-Caveat Lector-

>From This is the dawning of the New age New world Order
DL Cuddy Phd

At this time-in the United States, socialism was being increasingly
promoted. For example, it was strongly advocated by Arthur Calhoun in his
three-volume work, A Social History of the American Family (1917-1919),
which was a prominent social service textbook for a number of years. In the
third volume, one finds: "The new view is that the higher and more
obligatory relation is to society rather than to the family; the family goes
back to the age of savagery while the state belongs to the age of
civilization. The modern individual is a world citizen, served by the world,
and home interests can no longer be
supreme. . . .  As soon as the new'family, consisting of only theparents and
the children, stoodforth, society saw how many were unfitforparenthood and
began to realize the need of community care."

        As one continues to read Calhoun's third volume, one is amazed at
the accuracy of his projections into the future. Writing in 1919, he
projected that ". , as familism weakens, society has to assume a larger
parenthood. The school begins to assume responsibility for the functions
thrust upon it. . . .   The juvenile court is developed as a protection to
the young, and parents are called to account for        disregard of
juvenile delinquency. . . . The kinder-gartengrows downward toward the
cradle and there arises talk of neighborhood nurseries. . . . Social centers
replace the old time home chimney. . . . The childpasses more and more into
the custody of community experts. . . . In the new social order, extreme
emphasis is sure to be placed upon eugenicprocreation. . . . It seems clear
that at least in its early stages, socialism will mean an increased amount
socialcontrol. . . .    There will be an increase of legislation designed to
check the mating of the unfit and the procreation of undesirable citizens. .
. .

We may expect in the socialist commonwealth a system ofpublic educational
agencies that will begin with the nursery and follow the individual through
life. . . .
Those persons that experience alarm at the thought of intrinsic changes in
family institutions should remember that in the light of social evolution,
nothing is right or valuable in itself. "

        In Labour Monthly (October 1921), Fabian George Bernard Shaw wrote
that "compulsory labour, with death as the final penalty . . .  is the
keystone of socialism."

Ten years later, in the May 17, 1931 London SundayMail, he would say,
"Never give anything to the poor. They are useless, dangerous, and ought to
be abolished.',

        This type of thinking fit well with elitist eugenicist Margaret
Sanger's (founder of Planned Parenthood) views concerning population
control. Sanger (1957 Humanist of the Year) was introduced to people of
wealth and influence by John D. Rockefeller, and in 19 14 she set forth her
creed as a woman's right "to live, to love, to be lazy, to be an unwed
mother, to create, to destroy.'

 During 1914 and 1915, she would have an intimate liaison with the sexual
pervert and drug user, Havelock Ellis, who helped found the Fabian Society.
In her first newspaper, The Woman Rebel, she wrote that "birth control
appeals to the advanced radical because it is calculated to undermine the
Christian churches. I look forward to seeing humanity free someday of the
tyranny of Christianity. "In Woman and the New Race (1920), she said, "The
most merciful thing that the large family does to one of its infant members
is to kill it. "
        There was also a racist element to Sanger's philo- sophy. The
November 1921 issue of her Birth Control Review carried the heading "Birth
Control: To Create a Race of Thoroughbreds." In her 1922 book, The Pivot of
Civilization, she expressed concern that "slum dwellers" (particularly
Blacks, Hispanics, and Jewish immigrants) would infect the better "elements
of society with their diseases and inferior genes." The next year, she
editorialized in Birth Control Review for restricting immigration on a
racial basis, and in 1932 she outlined her "Plan for Peace," which called
for coercive sterilization, mandatory segregation, and rehabilitative
concentration camps for all "dysgenic stocks"   including Blacks, Hispanics,
American Indians, and Catholics. Her "Negro Project"proposal stated, "The
mass of Negroes, particularly in the South, still breed carelessly and
disastrously . . . [and is] from that portion of the population least
intelligent and fit. "In an October 1939 letter to Clarence Gamble, Sanger
described how they would use "Colored ministers" to further their plans,
because "we do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro
population, and the minister is the man who can straighten out the idea to
fit ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members. "

        Margaret Sanger also had sympathy for the Nazi's program. In her
1939 Birth Control Review, there was an emphasis upon eugenic sterilization,
with one article titled "Eugenic Sterilization: An Urgent Need," which was
written by Dr. Ernst Rudin, a leader in Hitler's Nazi Third Reich.
Similarly, two months after Germany invaded Poland, Sanger's Birth Control
Review (Novem-ber 1939) commended the Nazi birth control program, saying
that "the German program has been much more carefully worked out [than the
Italian program]. The need for quality as well as quantity is recognized. "

        President Franklin Delano Roosevelt (a Mason) seemed of a like mind,
as British historian Christopher Thorne wrote in his book, Allies of a Kind
"Subjects to do with breeding and race seem, indeed, to have held a certain
fascination for the president. . . . Roosevelt felt it in order to talk,
jokingly, of dealing with Puerto Rico's excessive birth rate by employing,
in his own words, 'the methods which Hitler used ejfectively. ' He said to
Charles Taussig and William Hassett, as the former recorded it, 'that it is
all very simple and painless
- YOU have people pass through a narrow passage, and then there is a brrrr
of an electrical apparatus. They stay

there for twenty seconds, and from then on they are sterile. ' "

        Pope Benedict XV foresaw the ominous trends toward world government,
and its support by what he called on July 25, 1920, "all the worst and most
distorted elements. This state . . .    would banish all national
loyal-ties. In it no acknowledgement would be made of the authority of a
father over his children, or of God over human society. If these ideas are
put into practice, there will inevitably follow a reign of unheard-of
        In the same year, the Supreme Council of the Scottish Rite held a
special session at Colorado Springs,
Colorado, and drew up a comprehensive education plan for the country.
According to Paul Fisher in Behind the Lodge Door, the plan called for
sending all children through public schools for a certain number of years,
"'and recommended the careful selection of school trustees and teachers, as
well as supervisors of school textbooks and libraries in order to exclude
'sectarian propaganda. ' The Masonic plan also urged the establishment of 'a
national department of public education headed by a secretary appointed as a
member of the president's
cabinet. ' "

The next year, Fabian socialist George Bernard Shaw wrote Back to
Methuselah, in which he stated: "lf
dwindling sects like the Church of England, the Church of Rome, the Greek
Church, and the rest, persist in trying to cramp the human mind within the
limits of these grotesque perversions of natural truths andpoetic metaphors,
then they must be ruthlessly banished from the schools until they
eitherperish ingeneral contempt or discover the soul that is hidden in every
dogma. The test of a dogma is its universality. " His meaning of the term
"universality" was whether it could be accepted by everyone.

        In 1923, Manly P. Hall wrote the Masonically endorsed, The Lost Keys
of Freemasonry, in which he said that "Man is a god in the making. " The
next year, W.L. Wilmshurst wrote The Masonic Initiation (a sequel to his
1922 The Meaning of Masonry) in which he refers to the Swiss alchemist
Paracelsus (1493-1541, born Theophrastus Bombastus von Hohenheim) as part of
a current to which "one must look for the perpetuation of the secret Masonic
science. "

        In 1925, Alice Bailey's New Group of World Servers formed to help
unite the world. And in the January 1926 edition of New Age, W.B. Zimmerman
wrote "Let There Be Light,"     in which he encouraged Masons to be active
in Christian churches to help "liberalize and modernize" them. To
Christians, the initials "I.N.R.I." inscribed on the crucifix above the head
of Jesus mean
"Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews." However, in Arthur Preuss' A Study of
American Freemasonry
(1908), one finds that in Masonic symbolism, these initials stand for Igne
Natura Renovatur Integra -
"Entire Nature Is Renovated by Fire." In 1927, Nikos Kazantzakis (author of
The Last Temptation of Christ) wrote that he envisioned a union of
individuals "who might createfor earth a brain and heart . . . comrades he
might signal 'with a password like conspirators. ' "

Relevant also to conspiracies is the fact that whilemany people had (and
still have) the impression that a
Masons are simply ordinary men engaging in fraternal charitable,
educational, and other works, Manly P. Hall in Lectures on Ancient
Philosophy (1929) writes: "Free-, masonry is a fraternity within a
fraternity - an outer' organization concealing an inner brotherhood of the
. . .   It is necessary to establish the existence of these two separate yet
independent orders, the one visible and the other invisible. The visible
society is a splendid camaraderie offree andaccepted men enjoined to devote
themselves to
ethical, educational, fraternal, patriotic, and humanitarian concerns. The
invisible society is a secret and most august fraternity whose members are
dedicated to the service of the mysterious arcanum acandrum (a secret or
In each generation, only a few are accepted into the inner sanctuary of the
Work. . . .     Thegreat initiate-philosophers
of Freemasonry are masters of that secret doctrine which forms the invisible
foundations of every great theological and rational institution. "

        It was a time of renovation and revolution toward a New World Order,
and in Fabian H.G. Wells' 1928 The Open Conspiracy: Blueprints for a World
Revolution, he wrote: "This open and declared intention of establishing a
world order. . . .
This is my religion . . . a scheme for all human conduct . . . the way of
salvation. . . . First comes self-disregard, then service . . . from which
the last shred of personality has been stripped. . . . There was no Creation
. . .   there was no fall. . . . There is the clear
hope that directed [human] breeding will come within mans scope. . . .  The
form in which the Open Conspiracy
will first appear will certainly not be that of a centralized organization.
Its most natural and convenient method of coming into being will be
theformation of smallgroups of friend's. . .    who will exchange views and
find themselves in agreement upon the general idea. Fundamentally important
are . . .       the entirely provisional nature of all loyalties associated
with existing governments, and the supreme importance of population control.
. . . The conception of the Open Conspiracy involves a skeptical and
destructive criticism ofpersonal immortality religions.

. . .   The production and distribution of staple necessities is apprehended
as one world business. . . .
The political work of the Open Conspiracy must weaken, efface, incorporate,
or supersede existing governments. . . .
The Open Conspiracy is the natural inheritor of socialist and communist
enthusiasm; it may be in control of Moscow before it is in control of New
York. . . .
The character of the Open Conspiracy will now beplainly displayed. . . .
It will be a world religion. This large loose assimilatory mass of groups
and societies will be definitely and obviously attempting to swallow up the
entire population of the world and become the new human community."

        One might call this "new human community's" new "religion" by the
name    "humanism," as in 1930 Charles
Francis Potter's (signer of Humanist Manifesto) Humanism: A New Religion, in
which he stated: "Education is thus a most powerful ally of humanism, and
every American public school is a school of humanism. What can the theistic
Sunday schools, meetingfor an hour once a week, and teaching only a jraction
of the children, do to stem the tide of a five-day program of humanistic

        By "humanistic teaching," he not only meant inroads being made in
the public schools by evolution after the 1925 Scopes trial, but he was also
referring to a shift in emphasis from the academics basics to a
socialization process. In John Dewey's (co-author of Humanist Manifesto)
book, My Pedagogic Creed (1897) he stated: "I believe the true center of
correlation on theschoolsubjects is not science, nor literature, nor
history, nor geography, but the child's social activities. "The National
Education Association (NEA) made Dewey an honorary president in 1932, which
was the same year his disciple, George S.Counts, wrote Dare the School Build
a New Social Order?
        In this book, Counts proclaimed that "the teachers should
deliberately reach for power and then make the most of their conquest "so
that they could "influence the social attitudes, ideals, and behavior of the
coming generation. " Counts also wrote: "The growth of science and
technology has carried us into a new age where ignorance must be replaced by
knowledge, competition by cooperation, trust in Providence by
carefulplanning, andprivate capitalism by some form of socialized economy. "

        The same year, F.S. Marvin wrote The New World-Order, in which one
reads that "nationality must rank below the claims of mankind as a whole";
and on August 1, Freemason Paul Bezault wrote in the Bulletin of the Grand
Lodge of France that "to secularize the constitution of a people is but a
small thing, but to secularize the soul of that people is better. "
        All of this, the promotion of a socialist economy, the elimination
of trust in God, the secularizing of people's
souls, would fit well in the plan outlined by William Z. Foster, the head of
the Communist Party in America, in
his 1932 book Toward Soviet America.

        See if what Foster said seems similar to what has been happening
recently: "Class ideologies of thepast will give place to scientific
materialist philosophy. Among the elementary measures the American Soviet
government will adopt to further the cultural revolution are the following:
the schools, colleges, and universities will be coordinatedandgrouped under
the National Department of Education and its state and local branches.  The
studies will be revolutionized, being cleansed of religious,
patriotic, and otherfeatures of the bourgeoisie ideology. The students will
be taught on the basis of Marxism dialectical materialism, internationalism,
and the general ethics of the new socialist society. . . . The churches will
remainfree to continue their services, but their special tax and other
privileges will be liquidated. Their buildings will revert to the State.
Religious schools will be abolished and organized religious trainingfor
minors prohibited. Free-dom will be establishedfor anti-religiouspropaganda.
. . . Science will become materialistic. . . . God will be ban-ished from
the laboratories as well as from the schools. "

        Foster's book title was similar to that of George Count's - The
Soviet Challenge of America (193 1) - in which the latter professed that the
Soviet's cultural revolu-tion "'possesses asingle mighty
integratingprinciple - the buildingofa new society . . .
in which the mainspring of all industry will be social need rather than
private profit . . . in which the curse of Eden will be ltftedforeverfrom
the soul of woman, in which a condition as essential equality will unite all
races and nations into one brotherhood. "
        Following Counts' books of 1931 and 1932, fellow educator (and
disciple of John Dewey), Harold Rugg

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