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Robert Sterling
Editor, The Konformist

Date:  Sunday, January 24, 1999 11:19:46 AM

by Jerry Schmidt

The Senate trial of President Clnton will undoubtedly be the greatest
diversion this century of public interest away from social issues that
should be the object of our major concern and action.

This Senate "show" will make the year long OJ trial look like a "B" movie.
To enhance this drama's audience "pull" they most likely will call
Lewinsky and other colorful witnesses. It's always been the job of the
elected politicians and their allies in the corporate controlled media to
keep the people's minds off of street organizing methods on social issues
most effecting our welfare now, like homelessness, age discrimination in
employment, police violence against people of color and poor people in
general, the fact that 40 million full-time workers have no health
insurance, and dozens of other issues of real and immediate interest to
all of us.

In order not to be diverted from our own organizing on daily issues that
effect us NOW we must recognize diversion programs immediately and counter
their propaganda with increased efforts on what WE want done.  By doing
this we can combat, to some degree, the elite's constant ability to
command a bigger piece of the pie while we do all the work producing the
goods and services of our society.

While the Senate's porno show continues, right here in Los Angeles, we are
being adversely affected by the economic crisis in Asia and Brazil. For
example, thousands of jobs in the export-import business have been lost in
the last 60-90 days in the LA area as a result of the financial crisis
that started in Asia over a year ago according to a recent statement by
Jack Kaiser, chief economist for the LA based Industrial Development

He states "Los Angeles is more involved in the Asia trade then any other
American city. Exports here are off substantially and imports are off
somewhat over last year."  It took about a year for the Asia crisis to
reach our shores. Now we can soon expect another hit coming from the
"Brazil Problem." LA commerce is very much involved in world trade and,
realistically, is effected, eventually, by economic conditions, good or
bad, wherever in the world they occur!

On January 13th the LOS ANGELES TIMES reported that the Bank of America
will terminate another 18,000 workers. Announcements of some corporate
"down-sizings" are made almost daily.  The U.S.government employment
figures covers up much of this by counting every worker who maybe works
only a few hours a week as "employed."  Also about once a year they
announce that there are X million workers who are no longer seeking
employment and are then categorized as "discouraged" workers and are,
therefor, not counted as unemployed!

You may contact the writer at <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> .
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