-Caveat Lector-

>From ArabicNews.CoM

Arab Foreign Ministers conclude their Cairo meeting
Regional, Politics, 1/25/99

Arab foreign ministers on Sunday concluded their one-day meetings at the
headquarters of the Arab League in Cairo. The Arab ministers released a
final statement in which they condemned the US-British aggression on Iraq
and the Iraqi people, calling for not resorting to the use of military
force against Iraq.

They stressed the unity and territorial integrity of Iraq and the need to
lift the sanctions imposed on the people of Iraq and the embargoes imposed
on the people of Libya and Sudan.

The Arab FM s condemned the double-standard policy pursued by Israel. The
statement reads as follows:

At the invitation of the Secretary General of the Arab League, the Arab
foreign ministers held a meeting to hold consultations in light of current
developments at a call advocated by the Yemeni President to convene an
urgent Arab summit to discuss current Arab issues, current developments on
Iraq and to achieve Arab solidarity concerning challenges facing the Arab
nation; in protection of Arab interests and rights and in order to avoid
dangers besieging Iraq following the recent military operations, which the
Arab FM s council demands not to be repeated"

The Arab foreign ministers:

1- expressed their deep concern and regret over resorting to the military
option against Iraq and its consequences in claiming the lives of innocent
Iraqi people. The Arab FM s demand resorting to the diplomatic solution in
implementing all UN Security Council resolutions concerned and called upon
the Iraqi government to cooperate with the UN Security council in
implementing these resolutions. The Arab FM s also call upon the UN
Security Council to rebuild the relation between the UN and the Iraqi
government, in assertion to the UN's credibility in implementing UN
Security Council resolutions, correctly and objectively.

2- They expressed full solidarity with the people of Iraq in their
sufferings as a result of the embargo imposed on them and stressed the need
for collective international efforts for lifting this siege very soon.

3- As an expression of the legitimate security fears of Arab countries
neighboring Iraq, according to the resolution adopted by the extraordinary
Arab summit conference of June 1996, which demanded that the Iraqi
government abide by not pursuing any policies aiming at provoking its
neighbors, the Arab FMs opposed the stances recently expressed by certain
Iraqi officials which are in contradiction with the resolution of the said
summit and to good neighborly relations and called on the Iraqi government
to immediately stop these stances. They also called upon the Iraqi
government to take necessary steps which prove its peaceful intentions
toward the state of Kuwait and other neighboring countries.

4- The foreign ministers also decided the following:

-The Arab governments are collectively to exert necessary efforts and in
the course of cooperation with the UN to lift the economic sanctions
imposed on Iraq, according to a set program which coincides with the full
comprehensive operation and according to UN Security Council resolutions
concerned with Iraq.

-Forming a follow up committee to actually move toward this end including
Syria, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Egypt, Jordan, one or two
Arab Maghreb states and the state of Bahrain, in its capacity as a member
of the UN Security Council.

-Asserting the Arab countries' stand against any violation of Iraq's
sovereignty over its own territories, its national unity and
non-interference in its internal affairs and demanding the international
community to honor this stand.

-Asking Iraq to cooperate with and respond to item 30 of the UN Security
Council resolution 687 which calls for cooperation with the International
Red Cross according to its mechanisms.

5- After the Foreign ministers reviewed the Iraqi question and its
consequences, they stressed the need of not pursuing a double-standard
policy, especially when the matter is relevance to Israel which still
occupies the Arab lands and refuses to implement its obligations and
violates UN Security Council resolutions. They stressed that eliminating
all weapons of mass destruction in the Middle East, foremost the Israeli
nuclear weapons, is a necessary step toward ensuring security in the

6- The ministers reviewed what the people of Libya and Sudan have been
exposed to and stressed their rejection of the policy of embargo imposed on
the two countries and the need to lift these sanctions

7- The Arab foreign ministers voiced appreciation for the call advocated by
his excellency Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al-Nahyan, President of the United
Arab Emirates, and to Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh for convening an
Arab summit and stressed the importance of holding such a summit and
recommend continued consultations to convene it as soon as possible. The
ministers also stressed the need and importance of strengthening joint Arab
work in the framework of the Arab League.

Iraqi delegation withdraws from meeting of Arab foreign ministers after
heated consultations
Iraq, Politics, 1/25/99

After three closed sessions that took more than 10 hours of hot arguments
and discussions the Iraqi delegation withdrew the chairmanship of Foreign
Minister Mohammed Said al-Sahaf from the meeting of the Arab foreign
ministers at Arab League headquarters in Cairo at the beginning of the
third and final session.

Al-Sahaf described the concluding statement of the meeting as "unbalanced"
and said the phrases supporting Iraq are of no value at all, saying that it
did not condemn the US - British attack on Iraq and that it failed to
achieve the "lowest minimum of reasonability."

MAP reported that the final statement that was adopted expressed "concern
and worry" over the military option against Iraq and its consequences on
the life of innocent people and called for the enforcement of the security
council decisions.

Al-Sahaf asserted the existence of obvious US pressure on some countries so
that the meeting would be of no use. On the contrary, he said, it has
become a negative to Iraq.

In a press conference held yesterday evening at the headquarters of the
Nile Hilton Hotel, al-Sahaf said, "Iraq cannot accept this and this is not
the aim of the meeting." He said it is a kind of conspiracy and gives the
United States a cover for its repeated attacks on Iraq.

He said the statement claims that Iraq provokes its neighbors.

Al-Sahaf also stated that the discussion inside the meeting lasted for many
hours because there were pledges from some countries that they will work on
conveying the Iraqi viewpoint. These pledges did not last before the
"concrete wall" created by some countries, especially Saudi Arabia, he

Embargo Entailed $ 140 Billion Losses For Iraq, Minister says
Iraq, Economics, 1/25/99

Iraqi Minister of Trade Mohamed Mahdi Saleh, said Sunday that the losses
incurred by Iraq because of the embargo amount to nearly $140 billion.

The Iraqi official who was receiving a visiting Spanish delegation said
Iraq has lost since the embargo was imposed on the country in 1991 nearly
$140 billion, which represents the value of its oil exports.

He said the 1996 oil-for-food accord that enables Iraq to export some oil
and to purchase basic products has not been implemented as initially agreed
upon with the U.N secretary general.

During the fourth stage of the implementation of this program, which
expired at the end of November, Iraq received only 20% of the foodstuffs
and 2% of the medicine it had ordered, the trade minister said.

He criticized the U.S. initiative aimed at enabling Iraq to increase its
oil sales saying this initiative has a political goal and does not aim at
implementing the UN resolutions.

The oil-for-food program enables Iraq to sell $5.2 billion worth of crude
oil every six months to purchase basic products. Iraq has not reached this
ceiling because of the collapse of oil prices and delays in receiving the
spare parts required to rehabilitate the oil infrastructure.

The 139-member Spanish delegation is visiting Baghdad in the frame of a
campaign for the lifting of sanctions against Iraq, staged by the
pro-communist coalition Izquierda Unida, the third political force in the
country, and the committee of solidarity with the Arab cause.

Iraqi initiates a dialogue with the Kurds
Iraq, Politics, 1/25/99

Iraqi Deputy Prime Minister Tariq Aziz announced on Saturday that Baghdad
is currently holding a dialogue with the Kurds in order to reach a peaceful
solution for the situation in northern Iraq. Aziz added: "We are ready to
maintain a dialogue with the Kurdish leadership in order to reach peaceful
and democratic solutions to the Kurdish issue. He ridiculed the "US claims"
of protecting the Kurds, noting that the United States provides the Turkish
Army with weapons to kill the Turkish Kurds.

Report: Southern Iraqi air defense commander killed in ambush
Iraq, Local, 1/25/99

Well-informed diplomatic sources in Kuwait told the Kuwaiti daily al-Anbaa
on Sunday that commander of the air force in southern Iraq was killed with
his driver and two of his guards were seriously injured late Friday night
after they were ambushed by an armed group while he was on his way from
Nassereyah to Basra. The sources did not mention the name of the officer,
only saying that he is a lieutenant general in the Iraqi army.

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new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust
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