-Caveat Lector-

from alt.conspiracy
As always, Caveat Lector.
<A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.conspiracy:481872">World Of The Strange 1/25/99
Part 1 of 2</A>
Subject: World Of The Strange 1/25/99 Part 1 of 2
Date: Sun, Jan 24, 1999 11:40 AM
Message-id: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

EDITOR"S NOTE: Only 2 more weeks till the end of the Writers Contest, please
get your articles in, if you need the information about the contest please
contact me and I will send them out to you ASAP...I will probably have to push
the WINNERS Edition back to February 22nd, this way it will give me a bit more
time to set the winners articles up and getting in contact with the winners...

Part 1 of 2
#1.THE MONTAUK PROJECT AND CAMP HERO TODAY: Part 2 Series 10 of      10
Copyright © 1998   John A. Quinn/NewsHawk Inc  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
          A. Mind Control Victims-Personal Testimony  {Continuation}
          B. Haarp-Son Of Phoenix
          C. Postscript - What's To Come
#2 Poem> The Lucifer Curve  © copyright 1999   By Terry Kimbrell
#3. Synchronicity? Coincidences? or Just Plain Fate?  By Louise A. Lowry
#4. ON THE ROAD TO UFOville:  By: -- Michael Precker
#5 A Tribute to Skycloud (Forever Friend) By Terry Kimbrell

#1.THE MONTAUK PROJECT AND CAMP HERO TODAY: Part 2 Series 10 of 10 Copyright ©
1998   John A. Quinn/NewsHawk Inc  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

All rights reserved

All text within this document not quoted from other sources is the sole
property of John A. Quinn/Newshawk Inc. No reproduction without permission.
WOTS was granted permission in using this article.

Series 10 of 10 {Last Part}



"Memory Regression Technique (MRT) Aaron M. XXXXXXXX Memory Regression
Technique (MRT), involves the process of retrieving past memories, and can
assist in the retrieval of repressed material (memories) from the unconscious.
MRT understands the process of association in relation to memory and strongly
believes that specific memories can be brought to consciousness. Furthermore,
MRT assumes to seize (particularly regarding the repressed patient) deep-
memories and experiences through the aid of association using music.


Memory Regression Technique (MRT), involves the process of retrieving past
memories. Memories that are either general or specific in nature.

What the technique consists of is regressing one's mind (through age and
By having individuals retrieve information (memories) from their past using a
systematical process, they begin to develop an adaptation to this process. A
"familiarity" of retrieving past memories and as this process continues,
releasing stored material is made easier by the individual.

Memory Regression Technique can assist in the retrieval of repressed material
(memories) from the individual's unconscious. Repressed material or pieces of
information can be brought to consciousness through the aid of association. It
is certainly probable that specific individual experiences / events were
recorded in one's memory through association, particularly with music during a
specific "time" or period in one's life. Accordingly, MRT can assist the
individual in locating a desired "time episode" of when certain specific
(memories) transpired, that may have been repressed through time.

Why is MRT so unique? MRT understands the process of association in relation
memory. When memory is stored it is essentially always stored in relation to
the attainability of one's senses via smell, taste, touch, visual, and through
auditory processes.

When individuals tend to remember past experiences it is usually retrieved
through related associations (whether it was induced by the color red or from
personal meaningful experience). MRT parallels with that of state-dependent
memory. State-dependent memory is an extension of context-dependent memory
(information that is better retrieved in the "context" in which it was encoded
and stored or learned). It sometimes happens that we retrieve information
better when we are in a physiological or emotional state that is similar to
one in which we encoded and stored the information. Our moods may also serve
cues that aid in the retrieval of memories. Emotion influences not only what
stored in memory, but also how easily records can be accessed from memory.
Individuals can best retrieve emotional memories by reinstating
the emotion they were experiencing at the time they originally stored it,
especially if the memory is associated with music.

The objective is to increase the process of retrieval. Knowing that music (a
specific song) can elicit a past memory for an individual, MRT realizes this
principle: more songs may elicit more memories. MRT is an extensive collection
of condensed music from past years to the present in chronological order. MRT
is designed for availability to most settings: classical, country, jazz,
and blues, pop, rock and roll, rap, gospel, folk, reggae, etc."
            --Mr. Coffee

A subsequent email read:

"I got your name off the mind control forum web page and sent e-mails to all
people who I thought could help me. I had sent you that mail a while ago and a
lot has happened since then. Since then I have regained more of my memory. As
It turns out I have incredible telekinetic abilities, I can move, levitate and
create objects using only my mind. And yes I was one of the superstars at
Montauk from 1988-1992. They since have erased my memory of everything and my
abilities but I am slowly getting them back.

"The thing is I have remembered that I have a 8 year old son and his mother is
my sole mate and the woman I am supposed to marry, both of which they have and
are raising my son for their own purposes. I am going to be forced to make a
trade with them in exchange for my silence. As you can imagine I cannot
the details for many reasons. I cannot go public as the whole affair goes a
farther then just a simple trade and if I do they will kill them. I have tried
to get him before and they simply erased my memory again, this time I am more
prepared. I have read your articles and must say that you are correct on many
accounts and can tell you only that everything Preston Nichols claims happened
in his books is all too true.

"I thank you for your concern and reply to my request for help. I hope you
understand that things are in a very critical time for me and even writing
letter is extremely dangerous for me. But I will try and keep in touch with
as best as I can. Thanks again"
 --Mr. Coffee

I am currently unaware of Coffee's intentions regarding matters such as public
disclosure of what he has been through and what he knows. He has met with
Nichols a few times, and with Peter Moon. Nichols informed me that Coffee is
"definitely involved" with some recent phase of the Montauk Project, but given
the seriousness and sensitivity of the situation (in regards to Coffee's wife
and child), Nichols would not discuss it further with me on the phone--which
pretty rare for him (even though he openly acknowledges that his phone line is
intensively tapped).

As described earlier, I did meet Coffee in person during my trip to eastern
Long Island in the summer of 1998. At that time Nichols indicated to me that
felt Coffee may have been used as a breeder and/or as cloning stock by the
secret government, probably due certain racial or bloodline factors. Nichols
believed that Coffee had without doubt been subjected to "Montauk
Project-related" government mind modification programs and that his alternate
identities had been extensively programmed to function as a fearless,
"invincible" extremely self confident soldier.

In early September 1998, Mr. Coffee was arrested by local police where he
currently resides in New Jersey, at the instigation of the FBI and aided by a
complaint against him by a suspiciously eager ex-girlfriend. They had a court
order to confiscate a Coffee possessed: though he was compliant in every way
with the officers, they found some pretext on which to arrest him and he ended
up incarcerated in a psychiatric hospital!

Several days before, Coffee had appeared on a Long Island TV talk show in
he aired an extensive account of his involvement in government mind control
programs, and the day after the broadcast he was the target of a
kidnapping/murder attempt.

>From "Oscar Laurent" (a pseudonym) comes the following testimony, which
describes his own childhood induction into a government-run covert mind

"I have very vivid recollection of an episode (beginning midday, summer) from
where I was in a van (mini van or other taller vehicle) sitting in the front
passenger seat and pulling over at a gate in the fence where the road
(perpendicular to highway, dirt) extended for a long distance (miles? Depth
perception in arid western lands with only reference as a distant mountain
range is quite confusing) from the highway to the mountains in the distance...
I believe I've entered within a geomagnetic hot spot. The land around this
is quite arid, plain, no structures rocks or dunes, and only limited plant
(little grass clumps or small bushes) and extremely flat. During this time of
transport between the highway and mountains, there is a large missing block of

The next memory is entering the wooded area of the mountains, many solid rock
faces with steep angles on the sides of the road winding through the forest,
and (because I was woke up by the bumpy road) then another lapse of missing
time due to sleep...

The next memory is constant till the end.

"The arrival (waking now) is to a dirt/gravel parking lot. There in this
parking lot was a large house-like structure, wide, typical design of a hotel;
large front porch, dumpster and propane tanks outside to right (facing) of
building, other cars/small trucks in lot near house, gravel on ground in
parking lot, grassy area behind house with wooded area beyond that... all
of this area are steep hill/mountain sides forming a basin (slightly darker in
lighting) where the building was... miscellaneous other little things
(trivial)> the interior of this building was house like, we passed by dining
and lounge rooms, [boredom eliminated memory of most of the interior, until
going downstairs] and finally ended up in the basement of this building...

"Stuff in basement was typical of an old building, miscellaneous old junk,
whatever, but on the side wall (following a wide path through junk) was a
modern and shiny metallic door with digital numeric keypad combination lock on
the right side, which the person leading me to it stood in front of and opened
<note: perspective is from a 2,3,4 year old looking up at the man; lock at
doorknob height, still above head> when door was opened it swung open towards
and I notice that the side of it is about a foot thick with bolt locks
extending from it [similar to bank vault] (might have been the receptacles for
locks mounted in the doorframe) all metallic chrome or steel, and a long
extending from it down at a slight angle, and to the right <this in
to the building means it was leading beyond the back left corner of the
building (facing front) where the rock slope of the mountain extended upwards
nearby> this tunnel was well lit at the entrance (white lights as found in
office buildings) (similar arrangement of lighting as the interior running
lights of an airplane, (long light source in cavity on upper corners of wall,
and if I remember correctly, slightly rounded and metal chrome, compliments
nicely with the pure white walls and metal flooring (diamond hatch grips on
floor)) There was also a chrome handrail extending the length of this hallway,
which I would look up at (being what, 3 years old?)
and being led by the individual behind me with hand placed on shoulder
sometimes for guidance or whatever, but always walking behind... (I do not
recollection of this man's face, as the driver of the van I was in stayed
upstairs in the house, and I went with the "owner" of the house down to the
basement, etc.) as we progressed down this hallway, it was obviously intended
as a light adjustment area so the eyes could slowly adapt from the bright
of upstairs and outside and the entrance to the tunnel to the darkness where
this tunnel met up with others in a spur. At this spur (probably 100 fee from
entrance <perception of small person>) the lighting was rather dark at the
lower level... The tunnel was straight, but the atmosphere and the gentle
of this tunnel told our senses we were now quite a ways under ground... At the
spur intersection at the
end of this tunnel (very dark) we turned in some direction (no visual
reference) to the left <geography of above ground surface say this would be
directly under the large mountain (solid rock) and a ways into the center of
it, although no where near the exact center of the mountain, other tunnels
that way> as we continued in the left tunnel we came upon a room...

"The tunnel ends in a 45` angle to a squarish room to the right, its farthest
two walls of unknown distance (black walls, some chrome, but limited lighting
from [it] was not enough to make out anything in the room besides [it]): the
simple description: a "iridescent purplish pinkish bluish purple cuboid"
<pausing for shivers due to recollection of this... quite powerful emotion>

"On the right wall, as you enter the room you will notice a semi- circular
table (large) extending from that wall, dark, yet reflective coloration of
table, and some chromed metal throughout the "device". I'm having trouble
continuing to type... any attempt to describe the thing is practically
impossible... (excessively strong emotional response).

I've tried numerous times with multitudes of materials and lighting to try to
reproduce something that even somewhat resembles the thing, but haven't been
able to even come close to its color, no less its semi-transparent texture and
appearance of it... well we will continue to try :) >

"Ok... lets start with it. It is a rectangular solid. It is fairly large,
probably 2 feet wide, unknown depth. Squarish front face. It is mesmerizing.
you can picture a huge mass of fiber optic material (translucent surface) with
infinitive tubules intertwined within it in a rectangular solid shape, with
blue, purple, and pink light streaming in high speed bursts throughout this
mass, creating a glowing "purplish pinkish bluish purple cuboid" then you are
coming close to the
reality. You may also define it as similar to the primitive (in comparison),
but current attempts to create an optical switching/processing device
(computer) by many gov't and private research institutions. Ok. At least I got
through that... :) this cuboid was situated slightly lower than the surface of
the table, in what appeared to be a indentation (my height was at the table
level, or slightly above, so I could see that it went down below the surface
the table, but no idea what it was seated on.) <this thing also had the most
powerful aura or "mental energy" or psyche or whatever you want to call it I
have ever encountered (I have tried to recreate this feeling with numerous
forms of radiation, magnetic and energy fields, large antenna structures
connected to my high power amateur radio equipment, etc., the only thing
close was accidentally bridging a 30+ amp power supply and the extremely
painful shock and high energy level in my
body at that, instantly created from the discharge [please don't attempt, life
threatening])> This aura or whatever it was so intriguing that I was guided by
this other individual who led me down there to either stand or sit next to the
receptacle (please see drawings) to the thing, and insert my hands and
into a rubber like apparatus with metallic contacts for the base of your
palm <science knows of a gland in that section of the hand... If you look at
the right hand palm up, at the lower left side (top of wrist) is the top of
arm bone or wrist bone, whatever, fairly large... Now g up about a third of
way from this bone to the base of the little finger, there is a large
muscle/mushy flesh section on the left 25% of the palm, inside or below this
muscle is the gland or nerve endings or whatever was used to interface with
thing.> as I found the metal
balls within the rubber interface, I was offered a chair (seen out of corner
eye) by the leading individual, and this scene (vivid mental image of the
cuboid to the upper right field of view, the counter to the right, the
interface directly in front, some chrome pipes or whatever directly beyond
that, darkness in the rest of the room, the front of my body below, and the
chair off to my right being placed behind my legs for seating... ) this is the
last memory I have of the entire
event when a "supernatural" feeling swept all of me and I made contact with
both hands to the metal receptacles in the interface unit. (previously only
touched by fingers, now by that spot on both hands). Event happened between
1982 and 1984.

"Very commonly, as I travel frequently and tend to find tons of interesting
wherever I go, I have recalled these memories spawned by similarities in the
environment where I currently am. HOWEVER these things that I see DO NOT in
effect my vision memory of the experience with the thing. The memory is there,
it is unchanging and solid, but the resemblance of other things always bring
the experience back. For example, I mention the long remote highway, the
distant mountains, etc... When visiting New Mexico and Texas and attending a
camp in NM (twice), (including travel between the airports (New Mexico) and
camp) I am commonly looking for the view and dirt road which are so vivid in
memory along the entire trips, always hoping to see this same scene, or feel
the same sensations as we approached the thing facility... Various sci-fi
shows, especially Star Trek with the Borg flash back recollections of the
"thing" room, especially the interface, although nothing in Star Trek
this arrangement of devices. Whenever I pass a wooden post/wire fence, I think
of the
trip along the highway and the gate we passed through. When wandering around
family friends house in NM or Texas, I think of the view looking out of the
over the fence across the plain to the mountains... Whenever visiting a rocky
and mountainous area here in the northeast, whenever we come upon a tall steep
rock side of a mountain on a windy road, I think of the views entering the
mountains at the facility. The placement of the dumpster and other tanks and
vehicles at the kitchen building of a camp I have frequently attended are
similar to those on the side of the house/hotel building, but even with the
excessive number of times I've passed by them, they are never right (the
of the porch is similar, the building construction is similar, but in no way
close enough.) Entering well or dimly lit buildings sometimes reminds me of
tunnel, as would a smaller (with same slope) tunnel used to connect the
to he plane's portal, same grating on the floor in some cases.

FACILITY, thus I will soon be traveling to Montauk Point, NY where there are
other geomagnetic "hot-spots" as it is the closest place to my current
with similar characteristics.
            --_ 1997 All rights reserved

A therapist from New Orleans named Valerie Wolf presented two of her patients
to the President's Committee on Human Radiation Experiments on March 15, 1995
in Washington D.C. The two patients, both women, gave bloodcurdling accounts
some of their horrific experiences while being subjected to government-run
control/modification/ manipulation programming, which included, among other
"techniques", use of such tactics as drugs, torture,
hypnosis, electroshock, and rape, as well as being exposed to an unspecified
unknown amount of radiation. Much of this was administered by German (ex-Nazi)
doctors. Both Wolf and her patients stated they recovered the memories of this
CIA program without regression or hypnosis techniques. Incredibly enough, to
the best of my knowledge, neither Congress nor any
committee thereof nor any element of the "free" press ever followed through
pursued these tremendously serious and well-substantiated allegations to the
slightest degree whatsoever.

David E. Rosenbaum, who was at one time employed as an attorney for Atlantic
Richfield Co., conducted a nine year investigation (1983-1992) into reports of
physical torture and coercive conditioning of numerous employees at an ARCO
plant in Monaco, PA. Two of his clients, Jerry L. Dotey and Ann White, though
apparently victims of radiation exposure, were also subjected to very severe
mind control programming while at the ARCO plant.

Dotey and White were allegedly subjected to torture of many kinds while under
drug induced hypnosis as part of this mind control operation, with each one
undergoing at least three different "training" programs by plant physicians.

Each victim was trained to enter into a hypnotic state upon the occurrence of
specific stimuli, usually involving a "cue" word or phrase and trained to
"remember to forget" what transpired in the hypnotic state. They were
repeatedly subjected to identical stimulus-response sequences, in order to
produce nearly automatic reactions to the particular "trigger". MK-ULTRA
veteran Dr. Bernard Diamond, the ubiquitous and odious Dr. Martin Orne and Dr.
Josef Mengele regularly visited the ARCO plant, according to Rosenbaum.

Keep in mind that ARCO's advanced projects division was heavily involved in
development of HAARP technology prior to 1994, and the clear existence of a
substantial mind/mood control agenda within the fundamental documentation on
HAARP can not be forgotten.


        Louise A. Lowry
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"Tis-Strange but true: For Truth is always Strange! Stranger than Fiction!

Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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