis, but applied to
areas other than floating exchanges. One of my major new clients turned
out to be the largest mining company in Peru, and after the
nationalization of the entire mining sector, the Peruvian government
itself.. The assignment was to developed computer models that would
maximize hard currency earnings from allocating mining productions and
concentrates on a global level. This turned out a very successful
project at the technical level (3). At its fullest development over
two-thirds of all foreign exchange earnings of the country were
optimized by my models. However, when I found out that all the proceeds
of my project were used just to buy some squadrons of the French Mirage
Dassault planes for the Peruvian military, I felt that my work had
become meaningless. If I wanted to work for the benefit of a Dassault,
there had to be better places to do it than the Central Sierra in Peru.
Furthermore, my research in the mines had made me aware of the human
effort and pain this kind of work exacts in the higher regions of the
Andes , and that military toys just didn't make sense in the light of
the real problems facing the country.

Therefore, toward the end of 1975, I decided to change professional
direction, to take a "reverse sabbatical", i.e. become a Professor of
International Finance at the University of Louvain, the oldest
university in my native Belgium. I taught in order to gain a broader
perspective on Latin American development, and specifically to discover
the systemic reason of what I had observed in Latin America: the sudden
and troubling accumulation of foreign debt by all countries in the
region. Out of this sabbatical appeared several books including the
first book (written in 1975-78 and published in 1979), to announce the
Latin American debt crisis. This debt crisis exploded on schedule in the
early 1980's (4).

As I was finishing this research, out of the blue came a job offer to
head the organization and computer department at the Central Bank in
Belgium (the institution in charge of managing the national currency,
akin to the Federal Reserve for the U.S.). As I had just found out that
the Latin American debt crisis was due to an underlying structural flaw
of the monetary system itself, I thought that this position could be
ideal to verify whether it might be possible to improve the system from
within. My very first project--the design and implementation of the
brand new European Currency Unit (then called Ecu, now the Euro)
--looked like a promising first step in such a direction. Another
relevant learning environment was my role as President of the electronic
payment system of the country, considered the most inclusive and cost
effective payment system in the world.5 However, it took me several
years, and a most revealing conversation with the then President of the
BIS (the Bank of International Settlements in Basle, or the Central bank
of the Central banks, which coordinates the monetary activities of the
eleven key monetary countries of the world), to understand that "Central
Banks exist to keep the system going as is, not to improve on it" and
that therefore any initiatives of reform would have to come from the
private sector.

This insight sealed my decision to leave the Central Bank after five
years. Having been game warden, I became poacher, as one of the
co-founders for one of the first large-scale off-shore currency trading
funds. During the three and a half years I was its General Manager and
Currency Trader (i.e. from its inception in 1987 to May 1991), the
largest of these funds (Gaia Hedge II) was the top performing managed
currency fund as well as number one among all off-shore funds. We almost
tripled the money in three years, which put us at the top of the
Micropal survey of 1800 offshore funds. The speculation systems used
provided a continuously feel for the pulse of the twenty-two major
currencies in the world, and enabled us to take simultaneous positions
among them all. While I learned a lot when the speculative systems were
working well, I learned even more when they were not.

In summary then, I happen to have been intimately involved in looking at
the global monetary system from five different perspectives:
successively from a multinational corporation to a developing country
viewpoint, from an academic to a hands-on central banking and currency
speculation viewpoint. Several of these experiences are typically
mutually exclusive. Therefore, while many people have had one or several
of these experiences, the combination of all five is a lot less usual.
Every one of these experiences forced me to thoroughly reconsider what I
thought I knew about money.

This book is my attempt to simply synthesize what I have learned so far
about this mysterious thing called money.

It feels a bit like a flying fish who tries to report back to its fellow
fish what it learned about water "from out there"; what it may really be
all about.

Topic of this Book

This book is therefore about money. But not about how to make, invest,
or spend money. Not even about how we do, can or should relate to money.
There are already plenty of good books about all that. This is about the
concept of money itself, how the current system affects our societies,
and about how we can rethink and redesign it for different collective
In short, it is about bringing conscious awareness to the money system,
and use that awareness to shape our present and future. We'll also see
how different societal objectives can be supported - or impeded - by
specific kinds of currencies.

I have come to the conclusion that one of the most promising approaches
to shape our future--probably the most powerful tool we have available
on a collective level--is to bring conscious choice into the arena of
our money system. The reason is that money could be described as the
universal social incentive, the reward towards which most individual and
corporate efforts converge.
Textbooks claim that corporations and individuals compete for resources
and markets; in reality they simply compete for money, using resources
and markets in this process. Therefore, by redesigning the money target,
we could re-orient the vast energy of market competition in
another--hopefully better--way, while requiring less regulation and
taxation to achieve our socially desirable aims.

The main obstacle to our aim of harnessing such conscious choice is the
widespread belief that in the modern world an alternative money system
is not even thinkable. We will discover that--below the radar beams of
many official monetary experts--fundamental change in our money systems
is in fact already well under way, irresistably driven by the social and
technological forces of the Information Age. The real issue is not
whether widespread changes will happen or not, but how much awareness
there will be about where these changes are leading us. The real
question is whether we are even conscious that we have a choice in the

This issue of conscious choice about money systems is further made
difficult because of money's tradition of secrecy and mystery. This
mystery has an extraordinarily long history: for thousands of years it
was of a religious nature, now money remains enchanted just as
effectively by a spell of academic jargon and esoteric equations.

Our challenge will therefore be to bring the ideas down from the
academic ivory towers while remaining conceptually sound. We aim to
achieve this by streamlining the main text, and relegating to footnotes
and technical Appendices the complexities which are not essential to
follow the core arguments. This is therefore not a general treatise on
money, because we do not claim to cover all aspects of the topic, only
bring to sunlight those few that are essential to understand the choices
at our disposal.

Organization and Content

I. Money: a Conscious Choice
1.What IS Money?
2.Today's Money
3.Work-Enabling Currencies
4.Community Currencies
5.A Question of Balance
6.Cyber-Money: the Coming Wave
7.Global Reference Currency
8.Toward Chaos or Another Order?
II. Why Now?

8.Key Concepts of Collective Psychology
9.The Case of the Missing Archetype
10.Healing Money for the Twenty-First Century
11.Five Scenarios for the Future of Money
•Appendix A: Some Technical Aspects of Today's Money
•Appendix B: How to Create Your Own Money
•Appendix C: Some Technical Aspects of the Global Reference Currency
•Appendix D: Why No National Currency Should be the Global Currency

This book is organized in two main parts.

The first part, Money: a Conscious Choice, starts by demystifying what
money really is (chapter 1). In its four chapters we will play a game:
tell me what your objectives are, and we can design a currency that will
support them.

For example, if you want to build up the power of the nation-state and
concentrate resources for heavy industry development, we will show why
today's money system performs that task rather well (chapter 2).
However, if you want to rebuild the communities that are breaking down
all over the world and reduce joblessness without inflation, we can
examine several very successful models: well over a thousand communities
(particularly in Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Brazil, Britain and
several Continental European countries) have already started using their
own local non-competitive community currency with significant results
(chapters 3 to 5).

If you want to reconcile the apparent conflict between ecological
sustainability and economic growth, a new kind of global currency can
muster the massive resources of the multinational corporations to get us
there. (chapter 5).

Money is rapidly becoming a cheaper and more effective tool: existing
national currencies grow more and more streamlined with the help of
computers, and new electronic currencies are taking flight on the
Internet. These technological choices can and will transform the fabric
of society--to a greater extent than even those introducing the changes
may realize (chapter 6).

In conclusion, we will see how several of these different money
strategies are not mutually exclusive, but can be employed in tandem so
they complement each other (chapter 7).

In part II, Why Now?, we will explore the social psychology of money:
why and how our collective unconscious has generated the kind of money
we use predominantly today. Where is the desire for this kind of money
coming from? Are greed and scarcity, as is explicitly assumed in all our
economic theory and almost universally accepted, an indelible part of
human nature and behavior? Or are those core emotions of greed and fear
of scarcity both constantly being created and reinforced by the current
money system itself?

These questions are directly relevant here because they illuminate under
what circumstances change in the money system can be expected. Right
now, we are swiftly propelled by an array of historically unusual
technological, social, economic and psychological factors toward major
changes in the money system. These engines of change are the topics
covered in the following four chapters.

First we will familiarize ourselves with the concepts necessary to
explore the collective psychology of money. All professional operators,
brokers, fund managers, financial experts will confirm that markets are
mostly driven by collective emotions. Carl Gustav Jung's work provides
us with a theoretical foundation on which we may examine such collective
emotions: the concept of Archetypes. Archetypes may be defined as
individual or collective emotional frameworks--models of tendencies
toward certain interpretations, thoughts and actions. If, for example, a
person or a group is under the influence of the Warrior archetype, the
interpretations of a threat, the emotion of anger, and the action of
punching the opponent's nose, are more likely than if they are under the
influence of the Lover archetype. One most important finding of Jung's
work is that whenever a particular Archetype is repressed, its Shadow
automatically appears. For instance, if a person or a group has
repressed the King/Queen Archetype--the representation of the majestic
Higher Self--they will automatically behave as a Tyrant or a Weakling,
the antithesis or shadow of the noble King/Queen. (chapter 8).

One particular archetype, the Great Mother/Provider, happens to have
been systematically repressed over the past five thousand years,
especially in Western societies. Therefore, if Jung is correct, we
should also find its shadows prevailing in society. What are the shadows
of the Provider Archetype? They turn out to be none other that the Greed
and Fear of Scarcity syndromes we see haunting our money system.
Empirical historical evidence further points out that whenever the
Provider archetype was honored in a society, specific money systems came
into being which in turn created generalized economic well-being
(Chapter 9).

Fitting all the pieces of the puzzle together--the technological
changes, economic and ecological pressures, as well as the less tangible
collective socio-psychological foundations--it appears that the time may
indeed have come when we will have the opportunity, even the obligation,
to consciously re-invent our approach to money. (Chapter 10).

There will also be stories, which may take many forms, from totally real
to quite imaginary: newspaper clippings, letters to a friend, fairy
tales for my seven-year-old godchild, or notes from my time travel days.
These will all be identified by boxes as this one. Although they relate
to and illustrate the topic where they appear, they can also stand alone
as stories should.

©Copyright 1996 Bernard Lietaer
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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